New User Intro

Hi everyone! I recently joined hoping to submit to the Repo, but I can’t post links yet. From what I understand, I need to make some posts and wait a bit before I gain that permission.

So… how’s everyone doing today?

I’ve been working on a little Rom hack (aren’t we all?) and I often get stuck on making the initial layout for the map. I go into things with a VERY rough concept and just hope something nice comes out eventually while messing around with the Map Editor software.

So I was wondering, how do you all go about designing maps? That blank canvas just feels so intimidating sometimes, and cycling through generated maps can feel cheap. Even something as simple as choosing the dimensions can be absolutely paralyzing. Really curious about peoples’ processes!



Welcome to the community Tusk!

I have never designed a map from scratch myself, but if you want you can take a look at the F2U/F2E maps that other users have shared in their own design topics, to have a base and idea to start.

Perhaps it might help you, and wishing you the best with romhacking. :star:


I’m good, but also welcome.


Welcome tusk hope you enjoy your time here


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