Hi there. If you haven’t heard of a fe7 rom hack called Elysium Ablaze by @TritraSerpifeu is a original hack built off of pme called The Blazing Silver by @anon72503772. If you know a thing about Elysium Ablaze you should know that i happen to be one of the co writer for that hack. I was mainly responsible for the world building, tons of character moments, and plot points to help distance itself from just being a Blazing Blade style story. So what if i say that the story that ended in Elysium Ablaze didn’t actually ended there. How would i continue the story set in our version of Elibe? What sort of new enemies and factions would Aireth, Throne, Anthea and Madoka be up against now? Let us see.
One year after the Lycian Civil War and The Black Fang defeat peace have returned to both Lycia and Elibe. One day theTactician, Throne, Aireth and Anthea were all call upon by Marquess Madoka of Pherae as she uncovered a plot by Ryerde’s own Marquess McCullough. As he team up with a group of bandits called themselves The Crocodile Gang to kickstart an another Lycian Civil War. They were successful in stopping McCullough plan and arrest him along with the gangs leader. While thankfully another war has been prevented the arrest of McCullough would drive out another faction to come out of the shadows and reveal themselves. They are known as The Ice Viper Clan. The Ice Vipers are a group of sacaens that have survived the sacaen massacre cause the now deceased Daimler. The Vipers are lead by the Princess Sera. Sera seek revenge against the Lycians for the deaths of many of her people during the massacre including the death of her parents. Now that McCullough is now removed from power any current Marquess remain she no longer considered a threat. So she and The Ice Viper Clan begin they hostile takeover of Lycian Territories. It’s up to Aireth, Throne and Anthea to stop Princess Sera. However another faction enter the picture as well called The Golden Vulture Company. The Golden Vultures are a group of mercenaries lead by the greedy yet brutal man name Rufus Vin Stump. Rufus and his mercenaries are hired by Lord Bertram a noble of House Pherae. Bertram hired The Vultures to fight off against The Ice Vipers invasion. While Throne, Aireth and Anthea may seem like neutral allies towards The Golden Vultures at first. As the story goes on they would become enemies as well as it later revealed that Bertram have has own agenda as well. And that is to overthrow Madoka as marquess of Pherae and release McCullough and other corrupt politicians and individuals that Madoka has lock up in prison. Can Throne, Aireth and Anthea stop both The Ice Vipers and The Golden Vultures at once? Can Aireth reason with Sera? And will Madoka life be in jeopardy?
And that is it. Now there is an another one i did have plan being focus on Mina and Tyche but that one is not nearly as in depth nor as interesting as this one. Plus i would probably leave that work to FuriousHaunter instead. With that being said no this is not a calling card to Greenlight a sequel to Elysium Ablaze. I know that both Tritra and SilverRoy have other projects they are working on. I simply made this post to share my ideas to you all. If you want to try to bring my idea to life with what i just present then by all means knock yourself out if you can.
Anyway have a wonderful day to you all.