Map Sprite/Class Card Repository

Made some map sprites for this
hovering moving


All of these class cards are free to use if you credit those who made em.

hi everyone, Mashtony Uptano here, the Internet’s busiest Fire Emblem nerd, and it’s time for another mashup of two class cards: @flasuban’s helmless female wyvern rider and @N426’s helmless male wyvern rider with bows
Wyvern Rider F Bow (Helmless) {flasuban, N426, yikes!}
Credit: flasuban, N426, yikes!

edit: figured I might as well add some T2-ifications of existing T1 class cards that I made around the time of the previous ones, but never uploaded since I didn’t think they’d be too useful: namely, @Melia’s Nephalim class card from SoA and @Rasdel’s Outlaw class card. I made T2 versions because there weren’t any class cards out there for a flier light mage class/the Adventurer class, respectively. Credit them always, you can also credit me if you want to even though I barely did anything lol
Nephalim F Magic (T2) {Melia, yikes!}
Credit: Melia, yikes!
Outlaw M Bow (T2) {Rasdel, yikes!}
Credit: Rasdel, yikes!

double edit: One last thing, a T3-ification of the female Druid class card whose original creator has been lost to time made by @L95. Used @flasuban’s T3 template here, so credit him. (And me if you want.)
Druid F Magic (T3) {Unknown, Flasuban}
Credit: L95, flasuban, yikes!

triple edit: damn I keep finding stuff I forgot about. take a purple recolor of the Fire Dragon class card for Idunn or whatever other demon dragon you might want to use. This one doesn’t have anyone else to credit but me, so for this one in particular, credit “yikes!”.
Demon Dragon U Stone {yikes!}


Found some more class cards from my old project for the community to use if needed, credit goes to @L95 for these as well.

IT6b5uH 95Cml2C SVkZQ2b EuIKrlq

From left to right: Female Wind Mage (Could serve as alternate female mage), Free Knight, Female and Male Fire Mages (Could serve as alternate mages/possibly sage for the female).


looks great!

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made the EB kraken for the USC and then realised it said battle sprites and not map sprites… so f it you can all have it

le sea monster move le sea monster still
creds appreciated but idrc, not gonna hunt you down for it lel


Dark Druid Class Card 3
I updated my male Dark Druid class card by adding the arm rings


for what it’s worth, I made the original female Druid class card (apologies for the late reply, I’ve been kinda just browsing)

good to know lol

I use them for Selena.
Selena moving Selena standing Selena


I rarely post in this topic, but do note that I have all the map sprites and class cards listed here all inside the main graphics repo.

…Frankly, I feel like this topic and the weapon icon topic are redundant.



Looks awesome. Simple but effective ^^

Super Fire Dragon

Super Fire Dragon 2
If you’re familiar with SHYUTERz PATCH, you may have seen it before. It’s a realistic Fire Dragon map sprite.
Every time we ask “ Where can I get this map sprite? ” And I’m going to post it here because I’m being asked in Gmail.

Armor Dragon Knight


Angry Demon King
angry Demon King

angry Demon King 2

Eight Legendary Face

All of these images are included in my SHYUTERz PATCH, but SHYUTERz For those of you who don’t know about PATCH, I’m posting it here. Feel free to edit and use it as you wish.
m(_ _)m



Here are some class cards and map sprites I made for a magic-casting class that also has access to staves and lances:

Custom2 T1 Custom2 T2 Custom2 T3 moving stationary2

I’d appreciate it if you could add these to the repository. You could file them under the name “Sorcerer”. They’re F2U and F2E but I’d like it if credit were given to me.


How would you feel about “Moloch Sorcerer” as a name? Just Sorcerer is a bit generic, and I think adding Moloch would be more accurate, descriptive, and interesting.

Just my opinion, though.

Edit: Moloch.

but that’s just seven nvm I forgot Athos


Sure, that does sounds more interesting. Does the name fit fully in a FEGBA game?

People can name it whatever they want ingame. I just want a solid name for the Repo so we know what people are talking about.

Otherwise, it will forever be known as, “That Sorcerer animation. From Huichelaar. You know, the one with the weird goat horns? The T3?”

Ain’t nobody wants that :joy:


Fair enough.

tbh It reminds me of the Forsworn from Skyrim, just the goat head and bones. There is also the Briarheart who has their heart replaced so they are partially undead as well.

Do you need a picture of Athos’ face?
I don’t think that’s necessary as it already works as a facial image.
And it has no parts to fix.

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