Maniac Mode

My suffering translated into text

I’m currently making my 7th maniac mode video and I feel like I’m going insane from how unfair it is
Up to this point the hardest mode I did was hector mode in fe7
I need a morale boost because otherwise I’m gonna lose my mind​:sunglasses::gun:

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Use brom
This is not even a joke, my brom was able to deal with half of the enemies on Clash in a Maniac mode Ironman, all with a few physics uses, and without the knight ward. It’s insane how good Armour knights are in Tellius.
That aside since maniac mode makes the enemies stronger you have to play with less of a enemy phase focus and more like FE6 Hard mode with its player phase focus. Aka, kill as many enemies as possible while making sure you survive the enemy phase.

Oh yeah also, send a link over for your lets play if you want anybody to watch it

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Battleship BROM?!

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