Making a conversation with a photo (like in FE7)

Hello, it’s me, again. I have a small question about CA, I want to make a conversation with a photo in the background (like FE7) but as soon as I do it the game restarts or freezes. Is there a way to use the CA without that happening? Thank you very much for your time!

What is CA?

You probably need to send a report7z

I mean these

Dont know why the fe builder crashes when i tried to use them in the event editor

There’s a patch for fe8u which fixes this to allow CG to be displayed.

Yep, thats the patch im talking about, when i used it, no matter the changes id make, the games crashes and restart :frowning:

This also happens to me.

Try using the (LOW) version of CGs.


To show dialogue use:

In order to show dialogue properly. Use:

[SetName]Example Name[.]
Dialogue. Dialogue.
Dialogue. Dialogue.
Dialogue. Dialogue.
Dialogue. Dialogue.
Dialogue. Dialogue.

As show here:



Note that when using [SetName] that the total bytes of text must be an even number - I think it freezes otherwise. You can add invisible bytes with [.] if needed.

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This is very helpful. I know I’m gonna need to know this in the future.

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You can use BGs as CGs and still use the CG text mode over them: it’s broadly easier to work with BGs and there’s more than enough space for dozens more of them, so I would recommend doing it that way.
For CG text, the restriction is that the line following [SetName] specifically has to be an even number of characters long. This can include blank spaces, so if the name is an odd number of characters you can just add a space on the end. Nothing after that line has any restrictions like this