Make a Fun Chapter: FEU It Again

I’ve got some experience with boxes, sign me up.


Boxes have been sent out (to a whopping 51 entrants, holy gadzooks)! Apologies for the slight delay. Let me know if I missed you, if I sent you a message but forgot to send you your box, etc. Additionally, this does not mean entry into the contest is closed! Anyone interested can still sign up as long as it’s before the contest deadline on the 1st of June at 0:00 US eastern time (21:00 Pacific time; 5:00 UTC).

Edit: re: the contents of boxes, although I originally intended them to be more chaotic in nature, I just simplified them to animations, tilesets, and gameplay concepts because map sprites will almost always go along with animations and the open-source music is a minefield in terms of quality. You can edit animations and tilesets however you want, and combining tiles from two tilesets can count as using both (for example, if you used a fields tileset but took the pyramid and palm trees from the desert tileset).


So wait, is the deadline June 1 or July 1?

I think that’s a typo

Yeah it’s June, that’s what my box says

My bad. It’s June. That’s what happens when you type something after sending out 51 boxes, I guess.


So, how are everyone’s submissions going so far? Are people making progress on their chapters?

I have a lot of free time on the weekends, so I’ve been making
a lot of progress on my chapter.

Can I have a box? I’m kinda running outta time.

You’ve still got over two weeks!

I want to participate, so give a box pls.

I know that I am 11 days early on the deadline, but I suppose I was able to get in a lot of work for this submission. Without spoiling more than need be, here is the hack and credits in a ZIP file. I tested this a fair bit to make sure the hack plays as I have intended it to, although some minor glitches are there which I can’t fix, yet don’t impact anything.



Mine’s ready too. I’ve had a lot of free time, so I was able to do this in less days.

Again, there’s a credits doc in the folder with the patch.


May as well toss mine in too, I’ve tested it a lot and I think I’ve got it refined as much as I can.

Credits and such are in the ZIP!


Well, here’s mine. The first version, at least. Kinda basic but I suppose it gets the job done. There’s also some credits regarding the characters and a doc regarding who talks to who. Enjoy!
EDIT 5/25/2019: I’ve made a better version, putting some QoL stuff and fixed some stuff too. Same link as before.
OC Emblem: Endgame


Just finished last bit of revisions and polish, here’s mine:


Hey I won’t be able to finish my box in time. I’m sorry but I demand to be removed from the challenge.

You can ask for an extension if you want.

I won’t have the time to work on it. So having an extension is almost worthless.

Entrants, this is your friendly reminder that there is one week remaining until the deadline! If you’ve been waffling, now is the time to start getting things done (or scrap everything and start over. There’s still time for that too!).

That’s okay! There’s no commitment that you need to withdraw from or anything but thanks for letting me know.