Looking for Writer for FE7 project

In this project, me and a couple of others plan on adding and changing new things such as balancing (Marcus and Karla for example) and editing units, fixing typos and bugs, and changing certain scenarios in the game. We were previously content with our merry little troupe until one of our members became inactive due to outside conflicts. He was our writer who would help with dialogue, supports, etc. Due to his absence, we are looking for someone to come in and join us. You must have skill in doing the tasks that were aforementioned. Heck, you could have written a Fire Emblem 7 fanficiton (which I think is a very credible thing and also may or may not have been how I recruited our previous writer). If you feel like you would be a great help feel free to PM me anytime.

Is it for script writing only, not for inserting text into the game? Because I have no hacking skills whatsoever, so I can’t help on that.

What’s the new focus and direction? Is it mostly an edited/retelling? What’s up here?