Looking for Members

I’m just making a role call for any fe developers looking to join a team on an ongoing project. Any skills are welcomed, most notably looking for sprite splicer, map designer, and backup/primary Fe builder tech. DM me if interested.

I have an entire doc explaining the story, characters, and classes for said ROM. If you’re a fan of storytelling like me or perhaps a fan of Berserk, you may also like this project :yum:.
Some of the splices I’ve worked on


These below are unrelated snippets of some of the writing I like to incorporate from a different project

Winry (Lord #1)


Daughter of the ruler of her neck of the woods. Friendly and well-meaning but inexperienced and a little underconfident, but absolutely able to get the job done once she’s steeled herse

Tyse (Lord #2)


World-weary and cynical survivor of a mercenary band. He holds a burning rage against his leader who sold them out. Not a bad person despite it, however.



I’ll be a primary idea backup fe builder technician guy

tell me what to do

i can dm you on discord and send the details. I know certain things in fe builder but not everything so that is useful.

I’m interested in helping for mapping, feel free to reach out to me on Discord: theatlas0817

Welp, guess the only slot left is sprite splicer, and I’d like to take that on with full force, pretty please :333 Here is a sample platter of my splicing work as a portfolio of sorts:
Aellan (Missing Blinking Frames) {Melia, UltraFenix, CherryBaer}Marcus (FE6 Head & Neck, FE7 Armor, Orange Armor, Full Frames) {Zelix, EldritchAbomination, Obsidian_Daddy, Lenh, CherryBaer}Isaac T2 (Full Portrait) {LaurentLacroix, WarPath, Ereshkigal, Plant_Academy, CherryBaer}Satchel (Missing Blinking and Talking Frames) {Quotedlass, Electric_Serge, CherryBaer}Lithi (Missing Blinking Frames) {CherryBaer}

I can also help polish up the writing if needed; here are a couple of examples of my most recent writings to show my chops:

(both are incomplete at the moment, though I’m almost done with them and will have NKO_Riko and MegaCowsamMan respectively review them, critique them, and give them their blessings for their respective hacks, Visions of Liberation and Steel Will; oh yeah, I’m a team member :333 ^UwU^)

If you wanna reach out for more details, you can either PM me here on FEU or DM me at “cherrybaer” on Discord; thank you for reading, and I wish you luck :pray::sparkling_heart:

Those look awesome. I’m having a hard time finding you on discord though let me see I can try again.

Do you have any samples and screenshots to share? You piqued my interest

Probably won’t be able to post anything until they have the member tag, I had the same issue when I joined.

Swift_landin I recommend going around and liking some posts, it’s dumb that you have to farm member tag to post anything but that’s probably the fastest way to get it.

I can probably show more on discord for the sake of privacy I suppose but I also since the worldbuilding and character stuff is in writing rather than visuals atm. I have a few maps and characters i can showcase.

I also don’t know how to upload images here, i keep getting an error

The answer’s above you :neutral_face:

and theres only limited likes per day. kill me already. How long is the process?

Giving likes is not necessary for TL2. The requirements are an account that’s existed for 24 hours, 1 post in a thread and 5 “posts read” (I do not know how this is tracked, because this forum software we use changes what counts and what doesn’t every other update). You may also need to go read some threads that you did not create yourself.

Hello there, I’m just making another role call for any fe developers looking to join a team on an ongoing project. Any skills are welcomed, most notably looking for another sprite splicer and backup/primary Fe builder tech. DM me if interested.

I have an entire doc explaining the story, characters, and classes for said ROM. If you’re a fan of storytelling like me or perhaps a fan of Berserk, you may also like this.

Meet Tyse, World-weary and cynical survivor of a mercenary band. He holds a burning rage against his leader who sold them out. Not a bad person despite it, however.

Meet Winry, Daughter of the ruler of her neck of the woods. Friendly and well-meaning but inexperienced and a little underconfident, but absolutely able to get the job done once she’s steeled herself.


You don’t have to make a whole new post, just reply to the first one and your thread will get bumped.

Happy hacking.


Thank you I had no idea.

Still open if anyone wants to join or assist :smiling_face: