Looking for anyone interested in helping out creating a hack

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  • Hacking method: FEbuilder
  • Base Game: Fe8

Heya. Me and a friend of mine have decided to create a Sacred stones Rom hack, and are looking for anyone with experience with FEbuilder or that can make portaits and all that crap.


This will be fully serious full story rom hack, a rom hack about Batta the Beast, yes the very first boss of fe7, this hack will be a fanfiction of a story of batta, taking start at the beginning of fe7’s prolouge where batta first battles Lyn and mark. This hack will follow batta through a journey of either revenge or redemption.

Warning we don’t have much thought out as we literally haven’t even started creation on febuilder just ideas and determined vigor to create this rom hack all about batta, of course if anyone is interested helping, friend request me on my discord “switchthefairytailfan” and dm or email me at switch2haas@Gmail.com. ill send a discord server link and we will give anyone who really wants to take place in the creation of a revolutionary rom hack all the ideas we’ve thought of and more details and crap, Thanks!


Would prefer if anyone who has questions to just talk to me on discord cuz it will be a lot faster and easier, thanks.

What roles are priority for you? Also, how long is the hack going to be?

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