[Lex Talionis] Fire Emblem IV-V: The Holy War (FE4 & FE5 Remake)

helps a lot, fixing that up, thanks for the corrections and the help

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mike 1460 is making doujins

Wooo long tiem sinze I posted something about the project xD IT’S NOT DEAD, DON’T WORRY (IF THERE’S SOMEONE WHO ACTUALLY DOES XD)
I’ve been quite into pixel art, looking for the portraits missing for the next chapters, battle animations, map sprites, Generic Portraits, etc…
Well, I’m happy to say that I’ve found what we could call a placebo for the lack of FE4-5 animations and map sprites (and gba versions of their classes). There are right now around 60 unit classes for both remakes, and I’ve found animations in the repo to fill them all (now I’m working on recoloring them for the RED/GREEN teams, that are the most missing variation)
There are around 210 portraits (including all those that repeat themselves 2, 3 and even 4 times)… so far I’ve got 52/60 from FE4 1st Gen (for 8 I still have to make in GBA style); 64/75 from 2nd gen (11 to be made in GBA style); and 46/88 from FE5. I’m still waiting for some owners to tell me if they are F2U or not, for many are from a project from too many years ago called FE4 Advance. When I got their answers I’ll share the file with all the portraits.

Another thing that I did yesterday was this snowy version of Chapter 4’s map, the one I had was from Arkitek’s Jugdral GBA map and was completely normal without snow, being a snowy map on the original FE4:


yeah sorry, my error, I forgot to update that its name is GotHW776.exe

Hey guys, here I come with a new form to see your opinions about which names to use, this time I’m taking all 1st Gen left (Chapters 2, 3, 4 and 5):

Well, voting is closed!! this are the results:
Holyn: 80% Lachesis: 73.3% Beowulf: 80% Lewyn: 86.7%
Sylvia: 93.3% Erinys: 66.7% Tailtiu: 40% Claude: 53.3%
Brigid: 66.7% Queen Lahna: 66.7% Mahnya: 53.3% Chagall: 53.3%
Zain: 73.3% Jacoban: 80% Papilion: 80% Dithorba: 73.3%
Travant: 93.3% Andrei: 33.33% Myos: 53.3%

Boldor/Boldo: Tie 46.7% —> I’ll take Boldor to solve this tie.

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So, Chapter 2 is taking me more than expected due to some events and items that cannot be recreated and I may substitute them with some others and test that they do not break everything and make sense…
Meanwhile I hace this little form about fathers for the second generation:

This time I’ll be taking the two (three at most) more voted fathers for each mother, instead of just the most voted one, so you can pick between them while playing (originally you are supposed to be able to match every man, except Sigurd and Quan, with every girl, except Deirdre and Ethlyn).
I’m also excluding Lewyn and Erinys from this form, for as much as I remember in FE5 they are confirmed as married (if you know of any other pair that is confirmed or canonized in a similar OFICIAL way, tell me to exclude it).

Finally I’ll be giving Nanna and Delmund different inheritance growth rates, for she is confirmed to be Finn’s daugther (although, due to never being clarified if adopted or blood-related, she’ll none of Finn’s bonus growth, but instead 150% (originally 100%) Aideen’s and normal Holy blood’s) while Delmund is confirmed not being Finn’s but maybe Beowulf’s (this second part’s never been confirmed, so he’ll be getting 50% (100% original) of his growths).

Just my opinion, but make it so that Claud always has Erinys and Silvia as potential pairings, as these are the only pairings that lets the Valkyire see use in Gen 2. If Erinys is reserved for Lewyn then Claud/Silvia is forced to ensure you can get the Valkyire, unless you give someone like Arthur a new class that can use staves.
Holyn/Ayra gives Balmung access to Larcei and Ulster, so you might want to consider that. My idea is to have 2 nearly identical Balmungs in the item list, the difference being that one cannot be used by Larcei/Ulster and one can. Then, in Ch7, the event that gives Shannan the Balmung would be set so that a conditional is checked (whether or not Holyn/Ayra was achieved) and depending on the outcome will give Shannan the Balmung with the correct character lock. Remember, Holyn/Ayra is OPTIONAL, but it does have consequence with Balmung usability.
Beyond this, other ideas include Saias getting Valflame from Arvis upon his death, possibly Galzus and Mareeta being able to use the Balmung (they were mentioned to have Major Odo), which is something independent of Holyn/Ayra.
If Thracia Ch3 is included and Corpul isn’t saved as an NPC, then you shouldn’t get him later on since nobody saved him from the child hunts. Granted, this would require some narrative changes to fix Hannibal’s recruitment and his appearance in Thracia Ch7, or Thracia Ch3 would have to be cut out entirely.


Since the poll only allowed one single father per mother, I just voted in line with my headcanon, first listed below. Personally, I’d advocate for matching the supports with the Ch5 love conversations. These would be…
Aideen: Midir/Jamka/Azel/Claude
Aira: Lex/Holyn/Arden
Lachesis: Fin/Beowulf/Dew/Noish
Sylvia: Claude/Levin/Alec
Fury: Levin/Noish/Arden
Brigid: Jamka/Midir/Alec
Tiltyu: Azel/Lex/Claude

(Well, Fin and Lachesis never actually talk to each other, but considering the final Beowulf conversation and various FE5 events, it should be represented here.)

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Hello, as a Chinese player, I’m very happy to see the PC remade version of FE4 & 5. I’m also trying to make a PC version of FE4 by building my own engine. At present, I am thinking about the design of AI. Hope to communicate with you more in the future. :grinning:

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Thanks for your point of view, because of the addition of the Trade capacity I think I’ve forgot about the items inheritance and the pairings influence in it… Right now, with the re-classing changes I made since v0.1 offensive on-foot magic units go like this:

Tier 1 – Weapon ------ Promotion
Mage – Anima ------ Sage/MageKnight/MageFighter
Bard – Anima/Light ------ Sage
LightPriestess – Light/Staff ------ Sage
LoptousMage – Anima/Dark/Staff ------ DarkSage

Tier 2 – Weapon
Sage – Light/Anima/Staff
MageFighter – Sword/Anima/Staff
MageKnight – Sword/Anima
DarkSage – Anima/Dark/Staff

This ensures Arthur, for example, will be able to use Valkyrie when when promoting to tier 2 (except if you turn him into a mage knight) if Claude’s his father… Coirpre has no problem about this for he’s a Priest, he only needs Claude to tell him “Coirpre, I am your father”.

The restriction for Balmung is applied by Tags, so what I’m planning to do is check if Holyn/Ayra happened and if so give Larcei and Ulster the respective tag so they can use it. Mareeta and Galzus using Balmung is not a bad idea for v3.0 (which would be the ALL-TOGETHER version, where I would “fix” the narrative continuity of FE4 and FE5) it will all depend on balance stuff, I’ll need to see how does GBA affect them, mostly her ‘cause Galzus’ already max level tier 2… And yeah, Thracia will get some narrative fixes on v3.0 when taking FE4 1st Gen and other stuff.

yeah sorry about that… I like your Lachesis Options

Like to hear about another fellow remaker and non-rom-hacker :smiley: I hope to communicate more in the future too. If you’re looking for an engine, you can use the same as I use, Lex Talionis. Its a great option. I’m right now struggling with spell animations, for mostly none has been ripped nor recreated, few have evolved frin SNES to GBA, most of them literally where remade and renamed, so…

Yes, I restored the map and class icons, but I lacked combat animation. Portrait is also a problem, I try to use the original SNES, so the characters will not blink. I want to finish a demo first, and then slowly replace the image.

yeah the blinking thing is a bit unfortunate… well you can always resize and redraw them and make the blinking yourself (sounds easy, not that easy to make though XD)

Hey guys, quick link update… I removed the intro to make it quicker for the game to load, you can download it apart and copy it inside the game later. I wanted to do this in v0.3, but knowing how long it’s taking me to do finish it and how close FEE3 is I decided to do it now (you still need to download and apply the hotfix files for this version)… Funny fact, game went from 560mb to 250mb

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Ok everytime I think I progress something new happens… Lex Talionis got updated to a much better version and I’m trying to port everything I’ve published and what I’ve done on Chapter 2. I’m also working on the Return Staff and Return Ring, that here are possible, just need to customize a few things… I’ve so far had to make some changes to the Jugdral Map and the narration event for it to fit the way the new LT works, re-code the events, and I’m waiting for some legacy (the original LT version) features to be re-added in this new version, also need to port some late modifications of legacy for some Chapter 2 features… Whatever, a lot of work XDD sorry for keep you waiting guys

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well 11 answers in 1 month I think is enough to decide the pairings… And the winners are!!
Aideen – Jamke (45.5%) and Midir (36.4%)… poor Azel goes home alone with a 18.2% (nothing to say about Claude… 0% XD only @Darrman saw him (and said it here) as a pair for Aideen
Ayra – Lex (54.5%) and ¿Arden? (27.3%)… poor Holyn, another 18.2% boy with some lonely nights yet to come
Lachesis – Beowulf (54.5%) and Finn (45.5%)… no third guy in contention here xD (no votes for the blond families with Dew and Noish)
Sylvia – Claude (81.8%) and Lex/Dew (9.1%)… Why does nobody like Green-haired families?? poor Alec, he’s got a dialogue with her, but noone minds xD
Tailtyu – Azel (81.8%) and Lex/Noish (9.1%)… Claude the pedo-priest (remember that tailtyu’s 16 when recruited while he’s supposed to be 27)
Brigid – Dew (45.5%) and Midir (27.3%)… losers were Jamke (18.2%) and Holyn (9.1%)… Alec, the womanizer without women xD

Now, due to the 2 ties we’ve got above (Lex, the new womanizer xD) and both the 4-options match and the 5-options match you made, I’ve decided to send this form a bit to hell and keep all the options you gave until now, in the form and here, as valid pairs to be at the remake xD… Although I’ll need quite some time to come up with some dialogues for does who’s got none…

I find quite interresting your pairings, really, so I’d love to keep them all and have dialogues for all of them (in FE4 you could pair everybody with everybody, but only certain pairs had dialogues, so I think they were the lore ones or something like that)

So, possible pairs end up like this (ordered by the prio you’ve shown me)

Aideen – Jamke > Midir > Azel > Claude
Ayra – Lex > Arden > Holyn
Lachesis – Beowulf > Finn* > Dew/Noish
Sylvia – Claude > Lex*/Dew* > Alec
Tailtyu – Azel > Lex/Noish* > Claude
Brigid – Dew* > Midir > Jamke > Holyn* > Alec

*Will need to make a fan dialogue

In any case, we’ve reduced the possibilities for each girl from 13 to 4 (5 for Brigid and 3 for Ayra)

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Regarding Finn and Lachesis, will you have slightly different dialogue in 5 depending on if Finn is the true father or just adopted one for Nanna?

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mmm I’ll have to think about it… but I’ll most surely make a dialogue that will slightly change on v3.0 (which is the version for FE4+FE5 all together) depending on if the player paired Finn and Lachesis or not (making Nanna an adopter daughter if not paired)

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