[Lex Talionis] Fire Emblem 8R (Playable monster units and MyUnit Test update out now!)

Started the project yesterday, generally it’s very compelling, it feels very different to base FE8, which is good, and the affinity and arsenal systems are really cool and well made.

However, I am having a little bit of difficulty remembering what things do, which is I think natural in a game with this many skills and new mechanics. Idk if you’ve played Embrace of the Fog, but that game has multiple pages of description for each skill/weapon effect, showing both related skills/stacks, as well as explaining any keywords used in it. Especially for the affinity effects (because, for example, I know that fire inflicts sear, but I can’t remember exactly what sear does), I think having more information in the descriptions would be very helpful.

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Thank you so much for trying out the system and been having fun with it! :smiley: That means a lot to me. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I completely understand you there. :thinking: The project has evolved completely evolved over time where there is a lot of new mechanics compared to Vanilla. :thinking: I have seen how EoTF has that multiple screens for different skills/ailments. That would be nice to have, though that is a custom engine edit for EoTF. So I can’t recreate that on my end unless I got hands on that engine edit. :sweat_smile: In the meantime, what I think would alleviate a lot of that kind of issue would to add all that info into the Codex. So players would have access to all the information at any time. I hope to get that info in before V.1.0. :thinking:

I’m always happy to answer any questions though, and I hope you enjoy the game as I add more content/fine tune things :smiley: Thank you again so much :grin::pray:

Yeah, having it in the codex would be a great idea, you’re right, the most important thing is that the information is accessible at any time

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Yeah, that would be very valuable I believe. :thinking: Fortunately made a breakthrough in writing the post battle dialogue, so hopefully can get started on writing on that soon. :thinking: If you have any suggestions you would like to see in the Codex, feel free to let me know at anytime! :smiley:

Cool, cool. Promotion data could also probably be in the codex, especially skill descriptions and promo bonuses, since you can’t see those, and you don’t get the skills immediately, so you can’t just check and reset

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Promotion bonuses sounds like a good idea. :thinking: I do want to make it so it shows changes to growths on promotion similar to the skills. Though I need to figure that out sometime later. :thinking: Skills would be good as well, though I might add that later when the project is more solidified. There are sooooo many skills and having to update the Codex each time a skill changes would be a pain in the butt. :sweat_smile:

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A simple txt file is enough for that, I mean it’s cool to have all the info in the game but if it’s a pain in the ass an attached file will do.

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True, would be easier to edit as well. It could be a last minute addition once I’m done with the project at I suppose though. :thinking:

Hello there, the game is super fun and i love it. I just ended mi first playthroug just a few days and im on my way to a second one with different classes. I had a bug when recruiting the last two monsters and crashes the game when one of them appear on screen idk who, just trying to look at someone inventory in preparations or base instantly crashes it.
Great job mate

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Thank you so much! :smiley: I’m glad to hear you enjoy it! :smiley: Thank you even more for finishing it! :smiley:

Oh, I see. :face_with_monocle: I have heard of a few others that had the same issue, while it worked for others. I believe it might have to do with the names when selecting a name. Still looking for more information I can on that so I can fix it.

I dont remember what i put on those two, but it just crashes some min ago for me when i didnt name it


That sounds about right :thinking: I’ll see if I can recreate that and fix that. :thinking: Thank you :pray::blush:

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Small announcement. :slight_smile: I got the project uploaded onto GitHub! :smiley: So being able to collaborate with others should be a lot easier now! :smiley: If you have any interest in helping with the project at all, feel free to let me know and I can help ya get going! Any little bit helps! :smiling_face::sparkles: