Let's Play: Dream of Five

Same, I’m just sitting here eating lunch watching someone else get blasted by a romhack.

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That guy was probably the hardest unit in the game :joy:

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The Kolbane Train crashed. :frowning_face:

Not super obvious but the Training Lance has a brave effect so that’s kinda hot. Also rip the Maythunder, Arcus couldn’t get in to Enjo in time, was actually the perfect counter to the boss too. C’est life. :upside_down_face:

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Hell part 2: I want to quit but I can’t
My pride won’t allow it

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These thumbnails are getting better and better.

I never pay much attention to the augury nowadays but I completely forgot how useless and unhelpful this one was - she ain’t even that charming! Related, I also forgot there were some poison vents in this map, and completely untelegraphed too! DoF living up to its reputation in spades.

The two merc boys of Cullahan’s were mentioned to be tending to the wounded at the start by Renair, but they don’t even reply to her order and I’m pretty sure we never see them again? Even in later unreleased builds I don’t recall them ever showing up anywhere after 10A. Would’ve preferred to have them over Literally Who? and Mist! (their origins are never explained at all AFAIK and they’re A Route exclusive!)

Next map is the showdown against the lad, Swagmaster Savanh. :sunglasses:


idk why fe10 mist was there nor do I know why she loves renair so much
i’m going to go with “she was an impressionable prisoner” and leave it at that

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This game feels like it was designed with save states in mind, so no harm in using them.

How many of these later chapters were you involved with in development?

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hence why things like POISON WALLS got through lol
I don’t think it was though, I remember the development thought at the time being “it’s just as hard as HHM, no save states necessary”

I was actively involved until around ch6
from that point on, i was only contacted for map-related things like the palette of ch9A

also when I was involved, there was no healer in the prologue, arch asher was added much later on

also today’s video will be late because i need a break from this… session

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Ah, interesting. I haven’t done B route yet (although I’d like to), but after the split is when things started to get out of hand imo.

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honestly I agree
not that pre-split there are no problems, but post the problems just increased exponentially and start to ruin any sort of fun in the game (at least for me), hence needing a break

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Oh, totally. Pre-split has issues, but I don’t think they’re as egregious. The difficulty ramp in this game is more annoying/unfair than it is actual difficulty.

There are still some good ideas post-split, it’s just the execution is a bit shoddy. Particularly the Seren chapter (cool idea) and 8Ax were standouts for me when I played.

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This is a lot more subjective, but I also found the story gets a little more out of hand/harder to follow after the route split. The end of each route, specifically, I feel like there’s very little buildup to the events occurring and they just… occur.

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tbh I was confused when we got to chapter 2, the entire affair with Farrel doesn’t make any sense to me and that entire sideplot has vanished into the night.
Not that I fully understand what’s going on in Musain, but it feels more… linear? Kind of? I’m joining a rebellion to stop a king who uh… is evil? Apparently?


The art in Do5 is so good, damn.

Who was the artist?

From what I understand, there are several artists. Some of the portraits are made by AstraLunaSol himself, and some are made by Amelia I believe (yes, she has a self-insert in game). Besides that, I don’t know.

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I remember really liking this one back in the day too, but w o o f those reinforcements(especially the cavs at the center at the start) totally slaughter this map’s momentum. Big F’s all around. Aah, how much I wished I could’ve slapped Fleur silly later on, but alas, that never came.

The reason why Gust has 150 Hit was to try and ensure it didn’t miss 'cuz the Shaver animation it uses crashed the game when it did miss at the time and I don’t recall it ever getting fixed?

Astra and Amelia made the lion’s share of portraits and any they didn’t do were done by Luminescent Blade. I believe Astra was also responsible for many of the UI elements, maybe Amelia had a hand in some of them as well.


You can partially blame me a little on this chapter - this was one of my more experimental maps (though outside of the siege tome Sage in the tower, I don’t think I had any input on the enemies, placements, or reinforcements). Can’t remember if Astra had the initial concept for the map and this was my interpretation of the idea or if it was wholly my own.

The idea was that it was supposed to be a castle, but since they were mostly mounts, the castle areas would be very open as opposed to indoors (for logical reasons), hence also the large size to suit the mounted units’ movement ranges. The cracked wall in the top right was aesthetics only because the exterior castle fortifications had stood for so long and had natural wear to them, which is why there were cracked walls in the front flanking the main gate as well as on the west side. The odd architecture in the west with the odd walls and fence tiles on top was supposed to be like a fenced-in transition back to a barracks area or living quarters or something, but, like the exterior walls, it had degraded over time which is why there were now gaps in the fence letting units through.

The main experimental piece was the tower - took inspiration from Red Faction’s GeoMod technology where anything could be destroyed, including walls, to make changes, make new passageways, etc. and wanted to see if more “dynamic” maps could be a thing. Had to use the broken wall tile as a means to find some way to “siege the tower”, and the chest was hidden inside the tower as a reward for paying attention and actually breaking a wall that was out of the way and seemingly did nothing except cause curiosity.


lmfao well that’s one way to do it
also yes @all the people talking about artists, to my knowledge that’s everyone. @aeorys also has at least one face sprite in game as well, she may or may not have edited renair, i don’t remember. i do remember her and I yelling about the saturated red hair though

I didn’t really have any issues with the map other than “it’s really big”
the enemies were a different story lol, those damn reinforcements at the start and getting rushed by a double silver paladin
it was really surprised by that tower thing though, not so much the other breakable wall that literally served no purpose lol