Lance Trap in FE8?

I want to use the lance traps of FE6 in a chapter of FE8 but doesn’t exist in the “trap editor” of FEBuilder, is there a way to add them?
Even in the patch editor, there is the lance image, so I think is possible to use these traps


The trap functionality does not exist in fe8u afaik, sorry. I guess they forgot to remove the gfx.

And doesn’t there exist a way to add the trap with events or something like that?

You’d probably have to snag the code for it from FE6, and that can be finicky to do.

Damn, I don’t know how to do that

Functionally they wouldn’t be so much different from Fire Traps or Mines. I think you can use those

Trap Event Data Notes I found this, maybe something of this can help me

I looked at the decomp so I don’t think the functionality exists in fe8u.

Ok. I’m thinking, if you still have access to the graphics, you could recrate this trap with events. You can use the Draw effect patch and the corresponding event to display the Lance graphic.

In FE6, the trap activated if you wait in the specific tile. So a simple “When any player unit stops in range” event would work.