Just me Introducing myself

Hello everyone, i’ve been lurking around as a green unit for awhile and i think it’s time for me to show myself to the community

You can just call me Derd, my fav game is blazing blade, binding sword and awakening.
I’m a fire emblem fan from a long time ago but stopped playing as i got bored, then i tried replaying some 3ds game
(Awakening was fun and you cant change my mind :D) so i decided to try playing more fire emblem games and luckily i remembered this wholesome place, not only for hacks but the awesome community.

I dont really know what to say after that so i’ll just end it here, Its my pleasure to meet all of you.


Hi Derd, I just created my Account too but saw your Post so, the pleasure is mine, hope you have a great stay on this site


welcome traveler

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Dude you named your account after a Phone :joy:

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lol it’s a nickname long story


Howdy Derd! I just joined recently too. It’s great to have this little corner of the internet get a bit bigger :slight_smile:


I’d like to thanks everyone for the warm welcome! ฅ’ω’ฅ

fellow binding blade fan :relieved:


Welcome :smile:

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Welcome Derdly hope you enjoy your time here.

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