Class:Wyvern rider


Personal Skill:Trample

Description:Son of the Bandit Bryce looking to avenge him
Battle quote You killed my father prepare to die!
Death Quote: AHHHH…Bro…avenge me

by me

Character Palette 9 ozaki.gba_21@16 cug__________0104E4B4

Class Animation(s):

Javelin and steel lance
Other stuff (Credits and/or misc stuff I may have forgotten):


Name: Adil
Gender: Male
Replacing: Kyle
Affinity: Wind
Class: Cavalier
Promoted Class: Silver Knight
(Same promotion gains as paladin but gains +4 more con) (gains full weapon triangle)

Boon: Speed
Bane: Hp

Personal Skill: Double Lion

Growths: (375% max. Probably too much but it’s what I seem to use as standard)
HP: 60%
STR: 60%
MAG: 0%
SKL: 50%
SPD: 55%
LCK: 50%
DEF: 50%
RES: 50%

Description: One who fights to preserve justice!
Death Quote: Though I may fall… more shall persevere!..

concept h21 public mini
Portrait made by MeteorSR23


Class Animation(s):
Silver knight animations

Malignant Lance ( 15 Mt, 10 Wt, 70 Hit, 30 Crit, unbreakable. Poisons on contact and Poisons user)

Killer Lance

Other stuff (Credits and/or misc stuff I may have forgotten):
Paladin animations made by Team Salavaged
Edits made by MeteorSR23

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I’m gonna post what I have done at the moment
Im going to post the rest when I would be able to finish them
I hope you like it

For the battle animation use the palette That is on the top right ;3

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I’m finding it kind of hilarious that the only mounted character we’ve got at this point to not have the extra Trample damage is our useless flier Hypasia.
Go get 'im! It’s your time to shine!

Not so sure if I can make it poison Adil himself, but we shall have to see when I get to him!

Ooh multi-coloured hair. Fun!


Name: Bella
Gender: F
Replacing: Extra 4
Affinity: Dark
Class: Thief
Promoted Class: Assassin

Boon: Lck
Bane: Skl

Personal Skill: Despoil

Growths: (375% max. Probably too much but it’s what I seem to use as standard)
HP: 70
STR: 40
MAG: 0
SKL: 75
SPD: 65
LCK: 75
DEF: 25
RES: 25

Description: Wandering thief who plunders anything she can.
Death Quote: Your greed was my… downfall. Mother I couldn’t help you… sorry.

by Ghostblade

Palette: none

Class Animation(s):


Other stuff (Credits and/or misc stuff I may have forgotten):
Esfil and Bella are twins so these two should be able to support. I want her to appear with Ephraims group cause she was trying to rob the castle but stumbled across the group and helped them out. (chapter 8)

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Name: Emiliana
Gender: F
Replacing: Orson
Affinity: Dark
Class: War Cleric
Promoted Class: None

Boon: Def
Bane: Spd

Personal Skill: Moonlight

Growths: (375% max. Probably too much but it’s what I seem to use as standard)
HP: 80
STR: 65
MAG: 60
SKL: 30
SPD: 10
LCK: 15
DEF: 55
RES: 60

Description: A former noble lady who got sent to a monastery after her engagement was broken. Not very pious.
Death Quote: Curses!


CapibaraInSpace F2U OC 27



Class Animation(s):

Map Sprites:

War Cleric (F) Axe {Der}-standWar Cleric (F) Axe {Der}-walk


Silver Axe, Physic, Vulnerary

Other stuff (Credits and/or misc stuff I may have forgotten):
Portrait by CapibaraInSpace
Class animations by Leo_link, Iscaneus, DerTheVaporeon and 7743.
Map Sprites by DerTheVaporeon


I don’t think I’ve ever heard of such a skill. Might I ask what it does?

Oh! Just one extra slot and the bosses left. That went quickly enough.
Working on this is rather fun so I might also just go ahead with the rest of it, so I’ll probably be adding the rest up later on.

Edit: Oh! Nevermind, found Moonlight hidden in the skill system. My.


Name: Strega
Replacing:Chp 4 monster
Affinity: Dark
Class female shaman

Boon: Skl
Bane: lck

Personal Skill:90 Vengeance

Description: A mage who lost herself to dark magic
Battle quote My look what we have here another Corpse
Death Quote:Curses I will not DIE…

DerTheVaporeon - Magician
By DerTheVaporeon

Palette: 5553FF7FFF6BDF2E2E19DF1F2938294029380840052810426B2D2925E624A514

Class Animation(s) :FE-Repo/Battle Animations/Magi - Dark-Type/[Shaman-Base] [F] Vanilla FE8 at main · Klokinator/FE-Repo · GitHub


Other stuff (Credits and/or misc stuff I may have forgotten):
Map sprites
by IS


'Tis rather fun to see humanoid bosses over monster bosses for some reason. Maybe because it’s funny that they’ve go lots of zombies that aren’t trying to eat them around.

Character list updated!
You may notice there are uhm… quite a few slots there.
Two CC characters will appear per chapter, 16 and later.
Am I insane? …Well that’s a rude thing to ask.
…Of course I am!

Anyways, Fado and Hayden will also probably change the ‘story’ Fado and Hayden, so hopefully they can actually work as parents to our playables because it’d be weird if our lords’ parent was also a tiny creature. Although I suppose I won’t really make that a rule, make that decision if it pleases you.

I ‘might’ nerf the CC characters and de-level them a bit since they’re supposed to be for post-game initially, but we’ll have to see.

I’m not sure if I’ll split the route characters, there are already 50 of these buggers to choose from after all.

Rules updated as well, instead of just one character it’s one playable and one boss. Just in case anyone wants to do that.

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Name: Alfred
Gender: M
Replacing: Tirado
Affinity: Thunder
Class: Baron (Swords, Axes, Spears, Anima and Staves, class skill is Nihil, stats lose a bit of defense to gain more res, also buff magic if you can)

Boon: Magic
Bane: Speed

Personal Skill: Barricade+

Description: Smarter than he looks
Battle Quote: Look what we have here? You just didn’t have enough even after falling for my trap?
Very well, I’ll finish you all myself then!
Death Quote: How can this be… This was not in my calculations…

{Ghostblade} OC 4 Credits to Ghostblade


Class Animation(s):

Silver Sword
Silver Lance
Master Seal (droppable)

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Name: Gabi
Gender: F
Replacing: Extra 5
Affinity: Anima
Class: Troubadour
Promoted Class: Valkyrie

Boon: Mag
Bane: Con

Personal Skill: Whitepool

Growths: (375% max. Probably too much but it’s what I seem to use as standard)
HP: 25
STR: 0
MAG: 80
SKL: 60
SPD: 90
LCK: 70
DEF: 10
RES: 30

Description: A gifted girl, cursed to die early in her life.
Death Quote: Atleast I went out on my own terms…

{TrezVG} Mieru
By TrezVG
Palette: None

Class Animation(s): None

Inventory: Rescue, Mend, Vulnerary

Other stuff (Credits and/or misc stuff I may have forgotten): She joins chapter 7 and her whole gimmick is being really frail if I could I would give her a bane in Def, Res, and hp aswell.

Name: Sagumoto
Gender: M
Replacing: Riev
Affinity: Dark
Class: Swordmaster

Boon: Spd
Bane: Res

Personal Skill: Honor (just shortshield+ where he takes no damage from indirect attacks)

Description: The most dangerous but also most generous general grados
Death Quote:
You’ve grown quite well… May your path lead you to a brighter future.

Duelist Alt1 - 2023-01-30T120353.783
by Cravat

Palette: None

Class Animation(s): Regular

Inventory: Glint ( A silversword with might of a silver blade and crit of a shamshir)

Other stuff (Credits and/or misc stuff I may have forgotten): What if Riev was Nice Karel is the gimmick.

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Welp, time to fill a CC slot.

Name: Lorenz
Gender: Male
Replacing: Valter CC
Affinity: Dark
Class: –
Promoted Class: Black Paladin (A paladin driven by the virtue of violence and destruction.)


Personal Skill:

(375% max for normal characters. Probably too much but it’s what I seem to use as standard)
(600% for Myrrh and unpromoted-units-turned-prepromote. Their level and character stats will go down too.)

HP: 80
STR: 60
MAG: 10
SKL: 55
SPD: 55
LCK: 25
DEF: 50
RES: 40

Description: A kind man degraded to a vengeful killer. Corrupted by malice.
Death Quote: This…my blood ? Heh…heh…heh HAHAHAHAHA.


Map Sprite : To be updated

Class Animation(s):

Can you please change his pallet’s armour to black colour ? His shield should be yellow though. It will match perfectly.

Inventory: Reaperastra
Mt : 20, Hit : 55, Crit : 10, Wt : 12, Range : 1-2, Uses : –
(Nosferatu effect and user will take 10 damage after every battle. -10 luck)
(Description : Cursed lance. Reaps foe and friend alike.)

[This spear is risky to use because Lorenz will take 10 extra damage if he misses.]

Other stuff (Credits and/or misc stuff I may have forgotten):

Portrait : Johns

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Let’s replace a pegasus knight with something actually usable, yeah?
Name: Greg
Gender: Male
Replacing: Tana
Affinity: Light
Class: Manakete (Just base him off of Myrrh)

Boon: Strength
Bane: Speed

HP: 100
Str: 125
Mag: 0
Spd: 50
Skl: 25
Def: 50
Res: 25
Lck: 0
Personal Skill: Tantivity

Description: Just a dude, honestly. Just so happens to have a wierd rock. huh.
Death Quote: B-but, my rock…



Class Animation(s):

(Dragonstone with 4 less might, and infinite uses. Given so he’s actually usable past 3 chapters after he’s introduced lol.)
Other stuff (Credits and/or misc stuff I may have forgotten):
Credits for the portrait go to Zeldacrafter


Name: Rayne
Gender: Male
Replacing: Gerick
Affinity: Ice
Class: (Axe) Wyvern Rider
Promoted Class: Malig Knight (Same promotion gains as Wyvern Lord but gains +4 magic

Boon: Res
Bane: Skill

Personal Skill: Hex

(375% max for normal characters. Probably too much but it’s what I seem to use as standard)

HP: 60%
STR: 50%
MAG: 50%
SKL: 20%
SPD: 50%
LCK: 40%
DEF: 50%
RES: 55%

Description: A mercenary who doesn’t mind who’s paying

Death Quote: Fair enough…

qB1v4vy (1)

Portrait made by feels


Class Animation(s):

Iron Axe
Killer Axe

Other stuff (Credits and/or misc stuff I may have forgotten):
Malig Knight Animations made by Jj09

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Name: Segislinda
Gender: Female
Replacing: L’Arachel
Affinity: Thunder
Class: Lord (Eirika)
Promoted Class: Great Lord (Eirika)

Boon: HP
Bane: Skill

Personal Skill: Amische*

(375% max for normal characters. Probably too much but it’s what I seem to use as standard)
(600% for Myrrh and unpromoted-units-turned-prepromote. Their level and character stats will go down too.)

HP: 75
STR: 50
MAG: 50
SKL: 45
SPD: 40
LCK: 50
DEF: 20
RES: 45

Description: A noble lady that likes collecting rare swords.
Death Quote: Please… bury me… with my collection…




Class Animation(s):


Shadowkiller, Rapier, Light Brand, Elixir

Other stuff (Credits and/or misc stuff I may have forgotten):
Portrait by Peerless

*List of weapons she can use:

  • Rapier
  • Shamshir
  • Magic swords
  • Shadowkiller
  • Legendary swords
  • Brave Sword

May add some more later (especially if some new unique swords are introduced).

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Name: Eva
Gender: F
Replacing: Hayden CC
Affinity: Fire
Promoted Class: Ascended Cultist (use Necromancer stat caps, class skill is Lifetaker, only has dark magic and staves)

Boon: Magic
Bane: Luck

Personal Skill: Sacrificial Ritual (Based on Despoil): Upon killing a foe, chance (MAG/2) to get “Proof of Devotion” (defined on other)

(375% max for normal characters. Probably too much but it’s what I seem to use as standard)
(600% for Myrrh and unpromoted-units-turned-prepromote. Their level and character stats will go down too.)
I do not know if Hayden would be promoted or underpromoted so I’ll do both growths just in case
375 600
HP: 90% 180%
STR: 10% 10%
MAG: 100% 200%
SKL: 40% 60%
SPD: 45% 60%
LCK: 30% 30%
DEF: 10% 10%
RES: 50% 50%
CON: 15%
MOVE: 10%
Description: Uhm, shouldn’t this woman be on the enemy side?
Death Quote: I cannot accept this! I have yet to sacrifice more people! Ugh…

OC Witch Lord (Version 2) {monk-han} credit to Monk-han


Class Animation(s):



Other stuff (Credits and/or misc stuff I may have forgotten):
Proof of Devotion: a Luna PRF tome with the gimmick that only has 1 single use, but with guaranteed hit and critical (set critical value as high as you can to guarantee no mistakes)

As a bit of Trivia, her 375 growths are based on FE4 Julia as a base, buffing skill and speed a bit with the leftover points. 600 are just an amplified version of that

Edit: for Proof of Devotion’s animation I’m going to go with the theme of the animations with a bit of Loptous

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Ah, sorry, but a reason that I said that no meme character thing and interest thing is that interest in something is seemingly the only thing to motivate me to do things.

I currently have no idea on how to make someone take damage after a battle, we shall have to see on that!

I dunno I find them usable enough. Hehehe.

As for the character himself we shall have to see! The only male manakete I see is the FE6 one.

Mind if I rename the skill? Doesn’t especially seem to make sense with what it does here. somethingsomething Royal Hoarder or something.

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No worries, I understand
Tomorrow I’ll change it to something else then.

On another note what do you think of the Hayden replacement?

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Name: Cyan
Gender: Male
Replacing: Zonta
Affinity: Fire
Class: Myrmidon

Boon: Res
Bane: HP

Personal Skill: Lancebreaker

Description: A sword-for-hire trying to earn money for her sick sister’s treatment.
Death Quote: A-are our lives… tr-truly worth so… little…?

Its_Just_Jay F2E 10

Class Animation(s):


Superior Edge
Lanceslayer (Sword equivalent of the Swordslayer)
Ruby Sword

Drops an item when defeated.

Other stuff (Credits and/or misc stuff I may have forgotten):
Portrait by Its_Just_Jay.
Animation by Iscaneus, Leo_link and Intestine.

Sure, go ahead.

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Aaand circling back to note/answer more stuff.

Unless the portrait has proper credits I’ll need a different portrait for her, sorry. ;_;

As she’s not replacing anyone and as such boon/bane is a bit rocky with such a character, I should be able to keep that in mind. We shall have to see!

Ohright, what are the growths for this fellow? They’d probably be the 375% based growths due to being earlier, dragonstone stat buffs, and the infinite stone variant.

maybe it was a terrible idea to replace the rapier. Oops.

A bit worrying! We’ll have to see how she works as the parent of …
Checks list
Greg the Manakete.
A cultist and her dragon baby. Nice family!

Yet another bit of a dumb question! What’s a Ruby Sword do?