Is there more resources besides the repository?

Hi, im new around here, i found the FEU forum like a year ago but I pay no mind to it, and recently i became nostalgic and wanted to play some FE roomhacks, i have find 1 or 2 that i think are good and exciting like The Dark Amulet, still none of them has fullfilled me, so i decided to make one hack of my own, i’ve been using FEBuilder for a month now and i think this is pretty cool and interesting, im getting more and more creative as i go, by now i have finished all playable characters and their new classes, i have the main story and the plot , but i wonder if there are more places where i can find new classes and battle animations a lil more agressive, im a Berserk fan and i will love to add some of its elements to my story, I found a portrait of guts made by @caringcarrot i think, im not gonna use it, but still find it pretty cool. Anyway, my point is that im looking for more innovating classes, like a giant sword user with a badass battle anim.

Pd: Im sorry if my english is deficient, im not a native speaker, i hope everyone understand it.
Pd 2: Im really happy about finding this page, i never though that a place that is all about FE existed.
Pd 3: Im also sorry about making the post this long to make my point, grettings to everyone.

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Animation wise the repository is pretty frequently updated so your best bet is looking there, portrait wise look for artists threads under creative because the portrait repo is going through some slight renovations at the moment or look through the repository thread here on feu


What language do you speak my brother?
about the animations, except for the repository, you have artists who make some animations.

Spanish :slight_smile:


Im good with the portraits, i have edited lots of them and also make a few from the raw vanilla ones of FE6, FE7 and FE8, im very happy with the results, what im really looking for is battle animations cause i have 0 idea of making those, and i believe this are way more complicated than portraits

Eres uno de los míos entonces

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Jaja que bien bro, eres la tercera persona que veo aquí que habla español, el room lo estoy haciendo en español ya que es principalmente para un amigo que no domina el inglés, después veré si lo traduzco, me alegra que otros usuarios puedan disfrutarlo en español cuando lo termine

Check both the Resources and Creative categories. Many users make posts compiling their work, often with some of them marked F2U. As a example, here is mine: Construction Yard of Norikins

There are several reasons why not all F2U stuff is on the repo. They may not want it on the repo, and want to be the sole distributor. The repo maintainers may have failed to add it and it slipped through the cracks. They could be an old user who left before the repo existed and could never grant permission.

Outside of here there are a few very old FE sprites on DeviantArt the description says you can “use with credit.” Though they are nearly never formatted.


Me avisas cuando el juego salga

For portraits, there’s several competitions like the CCC and Gamers that aren’t in the repo

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