Is there a way to increase deployment slots in Hector Hard Mode?

There was a hack that did it but it was removed. I tried looking to see if FEBuilder had a patch for it but there is not one. Seems like it would be easy to make a patch for it and I would think it would be a common thing people don’t like about HHM but guess not. I wanted to do a co-op run of HHM but the deployment slots are so low it would not be very fun.

If I remember correctly, you should go into the Unit Placer, find the Hector mode deployment for each chapter, and then plop down player units to your liking (player units you already have, since adding ones you don’t will prematurely add them to the army).

For example, here’s the deployment for The Dread Isle in vanilla:

And here it is after adding 4 slots (all represented by Marcus):

This should bump deployment up from 12 to 16, with the tiles containing Marcus being where you would be able to deploy the extra units when you play it.

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So I have to plan who will be used on each map? We were going to ironman so like if I add a unit to a map and they are dead does it remove the slot?

No, as long as you’re using units that have already been recruited, it doesn’t matter who you place down, whether they’re dead or alive. It would only matter if you somehow teleported directly to the map without playing previous ones (which is what I assume happened during the playtesting/debugging phase, and the devs made a kind of default army to playtest with).

Luigi is correct here. In FE8, it’s the same way, except it’s more obvious by having all of the deployable units be Seth clones.