Is it possible to make an event that changes a unit's ability flags?

I am looking for a method of making an event that changes a unit’s ability flags.

By ability flags, I mean these

Furthermore, is it possible to also make an item that changes these flags upon use?

These flags are in Read-Only Memory, so no, you can’t write to them.

The only time you can sort of change them is editing the ability field that gets copied to RAM during battle calculations (which would only have an effect during battles).

Outside of that, you’d have to edit the code of whatever checks those flags to check for something you can dynamically change like an event flag.


Ok. Understandable. Thanks for letting me know

There is a way you could sort of do this, by making a duplicate class with a flag difference. It would be insanity to have specific classes with different combinations of flags, but if you wanted a character to get ballista access or something you could change their class in an event to the duplicate with the flag change.

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