Installing, and replacing skills?

So, I recently found out about this github page, and it seems to have some skills that I’d been needing. The only thing is, I’m not too sure how to go about that!

Did you read the README?

Yes, however, from what I understand, there’s more than just 255, and a way to change which skills are installed/in the game. Also, trying to change the skills on a rom that had skills installed through the patches menu

Bump, cause I’m still trying to get this to work

Just rename the .s file that has all the skills 1-255 to a text file and you can swap which skills are in the game or not with this measure. Then save the txt file as .s again

Whereabouts would this file be? Looking in the skill systems patch folder, I’m only seeing bin and txt files!

This file is where you will be updating to allow the other skills to be used. If you don’t want a skill used/displayed you will set it to 255 otherwise you have your full on what you would like to change/add.

Is there an equivalent to this in the febuilder patch folder? That’s the version of the skill system I have installed

The SkillSystem you install through FEBuilder is DIFFERENT from the one on Github. The FEBuilder one you can’t change the skills. What you have to do is download the whole thing, then put an FE8U ROM named “FE8_clean” in the main folder, then run the MAKE_HACK_full.cmd file, and it’ll assemble the ROM with the custom skills for you. Also be aware of any other patches you set up in the config. After doing this, you will be able to further edit your ROM through FEBuilder with no issue.

I did this for my own hack. As you can see, I have custom skills


Ah, well, thanks for the help anyways!

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