[Inferno] Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones (Custom Hack)

This looks very promising, I can see the potential. As a christian myself I would like to offer my feedback.

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Okay so first off I am putting this out there that I have not played vanilla fe8.
As I boot up the game I notice that there is no text on the normal mode option, when I go to the hard mode option it has text that is words that describe the mode, and then if I move my cursor back over the normal mode option it has text like it should. As for the gameplay, Iā€™ll get back to you on that as I am currently playing through the prologue. I did notice that you removed the cutscene after the exposition dump, do you plan on replacing that sometime in the future or just do without it. If it is the latter a shame because I was looking forward to see demon Valter early on.

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Greetings I have returned.

Thoughts on Prologue

I played the prologue, I have a few thoughts and I will understand if you choose to ignore all of them because in the end what does it matter.
When Seth tells Erika that they must warn King Hayden of the ā€œdemon Invasionā€ that phrase seems off because demons are all around hiding in the shadows staying out of sight, so to say ā€œinvasionā€ makes it seem as though the demonic forces wereā€™nt already there lurking in the corner wait for just the right moment of weakness to strike. I think the word tresspass would be more appropriate as it shows that there is this unspoken agreement (for lack of a better word) between God and the demons. When they decided to make physical war with the humans they violated that understanding.
Next thought when Seth presents the silver rapier to Erika he says ā€œthe creatures of hell harbor a weaknessā€ to say creatures reside in hell is incorrect only spirits are permitted entry, you might call them denizens, but the terms I would recommend are forces or powers because they give the sense that what you a fighting is not physical.
Now onto gameplay I do appreciate that you increased the numbers of enemies on the prologue from 2 to 5 giving every enemy poison is interesting, to represent how fighting spiritual forces is draining on ones body I wonder if that will be a constant threat in this hack. Somthing you could add would be to give the demons that donā€™t have poison weapons the skill that cuases them to not give experience to show how sometimes when you fight it feels like youā€™re getting nowhere and all you can do is resist. I do like aethetics of the stat screen with the black background and the custom item icons give a nice midevil feel. On the topic of giving bows a niche I have always been a fan of 2-3 range inorder to distinguish them from magic and all other 1-2 range weapons, if you wonder how longbows might work in that system just make them a 3-4 range weapon an advantage over normal bows but not the range of ballistaes while also establishing them as a purely offensive weapon, becuase historicaly longbows could be 7 feet tall and I cannot see someone retalliating with that. Last thought on the chaper. I donā€™t think that demons would use a word like ā€œfuckā€ the reason being, that was a term created by the church that stood for Found Under Carnal Knowledge refering to sex outside of marrige. It sounds unfitting for a demon to use it, different phrases I could understand a demon to use would be
Filthy worms
Unworthy maggots
or something similar becuase when it comes to mental warfare demons try to degrade your self esteem and plant these little seeds of doubt that you are unloved and it is impossible that the blood of Jesus could ever wash your soul.
In the end I may be taking this a little seriously, but I do look forward to see how you progress with or without my feedback.

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