[Indie] Food Devils, a new SRPG / Roguelike by FE:Midnight Sun's creator!

Hello everyone!
It’s been a while. Man, it’s been ages since I pioneered FE8 hacking and made FE:Midnight Sun. How many years? 12, I think. The community has grown so much ever since, and my YouTube timeline is filled with mind-blowing rom hacks. Keep doing your cool stuff!!

So, I think many of you are familiar with the fact that I became an indie dev in 2019, and I turned that old ROM hack into an actual game, Path of the Midnight Sun. Although it was a JRPG and not a SRPG since I had no money or resources at the time.

After 5 more years, I’m happy to announce that, at long last, I made a SRPG with Roguelike elements! It’s called Food Devils - a bit of Fire Emblem here, a bit of Darkest Dungeon there, and a sprinkle of Dungeon Food.
I could spend hours talking about it but I think that it’ll be easier if I just link the Reveal Trailer here. I hope you like it!

As usual, there’s also a Kickstarter campaign accompanying it. Feel free to support us if you like what you see.

That’s all for now! Take care, old friends!


muscle bait spotted

consider me: baited

Damn you guys really knew what you were doing with the character designs huh?
Also aaaagh procedually generated(?) humans customizable with like, class outfits! It’s all I ever wanted from a fe-like game…

Just a small question- are the human like, static? Or do they change each run?
And they a mish mash of randomly picked parts or are there just finite looks/templates?

Anywhoo, run to wishlist it, can’t wait to play!


100% funded in just 3 days! Yay, Food Devils is a big success!

Every time you “summon” humans with your food at the end of a day, their appearence will be randomly generated by mix-and-matching the various hair/eyes/noses/mouths/palettes we have. So they will always be quite unique!
You unlock the possibility to customize them, but later in the game.
Class, stats etc. depend on their Rarity, but the % are also influenced by your cooking and the furniture you’ve placed in your restaurant.


Huh? Wait, you can pair the Food Devils together instead of romancing them? Oh my god. Thank you. What the hell. I’m backing this.


Congratulations! Once I get paid I’m going to back this amazing looking project. I’m crossing my fingers for the console release, I’d love to play this on my PS5.


Thank you! By the looks of it, we will definitely be able to reach the stretch goal for console release! When that happens, backers will be able to choose their preferred platform for the download key.


It looks fantastic, if I had any money at all I’d definitely be falling off my kickstarter embargo to support this.
Looking forward to playing it all the same <3


Thanks mate, I’m happy for your enthusiasm and support regardless of whether you pledge on KS or not :slight_smile: Cheers