In a hack, if you're not using base legendary weapons, what would you call Them?

If you’re confused, I mean like The Scouring Weapons (Durandal, Armads, Mulagir, ext.) oe The Twelve Crusaders’ Weapons (Tyrfing, The Book of Naga, Gae Bolg, ext.)
I’d just like to hear some answers (or some neat name backstories)!


Just take a look at mythological or historical “legendary” weapons, and use them (Durandal for example is the Legendary sword of Roland, who was one of Charlemagne’s Knights!), or make something that sounds somewhat like them (i made up Düllvir right this moment!), or just take random words from other languages, especially dead or not all that globally known languages (Leonardo’s Lughnasad bow is just the name of an old welsh medieval festival!).

You could for example also mix in names of mythological characters. Like say a legendary sword for a strong female unit called the Athenaire, based on the Greek goddess of War Athena.


just make up words or pull from random sources
pretty sure i used the name of a soap brand for a legendary weapon before (Dettol)


Adding to the above, another strategy would be to pull from your own game’s mythology. If you’ve given any place to such things in your story, that is.

Say you have a pantheon of powerful dragons in lore, you could have your weapons derive their names from them. This creates internal consistency.

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The theming for them in DoW was to take names from Eastern European national epics, or from the principal characters in them. For Do5, they’re named after Knights of the Round Table. Both are designed to fit in with the naming traditions of the nations the weapons themselves come from, so use your established name inspirations as a base.


I’d use historical weapons ranging from the Nodachi to a Falchion (it’s historical.) Though, they would be common but very expensive weapons to balance out the sheer usability. I’d also make a mortar type of bow to combat armor knights and mounts. Maybe a talisman holding rune that softens the magic damage dealt (a talisman for holding) kinda like how shields worked in sacred echoes.

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The Nodachi would pretty heavy like how a zanbato works in the GBA games.

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