I know this has been asked about one million times, but I need help making my own FE game

I honestly don’t know where to get started…

I don’t know what program to download and I don’t know how to mod it either.

I actually don’t know how to code at all, so I can’t even hack the game.

Is there a link to all the downloads and instructs in this website. I feel stupid, because I can’f find it :frowning:

Also, you guys seem really dedicated and I am happy to be a part of this community.


nvm, I read some guides on this website and I quickly learned that I’m too dumb to make it.

That makes me sadder than anything else I’ve read in a while :frowning:

…my first thought was “am I getting trolled”

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Maybe we need some kind of “GBAFE ROM Hacking 101” thing?

try this? People have told me its really easy to understand especially for newbies

edit: @Arch argh the youtube thing still isn’t working.

Ultimate Tutorial and the Resources page should be enough to begin with.

See how far you can get in this list:

  1. Make Iron Swords have 30 MT
  2. Change lord’s base STR to 20
  3. Change lord’s name to Fluffy
  4. Change lord’s portrait to Moustachioed Villager
  5. Change lord’s battle sprite to hot pink
  6. Create a new class with animations
  7. Make a new prologue chapter using events
  8. Insert a new map
  9. Port a map sprite from another FE game
  10. Replace the theme song with the Mario theme
  11. Replace the title screen background with a smiley face
  12. RAM hack lord’s STR to 127
  13. Write an ASMC that raises lord’s STR to 127

This is actually quite a good checklist.

Even if there is a fool tool like SRPG Studio, you will also need to read its docs and examples instead of just saying " Who can tell me how to use it?".


them last 4 are too OP

Can’t speak on changing theme but from what I’ve seen, music hacking isn’t so much hard, just tedious.
though that can be said for much of hacking, but it doesn’t seem as bogged down in technical no-how as ASM does.

Background editing though? Easy as piss. Fuck, even changing the opening crawl graphics in FE7 are easy which is why it’s depressing seeing no one change them.

Music hacking is not even tedious. Insert instrument map of your choice, convert MIDI using MID2AGB, insert using Sappy. It’s just that the Ultimate Tutorial teaches an unnecessarily complicated old method.

tbh i don’t think i could do this, since character stats are signed


Oh yeah whoops

  1. Make Iron Swords have 30 MT Check
  2. Change lord’s base STR to 20 Check
  3. Change lord’s name to Fluffy Easy
  4. Change lord’s portrait to Moustachioed Villager Check
  5. Change lord’s battle sprite to hot pink Check
  6. Create a new class with animations Almost there
  7. Make a new prologue chapter using events Nope
  8. Insert a new map I’ve broken 12 ROMs trying, I’ll figure it out eventually
  9. Port a map sprite from another FE game Got it
  10. Replace the theme song with the Mario theme Haven’t tried
  11. Replace the title screen background with a smiley face No clue
  12. RAM hack lord’s STR to 127 Um…
  13. Write an ASMC that raises lord’s STR to 127 I’m not a wizard

If you can’t do those things then you should work on finding out how :smiley:

Trust me, I am.

I think i can do all of them except for 13.
I might be better at this than i thought :slight_smile:

Maybe the background part seems easy to me 'cause I worked on my hacks back before FE_Editor was a thing and we had to cut up and grey-scale our mugs just to insert them the same way you would a background, map sprites and other things like that…

Fun times, fun times.

I’d get to 8 fairly easily. Then I’d have to work and learn new stuff with 9-11. Then I’d again have a super easy time with 12-13. Lol I’m weird and nonlinear.