I have a very urgent question

Hello everyone, I’m new here in the world of piracy and I had a question, because I was importing combat animations and I got a text that says: “The ROM has run of free space.” can you help me?

roms cannot exceed 32 mb on the gba. You can poke around with the rom rebuild feature in febuilder to reuse some unused space but this might break the rom. Nothing can be done if the rom is out of space if you can’t find any spare space before the end of rom.

Also please note that we do not endorse piracy - you should read the rules to familiarize yourself with our policies.


Fire emblem sacred stones weighs 14 MB, I don’t know what I inserted to make it weigh that much.
I have also tried removing some map units that I don’t use or making the maps smaller, but it still weighs 32 MB. This is the first time it appears in febuilder.

In FEBuilder, whenever you use the import feature (even if you’re importing over an existing asset), it consumes space. This normally doesn’t matter, because the space used is miniscule, EXCEPT for battle animations and audio which take up a lot of space. If you import a lot of music (specifically music that doesn’t use FE’s native instruments) or battle animations, you’ll start filling up a lot of space. It’s good practice to have a test rom you use for importing these things at first, and then importing them into the real project once you’re pretty sure you’re going to use them.


It seems that I will have to start again…But I appreciate your comments, I will be more cautious.