I have a boss Icon question

Hey there! MegaCowsamMan here!
Hope y’all doing well today!

I have a minor question.

as you know, in FE7 and FE8, bosses have a little Icon on the bottom right of there map sprite.


And I was wondering, If you recruited a boss with the icon, will the icon still be there?

Like i said, very minor, but! I just wanted to know! :grin:

Thank you, and inform me below if i’m unclear about anything.

Thank’s in advance!

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I have a character in my hack that is a recruitable boss and it turns out that the boss icon will dissapear if a boss unit turns blue/ is recruited.

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Thank you very much! have a great day! :grinning:

I’d like your solution but i ran out of them for today. :joy:

I’d put that love icon thing on your solution but i ran out of them for today. :joy: