Huichelaar's Assembly Adventures

Hey, man, it’s cool to see you still working on cool stuff! Just remembered a couple of stuff I wanted to say. Since you updated the dangerzone to make it better a little while ago, I think you should probably integrate that droppable item thingie into it as well. I have no idea how it works at all anymore (and didn’t even when I kinda made it), and I think you’d be better at maintaining it if you make more updates to dangerzone. Also, I just wanted to say that I think dangerzone conflicts with the Less Annoying Fog hack by Leonarth. I could be wrong, but if this makes sense to you, maybe look into it. Anyway, cool stuff as always, and I look forward to seeing what you do next :slight_smile:

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Yeah could be. I’ll have a look.

Edit: It should now no longer conflict. Newest version on the github.

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I get this error when I try to install it, can you help?


If you replace the contents of Memory manipulation.txt in Event Assembler/Language Raws with this, does it work?

#Stores value as a word to $030004B8 + (memory slot*4). Maximum memory slot is 0xD.
#Memory slots are very important for fe8 events!
#Memory slot 0x0 always has a value of zero - don't bother setting it otherwise.
#Memory slot 0xB is where coordinates for many commands are read from.
#Memory slot 0xC is where conditional values are stored - booleans, character IDs, gold count, etc
#Memory slot 0xD indicates the size of a queue (see below); don't modify it with SETVAL
SVAL, 0x0540, 8, -game:FE8 -indexMode:8
	Memory slot, 2, 2
	Value to store, 4, 4
SETVAL, 0x0540, 8, -game:FE8 -indexMode:8
	Memory slot, 2, 2
	Value to store, 4, 4
SMOV, 0x0540, 8, -game:FE8 -indexMode:8
	Memory slot, 2, 2
	Value to store, 4, 4

#0x062X series performs mathematical operations between memory slots.
#Using macros for these is recommended.
#Format for parameters is 0x0XYZ, where X and Y are the memory slots that supply the arguments for the equation,
#and Z is the memory slot that the results are stored to.

#Sets slot value to a set of coordinates
SCOORD, 0x540, 8, -game:FE8 -indexMode:8
	Slot, 2, 2
	Coords, 4, 4, -coordinates:2 -preferredBase:10

#This can be used to transfer a value from one slot to another; just use 0x0YZ as the parameter.
SADD, 0x0620, 4, -game:FE8 -indexMode:8
	Slots, 2, 2

#Subtracts value at X from value at Y.
SSUB, 0x0621, 4, -game:FE8 -indexMode:8
	Slots, 2, 2

SMUL, 0x0622, 4, -game:FE8 -indexMode:8
	Slots, 2, 2

#Divides Y's value by X's value.
SDIV, 0x0623, 4, -game:FE8 -indexMode:8
	Slots, 2, 2

#Modulo of values in slots X and Y
SMOD, 0x0624, 4, -game:FE8 -indexMode:8
	Slots, 2, 2

#Binary AND of slots X and Y.
SAND, 0x0625, 4, -game:FE8 -indexMode:8
	Slots, 2, 2

#Inclusive OR of X and Y.
SORR, 0x0626, 4, -game:FE8 -indexMode:8
	Slots, 2, 2

#Exclusive OR of X and Y.
SXOR, 0x0627, 4, -game:FE8 -indexMode:8
	Slots, 2, 2

#Shifts value at slot Y left by X bits.
SLSL, 0x0628, 4, -game:FE8 -indexMode:8
	Slots, 2, 2
SLOTS_LEFTSHIFT, 0x0628, 4, -game:FE8 -indexMode:8
	Slots, 2, 2

#Shifts value at slot Y right by X bits.
SLSR, 0x0629, 4, -game:FE8 -indexMode:8
	Slots, 2, 2
SLOTS_RIGHTSHIFT, 0x0629, 4, -game:FE8 -indexMode:8
	Slots, 2, 2

#Shifts first value in queue to memory slot indicated and shifts the rest down. Used with SAVETOQUEUE.
#Parameter controls which memory slot to store the first value to, usually 0x2 or 0xB.
SLOTS_SETFROMQUEUE, 0x0722, 4, -game:FE8 -indexMode:8
	Memory Slot, 2, 2

#Stores word located at Memory slot 0x1 to location at $030004F0 + (4*number of words already stored there)
#Register at $030004EC indicates how many words are stored.
SAVETOQUEUE, 0x721, 4, -game:FE8 -indexMode:8

#Stores word from any memory slot to the queue.
STQFROMSLOT, 0x720, 4, -game:FE8 -indexMode:8
	Memory Slot, 2, 2

#These commands can initialize, add from, subtract, and store to memory slot 0xC
#a counter value. Pretty useful.

#Stores value in counter to memory slot 0xC.
COUNTER_CHECK, 0x0F20, 4, -game:FE8 -indexMode:8
	value1, 2, 2,

COUNTER_SET, 0x0F21, 4, -game:FE8 -indexMode:8
#Amount to bitshift left the counter value by. Usually zero.
	Bitshift value, 2, 1
	Counter value, 3, 1

#Add and subtract value at counter by (Base operand)*(2^Bistshift Value).
COUNTER_ADD, 0x0F22, 4, -game:FE8 -indexMode:8
	Bitshift value, 2, 1
	Base operand, 3, 1

COUNTER_SUBTRACT, 0x0F23, 4, -game:FE8 -indexMode:8
	Bitshift value, 2, 1
	Base operand, 3, 1

For some reason, some versions of EA don’t come with SCOORD.

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Thank you this fixed the problem.

There’s a bug that causes the game to soft reset when trying to enter the Tower of Valni with the Suspend x2 hack.

Thanks, I’ll look into it!

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Alright, it should be fixed now. Could you redownload it and try again?

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Thanks, the Tower of Valni and Lagdou Ruins work but my Text ID at $255 was Fiend and has become s s s s s s monster now oddly also other text IDs were changed too.

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Yeah, the patch is repointing the text table and adding new entries. I don’t think it’s very compatible with FEBuilder, unless you remove the text Suspendx2 is trying to insert and replace the references to text entries with placeholders, then, after inserting the patch, insert new text entries in FEBuilder and replace the placeholders with these.

IIRC there’re FEBuilder patches which allow you to kill the autosave feature or even make a backup save. Maybe those would be a better fit.

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There is a minor graphical bug with the
“Suspend x2” hack’s undo graphic on the
second menu screen that makes the top
disappear if a player uses Erase Data or
Copy Data then Resume Chapter.

I can reproduce this. I think I know why this happens. Thanks for telling me. I’ll fix this soon!

EDIT: Alright, should be fixed now. Tell me if it works, @Fates-Blade.

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When Trying to install I get 126 errors that are all variants of this: “File Fort.event, Line 11, Column 2: Symbol Lv20x9 isn’t in scope”, I tried installing it with a clean ROM as well and the same result, is it an issue with EA? I have SkillSystems installed if that makes any difference

I’m not sure how this happens. I didn’t get these errors when I ran it through EA. I’m guessing Fort.event refers to FE8Fortresses/Structs/Fort/Fort.event?

Could you gimme your version of EA?

I’ve been using the latest version 11.1.3. When I tried to install the WMSprites I got the error that the command FILE wasn’t found if that helps you figure out what the issue could be

Are you sure it’s not referring to FILL? FSR newest EA doesn’t have FILL anymore. You’ll have to use an older version. I’ve been using this one. You’ll probably need Discord to open that link.

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It worked! Thank you so much man! Love your work btw, was looking for something exactly like it a couple months ago

New issue, after installing the game would crash whenever I would make a new save file

Could send me a .ups file of your game? FEBuilderGBA can generate one if you point it to a clean ROM.

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Post 100 be mine!

New patch added, Preparations Augury.

Details in OP.

Now you can have Valter bother you while you prepare for something much less important.