Help finding custom Ross sprites

Correct me if I’m wrong, I could’ve sworn a long time ago I saw someone make custom still sprites for all of Ross’s classes, and no I’m not referring to that rosserker. I can’t remember which of the repositories I saw it in or who made it. If anyone knows, could you send me a link?

Update: I remember seeing it maybe around 2020, 2021 at the latest, so maybe if there’s a way to filter topics just posted from then, that could help


It’s likely here.

Any other forums that might help?

have you tried looking on deviant art or other art sharing sites? I have heard that making these kinds of stills were popular a while back, while I wasn’t around for it’s height but I have seen some very similar to this.

I could’ve sworn it was on here, I don’t know where else to look besides deviant art

Update: the sprites I was looking for have been found, made by DerTheVaperon