GFE1R [Generic FE1 Remake]

Nah, it’s just an old screenshot, and marth’s portrait was revamped quite a bit between the two. I wanted to do facial expressions, but I still dunno how hard it’d be, as id have to find a way to balance it out with mouth frames during dialogue.(I don’t remember 3dsfe having them.)

Or it’s just a conspiracy and I had biorythm all along without telling anyone.

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no, dont do that ahhhhh

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Some characters in vanilla do default to smiling on the profile screen in FE8 at least like Ewan or Rennac, you can notice it in the Trade menu where all the characters have a neutral expression.

On a related note that is a buff Marth. Hype for the trailer.


Facepetting is a scourge upon Fire Emblem that must be eradicated.


Mom is factually correct.


Facepetting is the only reason I climb out of bed every morning.

Face petting is why I still play heroes


You may have been wondering if this died. Well; truth is, I haven’t really done much in the past month; Summer has been pretty calm(as is every summer, the period of activity is mostly during winter) and not much has been done. Now, of course, you may be wondering two things:

1: What happened to the trailer?
2: When’s the game coming out? Or a demo?

Well, to answer the first question, I take the blame for the trailer not advancing. I was being lazy on actually doing the thing, and while the sudden halfbody size messarooni bought me some excuse time, even after that was done, I continued procrastinating on it. So, the trailer is technically still happening, albeit probably not anytime soon.

As for the second question, I have to clarify some things. I want GFE1R to be as polished as possible on release. I don’t want it to end up as a rushed product, where by the end, when all bugs are fixed, everyone has already moved past it.
on another hand, I don’t want to do a demo with say, only 6 chapters on it. The reason for that is, that it wouldnt make the hack feel special. It’d just be another demo along a million others. However, there will still be a demo. but before I say what the “demo” will consist off, I have to officialize something that has been going on on the dev discord, but that hasn’t been officially announced yet:

The hack will feature both book 1 and 2, which book 1 transferring to book 2, or book 2 being accessible by a new game, if you prefer not doing book 1.

Now that that’s said, The “demo” will consist of the entirety of book 1, whereas the full hack will include book 2 along with it.
Right now, you must be telling yourself “he’s being wayyyy too overambitious”, to which I answer you:

That’s the point.

GFE1R was born from wanting to create something huge, that would make anyone laugh if it was something out of a serenes concept from a new member nobody knows. It was made to prove to people that anything was possible with hacking. halfbodies? possible. My Unit? doable. ~50 chapters in one game? feasible. Simply remaking all of FE1’s chapters without anything new would be boring, which is why I decided to add the wizardry that it has today.

Anyways, to get back on track, the demo will have all of Book 1’s chapter fully done(Units/Writing/Graphics/Animations), and then we’ll start working on book 2, which will be a much, much bigger project assets-wise, due to one feature: Third tiers.
Book 2 will be a direct continuation of book 1, and therefore, you will be able to directly go from book 1 to book 2 at the end of book 1, keeping your units’ stats, and level, meaning that the enemies and your units in book 2 will both start at tier 2, and evolve to tier 3 by the end of the game.

As for current progress, almost all book 1 player characters’ halfbodies are done, All book 1 chapters are either complete or have a rough event draft, but writing is still a bit behind, due to some drama I would like to not talk about.
I won’t disclose a release date for Book 1, as I said that I want it to be as polished as possible.

I hope that cleared up some confusion as of the current state of GFE1R.

Now, I would want to do a call for artists. Specifically, Animators. As of now, we are missing a lot of animations for Book 1, and we don’t have much animators, besides blaze, who did t1 marth and is doing his t2, lodestar. So, if you feel like you’d be able to animate for: T1/2 Lord Caeda/T1/2 Lord Hardin/Possibly more animations, Please join the discord(Link in first post of thread, or if you’re lazy: and ping me saying you want to be an animator(If possible, also post some of your past work so we can judge your animating skills.).

I think that’s about it, so, see ya!


“Blog post” #1: Gee, FE1, at effie’s e3?

if you haven’t watched it yet, this video came out a few hours ago:

and, first off, I have to get the bad stuff out of the way:
-There were A LOT of graphical(and non graphical) glitches, and I do mean A LOT, because the FEE3 Build was rushed. I was sick during most of the month before E3; and by such, I couldn’t get any work in for that.I apologize for the current build looking quite unprofessional.
-Mel didn’t show off how the MU Maker fully worked, but you can see gifs of it on this thread from a while back(and in the op.).

But overall, I quite like what’s been shown, even though it’s obviously incomplete, and I had to go back to an old build to rush it.

Now, for the pretty obvious question to ask:


and, well, not much, in the term of actually showable progress. since a while back, I’ve been slowly but surely formatting the GFE1R Source to a new build system, but it takes a lot of time, and effort, and it bores me to hell. you know what also bores me to hell?

A while back I developped this system, that allows me to change the current map sprite shown depending on equipped weapon, because it looks neat. problem is, it’s a pain in the ass. firstly, I had to rearrange the entire class data, which, sure, was easier than raw hex or FEBuilder because it was using spreadsheets, but was still a major pain in the ass.
I also took that time to try to add placeholders for 3rd tiers, which I did do, but ended up being a pretty major pain in the arse and pretty long.
Then, there was actually inserting the sprites, and, well, it’s still not done. it’s so tedious to do, I just start on it and give up two or three sprite indices later.(and even then, I don’t even have most alternate weapon map sprites, so I have to use placeholders)
so, I haven’t worked much on actual new features a lot, and that’s why I haven’t posted anything in 4 months.

However, I still wish to post progress. after all, this is an update post.

We’ve had some pretty damn good progress on maps, in fact, most of them are done, and some of them even have custom palettes! Here’s some of maps:

Keranos has also been working on remixing the OST for this hack:

And lastly, it isn’t done yet, but I can tell 'ya, i’m working on something big. very big, huge, kind of like a castle. Look forward to that.

Anyways, don’t have much to say for this first blog post, I hope I’ll at least get to do one every 1-2 months to keep you up to date with what’s been done and what’s been procrastinated on.

With love, your favourite procrastinator extraordinaire, Kirb.


personally not fond of some of those choices for map changes, altea castle especially feels like it wastes more space then the original did and some of its design choices just look stupid.

mechanically this sees to be shaping up pretty well though so colour me interested/

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Maps are finished in terms of existing I suppose. I’m not sure what Kirb’s on about, but they’re not finalized at any rate. I’ll be working hard to ensure maps don’t suck (sorry Kaga).


Just make sure to give credit where it’s duuuuuuuuue.

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eh, i suppose im just being overly nostalgic for some of those maps, but despite some of their very stupid choices i always felt the majority of them worked well for what they were trying to achieve. that being said, when working with gba tielsets some stuffs gonna have to be changed so just do ya best.

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Hot fucking damn. Y’all gonna put this as a patch on FEBuilder or something similar, because I can think of several hackers that’d love it

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7743 is the one who adapts patches for Builder.

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Ah. Should’ve been obvious but I’m dumb.

Dismounting :weary:
Also wow, these maps are looking hot. I especially like the throwback to FE1’s palettes for chapter 6, it looks amazing. The final maps also looks great. I hope this version is actually fun to play, unlike Shadow Dragon’s.
I still think chapter 16 looks a tad too big, however.

There are definitely some issues with two of the indoor ones (Doluna Keep and Altea Castle) - missing shading, heights that don’t make sense, bridges being used as the tops of walls, etc., so I’m hoping those will get resolved with additional passes later on in development.


Kirb, I’m glad to see you’ve taken my words to heart about how to properly post a hype update. This looks great! Good job to you and your team!

Aaaaand why the fuck was this at the top of the index if it was 8 days old reeeeee

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Hey, I saw on the FEE3 trailer that you were looking to recruit voice actors for the project. If you’re still looking, I can record a few voice samples for you for characters such a Camus, Navarre, Oguma etc or even for minor bosses like Harmein or whatnot. I voice act professionally as one of my career paths and while I’ve done mostly commercial auditions I’ve done a few auditions for freelance sporting games.

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