should tell you what all (or at least most) of them do.
I was actually thinking about making a thread like this for the purpose of people posting skill icons for skills that are not in the skill system, possibly as inspiration for someone else to then make that skill. If those also ended up here I’d be grateful
2 Blow repalettes. Fiendish Blow, perhaps?
Dragonskin in 2 colors. The green one looks better IMO.
Green Life and Death (creative, I know), use it to separate the 2 or give it the opposite effect?
Triangle Breaker / Cancel Affinity: Ignores the Weapon Triangle.
Triangle Breaker+ / Cancel Affinity+: All weapons are treated as reavers.
Quick Riposte, but more faithful to the original icon.
Pursuit (Heroes Siegmund): Quick Riposte but on player phase.
Draw Back, I’m surprised it’s not in yet.
Drag Back: After initiating battle at 1 range, both unit and foe move 1 space back.
Special Spiral: Doubles Skill activation rate (excludes Lethality).
Kamikaze: When unit dies, foe loses up to 50% of total HP (non-lethal).
Kamikaze+: When unit dies, foe’s HP is reduced to 1 if their current HP >1.
Fishious Rend: If unit hits before foe counterattacks, Might is doubled (works with Vantage).
Adaptability: The user targets the lower of foe’s Def or Res during combat.
Bonfire: Adds 50% of unit’s Def to damage dealt. (Skill x1.5% activation? Same as Iceberg)
Divine Counter: If unit is attacked while unarmed, foe recieves half of damage dealt.
Glacies sprite, because you didn’t have one before.
Ignis (Heroes): Add unit’s Defense to damage dealt. (Skill % activation)
No Guard: +10% Hit and Crit, -10% Avoid and Dodge.
No Guard+: +15% Crit, -15% Dodge. Unit never misses but cannot avoid.
Quick Salve: Drinking does not end your action.
Sacrifice: Drains the user’s HP to heal allies and cures status conditions without HP cost.
Short Fuse: If unit’s HP <100%, Crit +10%.
Static Shield: Unit cannot avoid or be doubled.
Underdog: +15 Hit/Avoid when opponent’s level is higher (promoted units have +20 level).
Sword Crit +10: Grants +10 Crit when equiping swords.
Lance Crit +10: Grants +10 Crit when equiping lances.
Axe Crit +10: Grants +10 Crit when equiping axes.
Bow Crit +10: Grants +10 Crit when equiping bows.
Magic Crit +10: Grants +10 Crit when equiping tomes.
Human Virtue: Grants +4 Str/Spd to adjacent human allies at the start of the turn.
Radiant Aether: 2 consecutive hits; First strike uses Sol and second strike uses Luna. (Skill x 0.75 % activation)
Bonus Doubler: Doubles stat buffs on unit for each respective stat.
Penalty Doubler: Grants penalties on enemy as buffs for each of the unit’s respective stat.
Alert Stance: If unit takes no action except Wait, grants +30 Avoid for 1 turn.
Heal: Allows unit to cast Heal. If Heal is already available, then unit can cast it for half the HP cost/cast it twice.
Offensive Tactics: Allies within 2 spaces deal 4 extra damage during battles.
Defensive Tactics: Allies within 2 spaces recieve 4 less damage during battle.
Regnal Astra: Allows user to perform 5 consecutive attacks. (Skill x 0.75 % activation)
Ostia’s Pulse: Grants adjacent allies +10 Crit.
Close Counter: Unit can counterattack adjacent foes.
Counterattack: Allows unit to counterattack regardless of distance to attacker.
Miasma Δ: Allows unit to cast Miasma Δ. If Miasma Δ is already availabe, then unit can cast it for half the HP cost/cast it twice.
Quick Riposte: If foe initiates combat while unit’s HP is ≥ 50%, unit makes guaranteed follow-up attack and foe cannot follow-up attack.
Heal +5/+10: Unit heals 5/10 extra HP.
Weight -3/-5: Reduces equipment weight by 3/5.
Perfectionist/Confidence: Grants Hit/Avo +15 when unit is at full HP.
Bow Range +1/+2: Increases bow range by 1/2.
Tome Range +1: Increases magic range by 1.
Fire: Allows unit to cast Fire. If Fire is already availabe, then unit can cast it for half the HP cost/cast it twice.
Heavy/Shrewd/Flashing/Stout/Buoyant Blade: If unit’s [stat] is greater than foe’s [stat], unit deals 4 extra damage. (The Shrewd Blade is in case there’s a Str/Mag split)
Triangle Attack: Unit alongside other 2 allies who share the same skill must surround a foe to perform this advanced technique.
Songstress: Adjacent allies recover up to 10% of max HP at the start of each turn.
Wrath: If foe initiates combat while unit’s HP is ≤ 50%, grants Crit +50.
Philanderer/Rivalry: When an ally of the opposite sex is adjacent, unit deals 2 extra damage and takes 2 less damage during combat.
Desperation: If unit initiates combat with HP ≤ 50%, follow-up attacks occur immediately after unit’s attack.
Vantage: If foe initiates combat, and unit’s HP is ≤ 50%, unit always attacks first.
Pursuit: If unit initiates combat while unit’s HP is ≥ 90%, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack and foe cannot make a follow-up attack.
Triple Threat: If the user’s HP is > 50%, the user deals half the damage received by Swords, Lances, and Axes to the enemy.
Close/Distant Guard: Allies within 2 spaces recieve 2 less damage from close/ranged attacks during battle.
I updated my previous icons, even though some could be considered obsolete. Here are some new ones to make up for that:
Haste: If the objective is Seize/Escape/Arrive, +10 Avoid and +1 Move/+15 Avoid and +10 Dodge.
Revolutionary: If there’s a throne within 3 spaces of the unit, +2 Str/Mag/Skl/Spd.
Loyal Guard: If there’s a throne within 3 spaces of the unit, +2 Str/Mag/Def/Res.
Gatekeeper: If there’s a door within 3 spaces of the unit, +2 Str/Mag/Def/Res.
Boar Tactics: If the objective is Rout, +15 Hit and +10 Crit.
Defiant Spectrum: When HP is ≤ 25%, gain +3 Str/Mag/Skl/Spd/Lck/Def/Res.
Demolition: OHKOes Walls and Snags and opens doors without Keys/Lockpicks. (Command)
Bold Turtle: If foe’s Move > unit’s Move, +4 Damage dealt.
Wise Turtle: If foe’s Move > unit’s Move, -4 Damage taken.
Frightening: Dual striking and guaranteed follow-up skills/effects are nullified.
(For example: Brave Weapons, Adept and QR)
Some of these aren’t exactly new, but I had to compile all of them together so it looked perfect:
From right to left:
Death Blow (Str version), Fiendish Blow, Darting Blow, Armored Blow, Warding Blow, Duelist Blow (Raises Avo), Uncanny/Certain Blow (Raises Hit), and Death/Fierce Blow (Crit Version).
Rallies: Str, Mag, Spd, Def, Res, Luck, Skill/Dex, Mov, Spectrum, Heart, and Charm
Lulls: Str/Mag, Str/Spd, Str/Def, Str/Res, Mag/Spd, Mag/Def, Mag/Res, Spd/Def, Spd/Res, and Def/Res.
EDIT: By the way, I just noticed there were Lull and Push skills already in the original post. I feel baffled as those are pretty recent in Heroes, especially the Lull ones.
Introducing the Special Abilities and the Fighter Abilities.
Quickened Pulse, Special Spiral, and Time’s Pulse.
Wary Fighter (not mine, but need to show the whole set), Bold Fighter, Vengeful Fighter, Special Fighter, and Daring Fighter.
Oops, almost forgot:
I gave each blow a corresponding Stance Skill. (As always some of these already existed.)