Garytop's Display Cabinet

Alright so life is getting pretty busy right now, so I expect the sprite drawing to slow down and eventually stop for a while leading up to and during and probably post Lunar New Year (I do a lot of extra curricular stuff in celebration for this), but I should get the Gen 2 definitely done before then and then I’m still deciding if I should do the shared/generic bosses for Awakening. If I do them (at least the named bosses not the risen skirmish classes, I’m not sure I’d be willing to go do Awakening generics because that is a lotta classes), then they’re probably next. Then I’m probably gonna finish my Awakening project with maybe something special for the Robin(s).

I’ve updated the main post with the below entry under F2E - Fire Emblem (FE Ylisse Saga - FE Awakening - Morgan(s))

FE Awakening - Morgan(s)
FE Morgan FFE Morgan M
So here we are. The Morgans, their character trait is that they inherited their amnesia from Robin. To be honest as far as characters go, the Morgans are not high on my favored Awakening characters, but they’re serviceable as Robin’s kid I guess. I suppose in hindsight they’re kind of tragic in that they probably know what they’re doing is bad, but all they know is that they love Robin and would do anything to stay close to them even post Grima-fication, you know kinda like any child that is clingy to their parents. Interesting that their most common depiction has them have inherit black hair, so I guess it implies that the preferrable parents art wise must be of Say’ri or Tharja for Male Robin and Lon’qu or Basilio for Female Robin (interesting combos). Overall I find their design pretty straight forward, but they tend to have drooped shoulders which exaggerate the length of their necks, so that part felt a little weird drawing their proportions. Another thing I ran into was there was no easy way to fit all of F Morgan’s eyes into their frame box, so I had to get creative with the frames.


So one final gen 2 character left with this one done. Still tossing up on what to draw after gen 2, I’ll look over how many of the non unique named bosses are left and think about it.

I’ve updated the main post with the below entry under F2E - Fire Emblem (FE Ylisse Saga - FE Awakening - Yarne)

FE Awakening - Yarne
FE Yarne
The last Taguel. I thought the taguel’s were kinda cool being kind of like the Laguz but they seemed to have more animal features than the Laguz did, being covered in fur and having their ears. still makes for some challenge in drawing though. The colour toning worked really well with Panne, however her colours were a bit harder to shade Yarne’s especially with his random patch of white hair, although I had already coincidentally had white in Panne’s colour palette. If were to re visit this one I would probably change his eyes, I couldn’t quite settle on them but this was the one I was satisfied with the most.


The final gen 2 character is done now, and I think I’ll take a break for a bit, we’ll see how things pan out but life is busy and there are one or two personal art projects I want to work on as well.

I’ve updated the main post with the below entry under F2E - Fire Emblem (FE Ylisse Saga - FE Awakening - Owain)

FE Awakening - Owain
FE OwainFE Owain Alt
Down sword hand! Owain the second gen myrmidon, the wielder of Missiletainn, the not quite legendary sword. I liked Owain, he was a fun character and I enjoyed his antics and the deeper meaning behind them as his means to cope with everything. He acts the fool to keep everyone else up and himself a bit. I shaded him a bit different to the usual because his pose is quite different to standard portraits where they face towards their right. Which meant the light source shading is sort of the opposite of standard portraits. I liked how the pose ended up overall and despite struggling with colour limitations I am overall happy with this product. I do wish I had 2 more spare tones for more red and black tones to give a bit more depth to the collar and shoulder pads. I also did the arm last, so making an armless alt was easy enough to produce.


just wanted to say I love your sprites! keep up the awesome work!

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Thanks for the comments, much appreciated.

I said I was taking a break, but Owain’s collar and shoulder pads were bugging me so I touched them up as well as tried a version where I sacrificed a hair tone for an extra red. The original versions have been updated and the extra red versions are down below. Both will remain updated within the main post under Owain. The differences are subtle but I thought I’d try anyway.

FE Owain More RedFE Owain Alt More Red


I’m curious, is there any plans to make Male and Female Robin portraits?

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There is a plan to do them, which I mentioned a while back, but thats still a while away. Currently taking a break due to real life commitments at the moment. I’ve finished my personal art projects that I was working on, but yeah, the Robins are probably gonna be a while. I’ve still got to do a few other characters before them.


Well its been a while, actually over a month since I last did a public sprite, so here we go.
I’ve decided to do the “generic” chapter bosses (not the class ones) so that means there is 8 more portraits to go before I get to the Robins. After that I’m probably done with this Awakening project of mine (unless I decided to go back and do some other ones or DLC designs) but I do have some other designs and characters I want to draw, that aren’t related to Awakening.

I’m still actually quite busy but not as flat out as I was the past month so, my pace will still be slowish. I was also meaning to up my exercise routine as well but got injured so we’ll see how my time distribution works out.

I’ve updated the main post with the below entry under F2E - Fire Emblem (FE Ylisse Saga - FE Awakening - Risen Chief)

FE Awakening - Risen Chief
FE Risen Chief
Arise my masters! cue Pillar Men music I decided to do the “generic” chapter bosses for Awakening (not skirmish ones (those are actually generic classes portraits)) so to start with I have the Risen Chief. After being out of it for a bit, I don’t really need to do frames for them so I decided they would be a good start. I did contemplate doing a glowing effect for blink frames, but I couldn’t get it to look right with the colours I had. Either way we’ll see how we go.


Still working away at these, I don’t know why but it felt like there were more shared portraits in Awakening than some of the older Fire Emblems, but I think its just because they didnt colour change the portraits like some of the older ones did between the duplicate portraits.

I’ve updated the main post with the below entry under F2E - Fire Emblem (FE Ylisse Saga - FE Awakening - Dalton/Dalen)

FE Awakening - Dalton/Dalen
FE Dalton-Dalen
Your enemy Paladin boss (Dalton the Valmese general and Dalen the leader of the Riders of Dawn). I still dislike the Cavalier and Paladin armours in this game, they just feel wierd. Overall I was happy with how he turned out, however I was torn with how to colour his armour. If I were to revisit this one, definitely the armour would be getting re done. I also decided to keep his hair down to 3 tone so if someone wanted to re colour the hair to make an alt (ala the old Fire Emblem double ups) they could. Its interesting that Awakening didn’t do that with their double up portraits.


Here is the next boss, few more to go. I think the next hardest one is probably gonna be the other Plegian Wyvern rider boss Orton/Xalbador. So far the first two shared portrait bosses I’ve done use only 3 tones for their hair and their main armour colour (red), so if somone wanted to recolour them for other bosses they could. I’ll see if I can keep that up with their colour pallettes.

I’ve updated the main post with the below entry under F2E - Fire Emblem (FE Ylisse Saga - FE Awakening - Campari/Gyral)

FE Awakening - Campari/Gyral
FE Campari-Gyral
Your enemy General/Knight Boss. I thought I was done with Kozaki armours for now… guess I was wrong. This one I’m more happy with in terms of how their armour turned out in comparison to how Dalen/Dalton’s did. What was also something I found pretty neat was that all the armour knights from different factions all have different styles (notice that Ylissian’s Kellam and Kjelle share a style, Ignatius and Cervantes have Valmese style armour, Raimi hase Feroxinian style armour and Campari/Gyral have Plegian/Generic style I guess). Which I find in Fire Emblem games that do differentiate factions with styles helps alot of with passive world building.


5 more bosses to go, although I might do something different next sprite, because I just sprited 4 dudes in a row (not there is nothing wrong with that) and the villain pallette gets kinda boring to keep drawing in a row.

I always associate the name Algol with Soul Calibur (4&5), so it always tickles me expecting this badass warrior and just seeing, well this…

I’ve updated the main post with the below entry under F2E - Fire Emblem (FE Ylisse Saga - FE Awakening - Morristan/Algol)

FE Awakening - Morristan/Algol
FE Morristan-Algol
Your enemy Plegian/Grimleal Berserker. A nice change of pace from doing armour twice in a row, however his pose is very much a non standard FE GBA pose. Still fitting the pose into the hack box was fun to do. His hair’s darkest colour is used in his shoulder pad, but there is one spare colour slot so if you wanted to recolour his hair and his shoulder pad you can. I did consider doing his other hand that holds the axe but decided that I didnt have enough colours available to make a nice axe (that and it wouldn’t fit into an extended or normal hackbox if made to scale). I also considered doing just the hand by itself, but felt it didnt serve a purpose. The horns had to be shortened to fit into the hackbox, but I think they’re reasonably proportioned. Still wonder what animals these Plegian/Grimleal are wearing because those skulls look too small to be Wyvern ones and the horn formations are also strange for regular mammals.


Just a thought but, ever thought of making
The generic class portraits? Awakening and fates have some killer generic portraits

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I did and have mentioned it in previous posts, that I wasn’t planning on doing the generic classes because well that is another like 39 portraits. I am thinking of doing some generic designs or generic inspired designs for some portraits in the future but not necessarily Awakening’s. However coincidentally…

This was my break portrait from Awakening portraits;

I’ve updated the main post with below entry under F2E - Fire Emblem (FE Valentia Saga - FE Echoes Gaiden - Echoes Saint)

FE Echoes Gaiden - Echoes Saint
FE Echoes Saint
So this was created towards the butt end of my Awakening project as a break from Awakening portraits. Some of the generics in the series have such great designs, but you don’t really get to see them often. The Echoes saint is such one. I did toss up on doing the 2nd strap with the headdress or removing it entirely as it blended into her hair shine a bit too much, however I think the headdress does complete the look regardless of the amount of straps across the top she has. Either way a nice side thing to do and am otherwise pretty happy with it. If I were to touch something up, maybe her shirt thing around the chest area.


Oh my! Echoes Saint’s Design is one of my favorites in the game (Second only to the priestess design, in my opinion) lovely work :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Jikoku coming to GBA??? [REAL] [NOT CLICKBAIT]

And of course we can’t forget Rallyman


It seems like some generics have some big fans. I’ve only decided on like a handful of so far and I don’t intend to do an entire set of characters like I just did for Awakening. So I guess stay tuned after Awakening is done to see if your favourite generic design made it. Or maybe you’ll see one you like that you didn’t really pay attention to before.

I’ve updated the main post with the below entry under F2E - Fire Emblem (FE Ylisse Saga - FE Awakening - Garrick/Roddick/Nombry/Zanth)

FE Awakening - Garrick/Roddick/Nombry/Zanth
FE Garrick-Roddick-Nombry-Zanth
Besides the Risen this is like the most re used boss portrait in Awakening I think, so does this count as doing 4 characters in one go? Overall, turned out better than expected. Limiting hair colour and fur colour to 3 tones each still left me with spare tones for the white in his eyes and his war paint. (Keeping in line with trying to make these duplicate use boss portraits easily recolourable). Took me a while to settle on his eyes, but I ended up getting an effect I was satisfied with. If I were to revisit this one, his chin scruff could do some work.


Its been a few days, still busy, also getting a bit sidetracked with a few other things (my friends once reckoned that our most played game was League of Legends, however they soon no longer thought of that for me when I showed them my Civilization 6 playtime). Anyway here is/are the next boss(es).

I’ve updated the main post with the below entry under F2E - Fire Emblem (FE Ylisse Saga - FE Awakening - Gecko/Jamil/Ruger/Ezra)

FE Awakening - Gecko/Jamil/Ruger/Ezra
FE Gecko-Jamil-Ruger-EzraFE Gecko-Jamil-Ruger-Ezra Alt
Well I found another boss used 4 times, although none of these bosses are mandatory (they’re all paralogues), so I guess you’re less likely to run into them unless your a collect em all player like I am with recruitable characters (it did go against my nature to do the Gaiden chapter runs in FE11 even though I liked Athena, Norne and Horace). I did an alt of this guy without facial hair because when I was drawing him, I figured he looked actually more heroic without it (and more playable looking). He also reminded me of the Joker a little bit too, when I was doing the base colours and lineart. If you are curious about the size of his head, it is actually smaller than the character I used as a base to work out the angle (Pablo), but I think its the angle of his shoulders that make it look bigger. Like with the other reused bosses his hair and clothing are all free 3 tones so they can be recoloured more easily.


2 more bosses to go in this set. Also I decided to do my first non Fire Emblem character sprite for this year as well as the next break sprite. Which was also decided on in light of recent news, Dragon Ball was a big thing in my childhood and a thing my friends and I bonded over and still did years later when it resurged with the ToP arc in Super. I’ve also been a fan of a few Dragon Quest titles as well and have been meaning to try Chrono Trigger considering how well praised and acclaimed it is.

I’ve updated the main post with the below entry under F2E - Fire Emblem (FE Ylisse Saga - FE Awakening - Cassius/Nelson)

FE Awakening - Cassius/Nelson
FE Cassius-Nelson
Another reused boss exclusive to Paralogues. Interestingly, his cloak doesn’t share the same patterns as the other sages or Excellus (although maybe that would make Excellus’ link to the Grimleal to obvious). You know looks wise, the original Awakening portrait reminds me of Grima Wormtongue from Lord of the Rings, but the sprite sorta turned out closer looking to Snape from Harry Potter. I did consider doing the staff in the portrait, but I won’t lie got a bit lazy in regards to it and wanted to work on my next portrait as soon as possible. Like the other re used bosses, the hair tone is actually a different black to the clothing and thus everything can be recoloured comfortably. If I do revisit this one I would probably make the staff.

And I’ve updated the second post with the below entry under F2E - Non Fire Emblem Properties (Non Game Franchises - Dragon Ball - Goku)

Dragon Ball - Goku
FE GokuFE Goku Happy Alt
So I drew this in tribute to the legendary Akira Toriyama, may he rest in peace. He leaves behind an amazing legacy and I think his impact in spreading culture through his stories and art is no small feat. Not only did he do Dragon Ball, he did several other series such as Dr Slump, Dragon Quest, Blue Dragon and Chrono Trigger off the top of my head. As for the sprite itself, well much like the Cloud I was dreading fitting his hair into the hackbox. Turned out that wasn’t too bad to keep in proportion (maybe the furthermost left (our left) spike could of gone further out, but it still looks alright here). Turns out the eyes were the hardest thing to do and I still couldn’t get a 100 percent satisfied with both variants of his eyes. I was most happy with his more serious eyes so thats why that is the main portrait and the alt are his more happy ones.


Hey, it’s Goku from Dragon Ball Z!!

In seriousness tho, good job on this portrait, may Akira rest in peace.


I can’t believe it took this long for someone to make a Chrom portrait :v