Garytop's Display Cabinet

In this house we love Mitan


Now we just need the other female brigand of that game Abyme.

Abyme is an Elusian soldier. She just so happens to appear as a Warrior later on. But she’s not a brigand

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I think she shows up as a berserker not a warrior


So I felt like I hadn’t done a non Fire Emblem character in a while, probably not since doing Goku in remembrance for Toriyama, so here is a new unexpected challenger. Just portrait design is inspired by Butter_Sugoi who did a anime variant of the Emo Wendy below. Their instagram linked is SFW, however when I went to find out who did the art for this (I saw it uncredited originally on reddit) I found out the artist is NSFW so be careful if you choose to seek their other artworks.

I’ve updated the second main post with the below entry under F2E - Non Fire Emblem Properties (Non Game Franchises - Wendy’s - Emo Wendy)

Wendy’s - Emo Wendy
FE Wendy UKFE Wendy UK No Shine
FE Wendy UK White DressFE Wendy UK Striped Dress
Yes its Wendy’s as in the food chain. So apparently the UK have tried doing alternative logos for Wendy’s (to be honest I don’t really know Wendy’s since its not a major food chain in Australia as far as I know) and Butter_Sugoi on Instagram made a cool looking anime fan version of the emo logo (its not on their instagram, but its that artist). I thought the redraw was really cool and decided to do a portrait of her. I did do versions with the white dress design, but I felt it would be more cool to do some armour so the armour design is inspired by one Syrene’s Cipher arts. There are some variants available such as no hair shine (makes for recolouring the red easier if you want to), and her in a white dress or the striped one. I will say doing black lipstick did make for making mouth frames harder.

Original source art by Butter Sugoi that inspired this take;


Here is another non Fire Emblem video game character, the last one I did was back in October I think last year, so its been a while. This one I experimented with skipping the border colour on some pieces to give those pieces a unique look. I normally only do that on sprites that need an aura of some sort rather than clothing pieces, but I kind of like how this one turned out.

I’ve updated the second main post with the below entry under F2E - Non Fire Emblem Properties (Other Game Franchises - League of Legends - Jarvan IV (Worlds))

League of Legends - Jarvan IV (Worlds Alt)
FE Jarvan IV Worlds
So once upon a time I did a base Jarvan IV a long time ago, which is visible in the Observation Only section. When Worlds 2021 came around and his Worlds Skin came out with a chroma that gave it his base colours scheme similar again. I felt like it was better representation of Jarvan IV more in line with how the current look of League is (his original model I don’t think has been really updated that much so it still feels like something from over a decade ago). He is supposed to be Dragon themed considering his backstory is that he did help slay a dragon and is in a will they/won’t they relationship with a Dragon as well and thus I felt this design better encapsulates him than his OG design. This is probably one of my more ambitious shoulder pads that I’ve done, drawing dragons have never been easy let alone dragon decals. Despite its look, this sprite pushes my palette restrictions to their limits. If I had more colours to use or used the Hackbox expansion patch I would probably expand on the shoulder pads more, but overall I’m quite happy with how this one turned out.


Another non Fire Emblem video game character, a legacy spriting character I’ve done for a long time (over a decade). Opaque Sunglasses are one of my spriting banes I feel, however I am happy with how overall this sprite turned out. Also the first update to Observation Only this year as well, for those curious to check out that section.

I’ve updated the third main post with the below entry under F2E - Non Fire Emblem Properties (Other Game Franchises - Final Fantasy X - Auron)

Final Fantasy X - Auron
FE Auron v5FE Auron No Glasses v5
FE Auron Combat Sleeve v5FE Auron Combat Sleeve No Glasses v5
So this is my 5th attempt at Auron from FFX. This guy is probably my 2nd favourite character from FFX and probably 3rd from Final Fantasy overall. The badass Samurai mentor who when you get him in your party pretty much one shots most smaller encounters and can pierce armoured encounters off the bat. When I was younger his serious, cool, wise and experienced vibes made him my favourite, but as I got older my viewpoint changed and Tidus’ idealism and character development overtook Auron in my favoured list. Each character in FFX has a challenge when drawing them, usually to do with colour palette because I feel they’re amongst the most colourful (literally) cast amongst the 3D era Final Fantasy parties. So yes Auron’s colours were probably the hardest to balance out, but I think this my favourite attempt. You can see all my previous version in the Observation Only section.

Also in the third main post, Observation Only - Final Fantasy X - Auron Spriting Legacy

Final Fantasy X - Auron Spriting Legacy

So Auron has been a favourite character of mine for a long time and as such I have done many attempts of Auron over the years and I think its nice to show progress over my time of spriting.
The first version a heavily modified Dieck was done in 2007
Auron 2, done back in my early ventures into full custom work was 2008
Auron 3, done based on the his KH artwork was done in 2010
Auron 4, done in 2020 during Lockdown more based on his FFX look again
Auron 5, done in 2024, sort of takes a mixed features approach (F2E)
There are several characters I’ve done multiple versions of over the years, some which should be located in this Observation Only section. As such please only use the ones available in the F2E sections please and not the old outdated ones located in here. I did consider posting a Black Knight Spriting Legacy as well, which I may do down the line some time.


So I fell sick a few days ago and that put me out for a bit, I don’t usually get sick but when I do it knocks me on my ass. Anyway I figured it’s been a while since I’ve done an OC character and wanted to try drawing a character with a different face angle in mind. So here is the fiery pirate/buncaneer Roseanne.

EDIT: Touched up the hat a little bit

I’ve updated the third main post with the below entry under F2E - Non Fire Emblem Properties (OCs - Roseanne)

FE RoseanneFE Roseanne No Hand Alt

So this pirate inspired lady was made because I wanted to try out spriting a face at a slightly different angle from what is usually seen in Fire Emblem, which is why the chin and nose are shaded differently from usual portraits. This also gave me an easy excuse to fit a pirate style hat in without having to do too much hackbox shennanigans because of the angle of her head. Thinking back off the top of my head the only character in Fire Emblem that has a remotely similar head angle would be Ashera in Radiant Dawn. Overall I’m okay with how it turned out, but I think I’ll brush up on some general art skills before trying to draw that angle again. When I looked for some references, I could mainly only find real life references (maybe there is a reason its not drawn often) at short hand.

I originally envisioned her design to be one of the following class types
Pirate, Thief/Rogue, Myrmidon/Swordmaster, Nomad/Nomad Trooper.


So now I think off the top of my head there is only one setting besides the cipher verse that I haven’t covered now. Here is another generic, probably not from something expected but was a challenge nonetheless. With this I have also added the Aytolis Saga section to the main post.

I’ve updated the main post with the below entry under F2E - Fire Emblem (FE Aytolis Saga - Fire Emblem Warriors - Aytolis Guardian Knight)

Fire Emblem Warriors - Aytolis Guardian Knight
FE Aytolis Guardian Knight
So back when I was looking for generics to draw, I was wondering about the trying something from not a mainline series (was considering Heroes, but most of the generics are really plain, especially compared to the OCs from there) and settled one something I haven’t drawn anything for. I actually played the first Fire Emblem warriors more than Three Hopes. I liked it because it does what Koei does coolest in it’s crossover titles, actually crossover (Dynasty Warriors Gundam, OG Hyrule Warriors, Warriors Orochi, All Stars, etc) and you get to see cute and cool interactions between beloved characters. Now its hilarious, saying that the Heroes generics are plain versus the FE:Warriors ones considering there is nothing that sort of changes the looks of soldiers between factions besides colours. That and their armoured knights are blocky as hell. Such as the Guardian Knight (a Tier 3 Great Knight essentially). If I thought some of the other characters were hard to colour, this one was surprisingly hard to keep within the limits despite not having hair. As for recolouring the darker blues are easy to recolour but the rest are not. I’ll consider recolouring these into the Red and Green variants as it would probably take a bit more effort than simple actions but we’ll see how I feel. Also yes it is completely contained to the hackbox, no expansion patch required, despite how blocky this guy’s armour is.


Alright I decided to do the 2 other recolours. They have been added to the main post and I also noticed that Inigo’s stat screen frames were also incorrect so I’ve updated them as well. Tossing up on what to draw next, leaning towards doing Yuzu from Cipher/Echoes at the moment.

Red Aytolis Guardian Knight
FE Aytolis Guardian Knight Red

Green Aytolis Guardian Knight
FE Aytolis Guardian Knight Green

FE Awakening - Inigo
FE Inigo


Welp decided to go with Yuzu and so I have added the FE TCGs section to the main post. I wonder if they’ll start another Fire Emblem TCG. I get the feeling it was possibly canned due to how Fire Emblem Heroes took off and that they’d rather keep commissioning artists for that rather than the TCGs.

I’ve updated the main post with the below entry under F2E - Fire Emblem (FE TCGs - Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher) - Yuzu)

Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher) - Yuzu
FE Yuzu
So Fire Emblem has had a few official card games I believe. There was the original one that was released that covered I think Shadow Dragon, Mystery of the Emblem, Genealogy and Thracia. That one was eventually discontinued and never made it to the GBA era. This was succeeded by Fire Emblem 0 or Cipher, which was discontinued at the end of 2020 (so it includes all Fire Emblem games up to Three Houses (not including Three Hopes)) . The Cipher series also has its own cast of OCs similar to FEH except these heroes’ home verses are from already existing Fire Emblem sagas rather than new ones. A handful of Cipher characters were made playable as DLC characters for Echoes. Yuzu’s home is Hoshido and therefore her home verse comes from Fates. However the design I decided to draw was her Echoes design, which is why her outfit and class is not that of a myrmidon/samurai and is instead a Valentian Priestess. Overall happy with how it turned out, although I wish I had maybe one more tone to play with for her hair to smooth out some of the transition shading in the layers of her hair (the colours I used where Vigarde’s hair tones).


If you want, you could sacrifice one of the two blue tone colors you used for her hair pin, maybe replace it with the darkest hair tone, since that’s something that’s been done with some of the official FE GBA characters, like with Lyn and L’arachel. That way you could have another hair color for her portrait.


Yeah I considered it, but decided on leaving at 3 tones for now in case someone wanted to recolour it for their own purposes.

I decided to do another OC, because a desire to draw something with some more green struck me with an idea for a design. I’m still thinking on what to draw next. I have been thinking of either, drawing another pair of Fates Royals (Takumi/Leo or Sakura/Elise) or maybe a Tokyo Mirage Sessions character (finishing off the list of FE Sagas in my main post until another verse/mainline game comes out) or maybe do a Fallen alt of a character like Ike or Chrom.

I’ve updated the third main post with the below entry under F2E - Non Fire Emblem Properties (OCs - Beryl)

FE Beryl
So I was looking over the sprites I’ve drawn recently and there is a lot of reds, whites, blacks, a few blues used for colours here and there and felt like I wanted to draw something with green being a dominant colour. So I decided to make another OC and named her Beryl (a type of Green Gem). She actually had a lot of colours available for her since her hair only uses one tone and the skin tones (so keep that in mind if you want to recolour her hair), an advantage of drawing someone this kind of blonde. Her hair actually turned out really well, but its unfortunately covered up by her armour a bit so I might do another outfit for her as an alt to show off her hair more. Her fringe was kind of inspired by the Mario Princesses (Peach, Rosalina and Daisy) however in execution it kinda looks like female Corrin’s.

I originally envisioned her design to be one of the following class types
Cavalier/Paladin, Soldier/Halberdier, Wyvern Rider/Wyvern Knight/Wyvern Lord.


her hair is literally pixel perfect omg


I decided to do Takumi, which leaves me only one Hoshidan Royal left to do and 4 more of the Royal children left (Azura, Leo, Elise and Sakura). I don’t know if I would do a Fates project like I did the Awakening one, Fates I think has far more characters than Awakening and while it was fun that was a drainer. Still, doesn’t mean I won’t do FE Fates characters at all.

I’ve updated the main post with the below entry under F2E - Fire Emblem (FE 14 Fates - Takumi)

FE 14 Fates - Takumi
FE Takumi
Here is the next Fates Royal, the Sniper Takumi. After looking at reference pieces for his design, I decided on a cross between his portrait in Fates (body pose) and a cool Fates anniversary art done by Kozaki (head and hair pose) for this design. I liked how it turned out although his clothes did end up covering the details I had put into his ponytail. The trickiest part of this portrait was actually working out how to fit all of his colours into the colour palette, which despite kind of having a dull colour scheme, uses a lot of colours compared to his siblings (grey brown hair, White Collar and shirt, a dark blue scarf thing, lighter blue coat and sleeves and lastly a red ribbon in his hair and chest tassle things). Overall happy with how it turned out though. I’m not sure if I’d do a fallen alt because it was already pretty hard getting his colours to fit in.


To accompany Takumi, I also decided to do his opposing Royal in Nohr, Leo. Not my cleanest work, but his design surprisingly has a lot of detail crammed into him despite his size. Doing great detail on standard sized portraits are always a challenge, especially if you want to keep visual clarity. I do like doing complex or intricate designs now and then however for me in general my personal design policy for OCs and the like is that most people would wear more simple designed clothing for practicality and ease of identifying. The intricate stuff goes to the more exceptional characters of status or prowess (pre promotes, notables or even if someone promotes, etc.).

I’ve updated the main post with the below entry under F2E - Fire Emblem (FE 14 Fates - Leo)

FE 14 Fates - Leo
FE Leo
Another Fates Royal, the 2nd Male of Nohr Leo. Unlike the others, his pose and look are mainly based on his Fates portrait. His colour selection was partly based on my Xander done previously to try and keep a sort of family resemblance between the two. It may not be obvious in his in game Fates portraits and cutscenes, but his outfit has actually a lot of colours, so balancing his colour palette was a bit tricky. I also noticed when drawing up the line art, his hair design reminds me a lot of Marth, except with a headband rather than a tiara. If I was to revisit Leo, I’d probably re do his hair.


Its been a while, I’ve been a bit preoccupied with the Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree (If you liked Elden Ring, I recommend it, although it is definitely much harder than the base game, Malenia included). I’ve finished the DLC, but playing it made me want to do another playthrough of the base game so I’ve been doing that again. Then after talking to some friends about our experiences, I found out I missed a few minor things (past points of no return) in the DLC so I might do a 2nd run through of that too…

That aside I decided to do something simple again. However I’ll probably be a bit slow this month (or may not even publicly draw something till next month) as I am working on another personal art project and we’ll see how long that takes.

I’ve updated the third main post with the below entry under F2E - Non Fire Emblem Properties (Non Game Franchises - Dungeon Meshi/Delicious in Dungeon - Laios)

Dungeon Meshi/Delicious in Dungeon - Laios
FE Laios
So this was delayed a bit but in a mini celebration for season 2 being announced I decided to draw Laios from Dungeon Meshi. I like his design because its quite simple for a fantasy anime where usually they seem over the top and non sensical a lot, whereas his design seems a lot more grounded. That said simple designs still offer their own challenges in that you still need to make the sprite appealing or stand out in a way despite the simplicity (I would argue the Elibian Cavaliers do this well even though if you take a step back they’re designs are simple compared to some of the later cavaliers) Overall happy with how he turned out, altough if I was going to revisit this one, probably touch up his face and/or hair a bit.