Fire Emblem Thracia 776 - Forseti's Cut

I’m loving the hack so far, but I do have an issue I haven’t seen brought up in the replies.

In my playthrough I killed Safy in 14x so that I could recruit Asaello with Shiva. He did spawn, but it seems like Shiva can’t recruit Asaello despite what the general changes log says. Is the general changes log incorrect when it says that Asaello can be recruited with Shiva or do I have to have Daisy in order to recruit him in general? I do see that the dialogue log only lists a post-recruitment conversation between Shiva and Asaello, but since both the general log and unit compendium say Shiva can recruit him I want to make sure.

Some feedback.

Skipping 2x for Daisy makes Ch4 rather tough. Additionally, if you don’t capture enough keys you have to use the shop in the top left of Ch3 to buy keys (Eyvel has 1 key, capture the Bishop for a 2nd key to open the shop door) to access the children and chest room. Even though you only have 11 chests max (since only Leif can smuggle in items), how the map proceeds is highly dependent on how early you find the 2nd set of Lockpicks. The sooner you find it, the faster you can progress after splitting up.

Kant is unironically so powerful that there is basically nobody short of 2x Life Ring Leif or 2x Life Ring Dalsin able to take hits from both him and his goons without a chance of death. Pretty much the only reason he is bearable is because you can rescuedrop Ced in to clear the room for you. The problem is arguably the Steel-grade Soldiers who deal way too much damage for the enemy density there.

Ch5’s Shadow Sword has the description of the Mareeta’s Sword, including noting it as “once-cursed” when it is clearly not the case.

McCloy shows up in Ch14 even if you kill him in Ch13, strangely enough.

Codha lacks the Wlv to use Fenrir.

Two Things, both in 17B. How do I recruit Illos (I’ve tried talking with Leif, but the Talk command doesn’t appear), and what does the house on the left mountain require? I have no idea what he means by full wallet.

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guy in the left house wants 20k gold, he will open the right gate so you can go and fight the ballistae; this was in the vanilla game

Quick question before adding my comment, do the dancers in ch12x with the master seal and warp staff appear? Or is there some requirement?

Their turns of appearing have each been made 10 less. So player phase turns 15 and 20 instead of turns 25 and 30 player phase. You also need to have not killed any dancers before that. Capturing or capturing and releasing them is okay.

Although forseti cut does add some much needed dialogue and boss variety. I think that the buffed enemies seem to be more difficult to deal with. I essentially had to arena grind or use killer weapons just for my units who I want to train to get some exp. Not only that but the buff led enemies makes it much more harder to capture them. For me it now requires the work of 5 units just to capture one enemy. It could just be a skill issue for me but I wanted to express my thoughts on the buffed enemies.

Any specific areas? I’m aware that chapters 14 and endgame are currently considerably overtuned. I have plans to fix them, but an update may be a ways off, unfortunately.

Not sure if this is a good idea, but is double weapon exp for staves fair? It just feels like a slog to grind 150 turns spamming heal to make someone staff rank usable.

Mmm… I thought about it, but it just seems like a little much. For the characters who do have that 150 turn heal spam requirement (I’m guessing Nanna, Asbel, or Homer), they already excel in other areas, so making it easy to get them to staffing like Salem or Gunnar do seems unnecessary.

In my playthrough I killed Safy in 14x so that I could recruit Asaello with Shiva. He did spawn, but it seems like Shiva can’t recruit Asaello despite what the general changes log says. Is the general changes log incorrect when it says that Asaello can be recruited with Shiva or do I have to have Daisy in order to recruit him in general? I do see that the dialogue log only lists a post-recruitment conversation between Shiva and Asaello, but since both the general log and unit compendium say Shiva can recruit him I want to make sure.

This was an error in eventing. I added their conversation to the game’s data, but not the actual recruitment event itself. I would like to make an update just to fix the bugs like these, but I got my hands dirty in so many other game elements I’m working with currently (that I started on before I realized there were issues like this) that I feel like it wouldn’t even be worth it at the moment. I apologize. I’d like to get an update out before I go back to school in August. I can provide a band aid solution via a single cheat code in the meantime, if anyone would like. Just respond to this, and I can tell you exactly what to do.

Skipping 2x for Daisy makes Ch4 rather tough. Additionally, if you don’t capture enough keys you have to use the shop in the top left of Ch3 to buy keys (Eyvel has 1 key, capture the Bishop for a 2nd key to open the shop door) to access the children and chest room. Even though you only have 11 chests max (since only Leif can smuggle in items), how the map proceeds is highly dependent on how early you find the 2nd set of Lockpicks. The sooner you find it, the faster you can progress after splitting up.

Kinda stumped on this one, actually. Do you have any suggestions? I can make events to add items to characters at the beginning of the chapter depending on whether or not Daisy is present—meaning you’re going into this chapter with only Leif’s inventory. Just a basis for an idea.

Kant is unironically so powerful that there is basically nobody short of 2x Life Ring Leif or 2x Life Ring Dalsin able to take hits from both him and his goons without a chance of death. Pretty much the only reason he is bearable is because you can rescuedrop Ced in to clear the room for you. The problem is arguably the Steel-grade Soldiers who deal way too much damage for the enemy density there.

Again, I’ll take a suggestion. I’m fine with switching Kant to Fire or lowering his magic to like the class base. Other than that, I suppose just lowering the levels or equipment of his minions works.

Ch5’s Shadow Sword has the description of the Mareeta’s Sword, including noting it as “once-cursed” when it is clearly not the case.

Gotcha. Both swords originally use the same description pointer (because, well, they do the exact same things, and flavor text wasn’t put to use there), so I just gotta make a second one for the Shadow Sword to use.

McCloy shows up in Ch14 even if you kill him in Ch13, strangely enough.

Another simple oversight. I’m up for making his chapter 14 spawn conditional or removing it completely.

Codha lacks the Wlv to use Fenrir.

I mean to remove his Fenrir and replace it with Hel (so I clearly forgot that part), since I think siege magic in Fog of War is pretty bad. I’ve had thoughts of switching out Ortov’s Meteor and Bolting in 11x for just Tornado.

How do I recruit Illos (I’ve tried talking with Leif, but the Talk command doesn’t appear)

I think I forgot to make up the bit where the ! talk icon shows up for Leif recruiting Ilios. But even still, the event should function normally. You may have not realized that even in B route, the having Olwen dead/not recruited requirement still applies for getting Ilios.
We do have plans for making Ilios mutually exclusive with Ralf instead of Olwen in the next update (a little list of reasons can be found in our channel within the Discord). With Ralf getting just some very slight buffs to bases and growths, I think the choice for practicality’s sake is actually a pretty good one.

I have no idea what he means by full wallet.

Does he not actually say the gold requirement if you visit while short on gold? Wow. I’ll have to revise that dialogue. Also, I’m gonna cut that gold requirement by at least half for the next update.

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I’ve been attempting to play the hack but once I get into the first map the entire game freezes with only the music playing

I should have replied to this sooner, and I didn’t for some reason. Apologies.

So, I realize my “What ROM does this get patched to?” explanation was a bit misleading. I’ll try it again. Forseti’s Cut gets applied to a ROM version (not NP) of a unheadered JP game file. It goes straight to that, and a Lil’ Manster patch does not act as an intermediary.

The issue could be the header, in which case this header adder/remover tool is very self-explanatory to use, and is quite possibly the fastest application I’ve ever used in my life on a repeated basis.


Thank you, the game is working now

Say, has this issue been reported?
On Chapter 14x: “Yearning to Breathe Free,” there’s a spot on that map where Karin has to wait in order to trigger a conversation with a certain someone, resulting in a Luck Ring. After I triggered this, Karin just…disappeared from the map following Enemy Phase – nowhere to be found. This wouldn’t be much of an issue if this wasn’t an Escape map, and not having Karin on the map leads to her being captured. I believe she disappears at the start of Enemy Phase, since no enemies will move to attack her.

Sure, a Luck Ring isn’t exactly the most useful item so it’s no skin off my nose gameplay-wise to skip the interaction when I retry the map. Still stinks to miss some extra dialogue though.

Edit: She’ll still appear on the “Units” tab, but selecting her just leads you back to the tile she initiated the special scene on – even if you move her afterwards, via Rescue

EditEdit: Unrelated, but Codha also doesn’t have the Weapon Rank to use his Fenrir tome. Not entirely sure what his deal is.

Can you add PoR style fixed growths as an option? Somehow they got all the growth altering items to still work with fixed growths.

Also, another error here. This IS Leif and Miranda talking, but they’re using Eda and Linoan’s portraits.

Sara and Marty’s conversation also implies the latter gets a Ring of some kind, but nothing is added to his inventory. Not sure if that’s just flavor-text and he got a normal, completely ordinary ring or what, but I figured I’d mention that as well

Also, why can Xavier “reinforce” with a generic Armored Axe…and a Ced with three Forsetis?

Where’s Ced?

There is one last error I can see – Eyvel will still appear in the custom opening cutscene even if she was left behind or killed during the penultimate Gaiden chapter. (I was going for all the Deadlords.)

The dialogue between Miranda and Linoan is bugged, the script got bigger than the dialogue box permitted.

Even Linoan’s confused

Was there any follow-up to this? My guess is that this is chapter 24 preps and Ced/Saias goes invisible between the end of chapter 23 and beginning of chapter 24 because he’s given a fixed spot in chapter 24, as happens in vanilla.

This needs to be patched to a headed rom right? I’m running into issues where no matter which one I used (headed or unheaded) it wont load up. I’m using a .SFC file if that helps

It goes to an unheadered JP ROM. And yeah, .sfc is what I use and it’s fine.

Thank you. Ill have to try again