Fire Emblem: The Lonely Mirror (Concept for FE8 ROM Hack)

Aaaah, so that’s what happened. It’s just that some of the conversations I tried, like Myles and Lael, weren’t displayed. Anyway, thanks for the answer and keep up the good work.

@caladrius I just read in the added document about supports that we can message you so you give somre priority to X support, so Imma say I want Myles x Lael, they deserve it.

I second Myles x Lael. It’s one of the most important pre-established relationships so I’d love to see their support.


Been too long since I played this game. Can’t remember who Lael was.

The only relationship/paired ending I remember getting was Boone x Queenie. There WERE others, that’s just the only one I 100% remember.

EDIT: Had to look deep in some of my old files for my save data. Now I remember the names better.


Lael is the redhead girl who has the bell. Myles is the blond easy-going guy who vowed to protect her.

For real. Now that Lael is a fully grown woman, I can’t wait to see how the brotherly feelings of Myles evolve into something else :wink:

@caladrius I don’t know if anyone told you just yet, but two more spaces to put characters in battle would do some good. Not because the game is specially hard, mind, but because there are so many interesting characters at the same time that if feels hard to choose who bench :sweat_smile:.

Nice that this got an update. One of my favorite hacks.

ngl it’s kind of odd to triple post and one of the posts is this?

I think I A-ranked Joseph and Myles. Bros for life

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Forgot to ask when I first saw the update, but are the new chapters Gaiden or main story chapters?

On another note, I was reading the growth rates and suddenly notice that Travis is now black? Why though? He is Celystean, right? From the land of ice and snow, were everyone is pale because of geographic and alimentary reasons, like in our own world. If you want to turn someone black for who knows the reason, why not do it with Granz or Vergil? Ametona and its greenlands seems a more likely place to have black people (in fact we already have one, Tarin). Unless Travis is not Celystean, then everything makes sense.

Damn, these recruitment and gaiden requirements are thick.

Jokes aside though, it’s a really neat project, especially with the latest update, congrats !

The character of Travis was originally going to be named Elias, and he was going to be black. His original portrait was one of my first, and I couldn’t get dark skin to work well with palettes in stuff, because of my inexperience and inabilities. I ended up changing his name to Travis when I couldn’t match my original vision (surprisingly happened a lot with other characters too). I used the opportunity of redoing portraits as a way to move Travis back to the original vision.

You’re right though, Travis’s ancestry is probably not of Celyste, but that doesn’t mean he cannot live there.


Most of the new chapters are additional route split options. If you follow Fletcher’s recruitment path, you will play two of them. The other chapters are automatically presented to the player as another path through the Jacotta arc. You have the choice to Ally with Amanda or to Ally with Reizo. The choice will change the flow of maps.

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Sounds like a plan. I will prioritize Myles and Lael next.


Aaaah so it wa because of his ancestry. Everything makes sense now.

Hey there ! Small question !

On Chapter 11, I stopped on the ruined house with Caspian, yet it didn’t seem to trigger anything special.

Is it supposed to be this way, or… Did I mess up somewhere ?

I think it involves with Maddening difficulty which is exclusive.

The guide mentions either difficult or Maddening, if memory serves ! Pretty sure I’m playing on difficult