Fire Emblem the 8 chosen ones ( a way to play fire emblem)

I had an idea for a way to play fire emblem. I want to make it difficult or simple depending on randomness. I call it the 8 chosen ones (for every Fire emblem after FE 6) in this way to play fire emblem every 2 chapters a chosen one will be selected randomly. (It can be OP like Rutger or not like…Sophia) and the rest of units are “super allies”.

Here’s the trick:

1-The chosen ones must be choosen all chapters since their selection (1 every pair or not pair chapters “x chapters , paralogues or Xenologes not count”)

2-Main lords can’t be chosen ones but can be used in the randomize system to skip the chosen one selection to the next chapter

3- The chosen ones can’t die unless they are killed by a critical hit . If they are killed normally you must restart the chapter (super allies will die normally critical or not)

4- The chosen ones are the only ones who CAN fight the bosses ALL of them must attack (except if one of the chosen one has null chances against the boss ) (exclude healers from randomization until they promote)

5- The selection of the super allies is free or can be also randomized (if the player wants a challenge)

(I will make a gameplay about it if you want to ask something you are free to do so)