Fire Emblem Resource Repository (Battle Animations, Portraits, Music, etc)

more fire emblem 6 other class portraits f2u and edit
sw bartrewarrior karelFighter fir 2Fighter fir 1Warrior doug
marcus snipernomad rutger


Moar random releases
First is a ‘generic’ portrait for a Wolf shapeshifter for that battle animation up there a bit.

And Wolf Knight animations! While the current Wolf Rider animations are really cool, I wanted to model these a bit more off of the Engage ones which also included less monster-like wolves.
Swords, knives, lances, axes (+magic), handaxes and unarmed.

I’d rather have waited until I could pretty the animations up, but with all of the incoming games I’d like to play it’s likely I would have just forgotten or got sick of working on these instead and never released them. Anyways! Please do enjoy as you will! As always you can edit these if you’d like to.


BoneManSeth, amema003 - Yassified Innes

Drag Sniper: Auntie Air (F2E)


Time to fix a stupid mistake-- I didn’t initially think to test the Wolf Knight with a different palette for… some reason, but I was able to today and noticed that they don’t line up for most of the different weapons. Derp. That’s been fixed now.

Excuse me while I whack my head on my desk. Have fun with the ability to use palettes.


Wyvern Lord (U) Lance {Leif}
Wyvern Rider (U) Lance {Leif}

I edited the vanilla Wyvern Rider and Lord class cards to match Leo_Link’s revamped wyvern sprites to match actual wyverns instead of dragons. Overworld sprites to come later.


New GAMERS sprite just dropped (Uses parts by Nickt, Stitch, Garytop)


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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

If how I organise the animations makes no sense, I’m just noting them as they were initially done-- or what I recall anyway.
Anyways! Even MORE old animations I’m probably never going to use again. Probably seems like I’m just tossing garbage at people but all I want to do is give people more options, it’s not up to me if you want to use any of these, all I can do is accomodate.
…i never get to the bloody point do i. The actual point is that I noticed a few of these were in that little unfinished section of the repo as their spritesheets, aaaand I still had the animations I did of them from years ago, they’re most definitely not pretty but they function and that is nice.


Will I ever run out of old stuff? I have no idea. I’ve accrued so much random stuff over the years and it’d be nice to see them get some use instead of me just hoarding them for no reason. I’ve still got some spritesheets but I never animated them, maybe I’ll get to them at some point. These may be some very ugly babies, but they’re my ugly babies and I love every one of them, even if I can’t bear to look at them for too long without feeling sick.

For that erm… Archsage, he uses the Nergal effect, so as is is basically most complete in FE7 (Unless someone copied the Nergal effect for use with the other games and I never noticed)


{Vlak}  - F2U OC Sorceress
{Vlak} - F2U OC Dragon Rider
{Vlak} - F2U OC Warrior King.png
{Vlak} - F2U OC Surly Mage.png
{Vlak} - F2U OC Ornate Priestess

A few portraits that were inspired by 7743’s portrait generator. F2U and recolor.


heyo made some portraits for projects im doing
reclass fe6
pirate rauh
nomad garret
pali igrene
theif geese
pent hair
Archer clarine

and some Fe4 thing I read the manga and I just really like lewyn and fury I mean erinys
f2u and edit


I have a few more Shantae Halfbodies that I’ve been making. This time they are the Half-Genies from Shantae’s 5th Adventure on Paradise Island. Like my last batch, I’ve been using 7743’s AI portrait tool.
Shantae, Harmony {Stephano}Shantae, Zapple {Stephano}Shantae, Plink {Stephano}Shantae, Vera {Stephano}Shantae, Fillin {Stephano}

Here is also a before and after of the AI generated portrait compared to the final portrait. As well as all the ones i’ve done so far.

Before and After

Portrait Collection


It’s been a while, everyone. I had some free time, so I created a new Spell Animation using materials I had made and left in the past.


The Japanese name is 火攻火輪, but the English name is Gigafire, named like FE7 Gigacalibur.

The reading of “火攻火輪” is “HiZeMeKaRiN”.
Specific pronunciations are
“He = Hi” for “He is”,
“The = Ze” for “Them”,
“Me = Me” for “Mecha”,
“Co = Ka” for “Cover”, and
“Rin = RiN” for “Ring”.

This is a Spell Animation that heats the surrounding area with hot air to cause an explosion.
I created this animation by imagining that heat causes a heat-up.

Credits: @SHYUTERz


Continuation of my previous post:

Small edit to the Wyvern Rider overworld sprite to complement Leo_Link’s wyvern rider edit that should resemble actual wyverns. Wyvern Lord will come soon. May make alternate weapon edits in the future.

Wyvern Rider (U) Lance {Leif}-stand
Wyvern Rider (U) Lance {Leif}-walk


I was going to wait until I had a bigger batch to post again, but whatever. FE5 Dagdar gaming. Also works as a generic pirate man, I think.


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Made this Sniper edit years ago for Ruffles/KhaoticIntent’s FE7 Blizzard Lance (Weapon Reversal)
Serra Sniper


I got bored and made Tome icons for various different apps, because why not.

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And of course…
FEU Fire Emblem Universe

These should be fully insertable. Enjoy.


Pugo, the first boss of Radiant Dawn! Expect more Part 1 bosses in the future, maybe. The splice uses pieces from Nickt’s Nolan mug, as well. Who do you think you are, the Dawn Brigade?



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