Fire Emblem: Justice & Pride (Full Length FE8 Hack)

Hmm, my original theory may not be correct in that case.

People have told me that mashing start really fast can skip the cutscene safely. If this works, you’ll hear a textbox on a black screen because I was stupid and didn’t make it fade out on a skip.

If it doesn’t work, feel free to send me a savestate to see if I can reproduce it myself.

Sadly, I did tried to skip the cutscene three times, and it freezes as well, giving me a black screen.

Alright, I’ll get that save state ready in a bit.

I’ll probably have to research it later this morning, since it’s after midnight where I’m at and I need to go to bed soon.

Alright, see ya Mr. Green
Also, I’m having some issues trying to upload my savestate from my computer to the DM here for some reason.

Discourse doesn’t let you upload non-screenshots, so you’ll need to use something like Dropbox.

Alright. And yeah, that kinda sucks.

Try using an GBA emulator on your phone to play the Rom.

I used MyBoy on my Android and I never received the error but my bro got a similar error with Chapter 15 when using a different emulator.

Also maybe the error is based on which flame you choose, I chose a different one from my bro so maybe that has an effect. Not 100% sure though.

Thanks, but I’m not playing the GBA emulator on my phone, only on computer. I don’t want to drain my phone’s battery life even quicker, so I’m pretty much avoiding any games on my phone.

Well, I actually stumbled upon the solution to that problem last night by accident when continuously reloading save states to see if I can try to get around it. Pressing start to skip the cutscenes completely isn’t just the only way to get around it, you also need to press b immediately once the screen goes black and it gets you to the Heavens Seal acquired.

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My Boy is a save state spammer, you basically cant lose any unit or get RNG screwed if u load save a lot (like every level up that’s lower than 4 stats up or you missed a 5X hit thingy)

If your phone is full of storage, you can’t probaly use the save states
I’m MyBoy user so I think except requiem , I dont get glitched (except general glitch on the rom)

Alright, thanks anyway.


Scrolls up to the past posts.
People talking about thieves and reinforcement units in Chapter 17
…There were thieves and reinforcements in that chapter?

That was an older version.
I had to cut them because they caused a glitch with the boss, called “Warping Angus” since attacking a thief would make angus warp from his position and replace the thief.

Damn, sorry to hear that those units caused too much problems in that chapter.

Well…here ya go


Fun fact of the day: You missed a recruitable unit because you beat ch 23 too fast

That poor Halberdier War Hero will forever wander around inside the castle forever.

So far, been playing it in hard mode to chapter 16 but I did get a glitch in chapter 15x where if all my units “escape” and my phantom stays behind and dies it gives me a automatic game over.

Nooo! My Rescue staff! I could have used that!

EDIT: Theoretical Endgame 1 OTC:

  • Need both Warps, Rescue, Luigi with max MAG, Hermit, and a third staff user with max MAG (with Warp usable of course)
  • Third staff user warps Luigi and Hermit forward
  • Dance for third staff user
  • Luigi and Hermit Rescue main lord and third staff user, then warp them both forward
  • Third staff user warps main lord to the boss
  • Main lord fights boss, she MUST get several crits so it’s somewhat luck reliant to kill her
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Fun fact about the End Game: If you have Kara promoted as a Witch, she’ll be going to town a lot. Dark Magic and that high mov and flight makes her pretty damn awesome, especially against most of the End Game bosses (dunno about the Endgame 2 boss though).