Fire Emblem - Heroes Remake (V6.5, 339 Chapters)

Support it. My favorite animation uses 30 colors :smile:

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Wait, shouldn’t this be a demake?

Cool! This is the most exquisite map I have ever seen in GBA versions

Yeah, you can regard it as demake.

aight so this is hella ambitious and i applaud the extensive effort so far, but getting too ambitious will only mess you up in the future. trust me i know from experience
between august 2018 and august 2019 i was part of a team who wanted to make an extended version of an album we all enjoyed, but our ideas were so ambitious that the final product was delayed a million times and when it finally released it was kind of a mess
i’m still proud of it, but it also showed me that being too ambitious can hit a project really really hard
tl;dr: check yourself before you wreck yourself

Thanks for your kind remind. I don’t think it too ambitious. I wrote 70 chapters in title, but in fact I have already completed nearly all maps and scenerio text for the rest chapters. I complete one chapter in 20 minutes (I have a post on it.). I have my plan on the whole project.


It is known to all.

this is really cool enjoying it so far but i do wish the menus were in english

Can i have a link to dowload it ?

looks great but man anna’s hair looks rough

I don’t see the download link I would love to try it out if I could find it on here. 3:

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Is this playable?

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Thanks! ^^)/ Also what are this source codes? And is this for fe8 to patch with this hack?

Read README please.


Wait wait, I wanna download this! 0w0 how I download it and which FE to patch with this game?


Congratulations on this conversion project - it’s really fun, original and long lasting.
But how come the game menus (options, description of weapons, items, characters etc.) are not also in english? This is a real shame, and for a western player, it ruins the overall gaming experience and the sense of immersion/ involvement in the events and the overall gameplay. :thinking:
Do you have any intention of making them (menus) available in english in a future release?
In any case, thanks for your efforts and kudos for your creativity. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Oh ok and sorry for the late reply! thanks ^^)/

Nintendo lying about console exclusivity smh :angry: :angry: :angry:

really cool project, the story of heroes isn’t that bad so putting it in a real fire emblem is a great idea, keep up the great work!