Fire Emblem Facts

in fe8, in the last floor of the lagdou ruins, one draco zombie has it’s map icon to the generic monster map icon, while the other ones are set to the normal dragon one
i think all other dragozombies in the game have the dragon one

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Here are a bunch of spriting-related fun facts I’ve noticed throughout years of, well, splicing. A lot of them are probably well-known by now, but it doesn’t hurt sharing them!

  1. Several characters in FE6 and FE7 have a different outline color from the usual. (Gonzales is used for reference, he has the usual outline color) (Renault is very subtle, but there is a difference) (Echidna and all four bosses to her right use the same exact color, though interestingly the bosses’ various color swaps that aren’t present here use the usual outline)

    Also, this Sophia is specifically from FE7. FE6 Sophia uses the usual palette. Here’s a comparison :
    Sophia comparison
    (Note she’s also smaller by a few pixels, probably because she slightly grew during the 20 years separating the game. The same also applies to Fae, although she only grew one pixel taller)
    Also, the only characters in FE8 to have a different outline color are the flashback versions of Ephraim, Eirika, Knoll, Lyon and Vigarde. Here’s a comparison using the latter as an example :

  2. There are in fact official splices. I’m not talking about recolors, or characters who appear in both FE6 and FE7 and use the same base such as Marcus or Merlinus (though we’ll get to them later). It’s mostly just random bosses. Take a look. (I have slightly moved their portrait so it can be easier to compare, but I haven’t modified anything other than that. Also, the question marks are here because I’m honestly not sure they’re really a splice, they just seemed suspiciously similar to each other)
    (oh yeah and also I noticed long after having made the gif that Puzon also uses Roach’s shoulder pad, so there’s that as well lol) (1)
    Anyways, about characters we see in FE6 and FE7 both, I’ve noticed Marcus and Murdock’s minimug isn’t 100% accurate to their appearance in FE7, because they’re visibly copy-pasted from FE6 with minimal changes to Marcus and straight-up just a quick recolor for Murdock. This is especially weird given how much effort went into making Bartre, Karel and Erick different. Merlinus is also there but tbh he didn’t change much and his minimug changed accordingly so there’s not much to say. Though I find it fun that some parts of his ponytails are recycled from when his hair was not in a ponytail.
    (for those who can’t see it, FE7 Marcus’s minimug retains his sideburns from FE6, and his shoulder pads stay the same shape even though there’s a slight difference. As for Murdock, he retains the shadow underneath his eyes, his collar hasn’t been diminished, the trim of his armor (on the neck) stays the same shape, and the trim of his shoulder pad stays yellow even though it should be purple.)

And for those who want to see for themselves, here are the frames used for the two gifs (gives?), as .png :
FE6 Vets 01
FE6 Vets 02
Splices comparison 01
Splices comparison 02


Green brings attention to it. I use it for important commands, personally.

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I’m surprised that no one has ever mentioned this little fact from FE12, so I guess it’s up to me to say it.

“Do you know in Fire Emblem, Kris is the only custom character who does not have a special power, is a normal human, takes on tactician skills during certain chapters through the game based on how many playable units died in the process, and does not have any divine powers which reflect on how a normal human would play Fire Emblem.”


Don’t all of those things also apply to Mark from FE7?

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Yeah, I mean Mark is the OG tactician and he not only doesn’t have any special power but also doesn’t even take part in any battle. Which reflects the players better I guess?

really :o that I did not about actually. I thought he debuted in FE6

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Fun fact:

If you put “Fire” and “Emblem” side-by-side, it spells “Fire Emblem” sorta like that cool franchise with those Smash Bros Sword Fighters!


So does that mean that Mark is Kris, but well written?

I haven’t played New Mystery so I can’t really say anything about Kris. Although Mark doesn’t really have any dialogue, so maybe not?

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Yeah I think fe6 was delayed or he was included as a promotion for fe6 but I don’t remember the reason.


Jake has not appeared in a main series Fire Emblem game after New Mystery, this is most likely because if Jake was around the avatar wouldn’t be able to S-support Anna.

Jake died for Robin.


I think he just doesn’t exist or he exists but doesn’t know Anna (or something like that), as there are multiple Annas and not all of them have a boyfriend.

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he does exist in some Fire emblem games but in some games he doesn’t. mainly Anna is the only one to exist in all games including spin-offs. but are mean’t to be lovers and times they are not.

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Yes, thank you. That’s what I meant.

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You’re welcome, Prince Rick :3

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IS definitely wants us to forget about Jake, why else would he never be mentioned after 12, right when S-supporting Anna become possible? He isn’t even mentioned in Warriors or Heroes, Jake will probably never show up again outside of maybe in a remake.


actually, he is mention in Heroes. in the forging bonds: Study in crimson they do mention Jake in there. but only in that event only. but they could a chance for him to be a new heroes in there. but will never know yet.

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Speaking of Jake, did you know that he and Beck swapped designs after FE1? Their TCG artwork presumably took precedent for future installments, though I’m not sure why they were changed at all.


Been a while since I last made a post about FE facts, so here goes nothing.

Do you know in Fire Emblem Path of Radiance, In one of Janaff’s death quotes, he begs Ike to take care of his son? Oddly, he is actually referring to Reyson. This is probably a translation error on the part of the developers since Janaff is nothing but a guardian of Reyson and probably much younger than the Heron prince.