Fire Emblem: Eckesachs - FE6, but you play as the bad guys! [Complete story rewrite]

Heh heh heh…

I think I recognize that laugh… and if it is what I think then this will be awesome.


You seriously got the hint from him typing heh heh heh…
Damm you must be a real life detective.:joy:
Mind sharing your thought on what Fire Emblem game Saint Rubenio is going to hack next?

I’m still working with my FE6 translation. I’m also working on another version in parallel, a kind of DX version. For the moment, I’m on chapter 20BX (end of maps with the plains of Sacae).

In this Fire Emblem 6 DX, I’d like to correctly connect FE7 and FE6. This means resolving continuity issues with certain characters who didn’t exist in FE6, as well as importing some items. For the moment, I’ve been able to allude Lyn and Rath during my tests, but I’d like to make them appear as NPCs… one day. This must remain Roy’s campaign without Lyn (or other FE7 characters) stealing his command.

I’ll still have to learn how to import “new” magic animations from FE7 into FE6 and musics such as Lyn’s theme, Eliwood’s and Hector’s for a few moments in the DX version.

I’d also like to make trial maps characters who didn’t die during the campaign… recruitable. Sorry Hector… I’ve already been able to test Narcian and Guinivere recruitment and it works. I’m preparing more “Battle quotes”. This will also be the case for Murdock, Brunnya and Galle. The most difficult thing is to make their transition into Roy’s army coherent, considering their loyalty to Zephiel, so I’m working a lot on the texts for their respective recruitments.

I’m also preparing new supports for Brunnya, Eliwood and the others, to give them more substance. Especially with Murdock, Galle and Brunnya, who we don’t get back until the end. The planned supports between Saul and Brunnya will be hilarious. The poor guy doesn’t know who she really is… and tries to take advantage of her sadness to get his way.

There are also some characters I’d like to see as NPCs: Pent, Louise, Matthew. Matthew is in the FE repo.


So I was wondering, since I’ve read that you make your own portraits, if it was possible for you to draw Pent and Louise as you would see them in FE7, i.e. 20 years older than in FE7, and allow the romhacks creators to use them.

For my part, I’m incapable of such a feat myself, as I’m better with texts than pictures.

I also noticed that you put your Lyn in the repo but not Wallace, Oswin. Is this an omission or are these characters deliberately exclusive to your romhack ?

Sorry for my little mistakes, but it’s easier for me to translate from English to French than to write texts with my ideas directly in English.

Thanks again for your huge work on your version of FE6 for the vilains. :slight_smile:


You’ll have to forgive me, but right now I’m a little busy making another hack. You’ll have to look elsewhere, or do it yourself. A simple edit giving Pent and Louise grey hair and a few wrinkles wouldn’t be too difficult.

Good luck with your hack, though! Sounds like you’re having a good time with it. Playable Brunnya is an interesting concept. Hope you’re not using the translated ROM as a base for your hack, though, as the magic animations patch is not compatible with it. I found this out the hard way.

I submitted both my older Wallace and Oswin on the repo thread, so that has to have been a mistake on the repo managers’ part. You can use both, though, if they suit you. I fully intended for them to be publicly available.

If I ever manage to add new appendices (or an extra bonus map), I’d love to have a survival-type map with Hector having to face Narcian.

It would be a multi-turn survival map with Hector having to be beaten to the end. Ideally, I’d like to do some fan service with the intervention of other FE7 units affiliated with Hector. I can see Oswin and Matthew dying. It’s why I was searching for them. With a scenario in which Matthew would be discovered like Leila in FE7 and die just like her, before the player turn. The assassin class works well in my tests. We’d have Astolfo, undiscovered, running away and giving informations to Roy a few chapters later.

We know that Vaida worshipped Zephiel, so I can see her returning to his service with Zephiel using her to test her loyalty against an old ally (Hector). She’ll have to die on this card. These are ideas that are beyond my abilities at the moment, but maybe I’ll get around to them one day. Thanks for your Oswin. Maybe I’ll use this character for this map, when I have more knowledge. :slight_smile:

For the moment, my top priority is finishing the translation. I still have pictures to make for the name of the chapters, the official localisation in french (Laus = Lahus, Bern = Biran etc.) and it’s time consuming. I already spend a year of my life for this translation. And I was planning to use my work as base for the hack. I didn’t try the magic animations patch yet. I “only” use pictures, names etc. for the weapons without magic. I’d like to give the book of Nergal to Niime for my hack (thank you, Canas, for picking it up and giving it to your grandmother) and I love this dark animation. What version of FE6 do I need tp add magic animations with the magic animations patch ? Initially, I used the english patch v1.1.3 as a basis for my translation, and this patch is based on the Japanese version.

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How old is Wallace in this Hack 70+?
Nice work on the Portrait Saint Rubenio! :slightly_smiling_face:


chapter 21: Jahn Talking with Mieu give himself the Recurve bow instead of giving Mieu the Recurve Bow:

I can trade it back to Mieu but The Talk Should have given the Recurve Bow directly to Mieu

Finally reach the Final Chapter

Roy look Hedious :nauseated_face:

My Final Team's Stats and Endings I Like


His Ending bring joy to my face: :smiling_face_with_tear:

I am happy for Idunn

Fitting Ending for Gale

The Only 2 people I trully care about in this hack because how innocent they were and how the war changed them:

Sommie was my secret weapon thanks to his cuteness:

Thanks For This Amazing Hack with Amazing Writing and Stories @SaintRubenio I Love It Alot!

Now if you excuse me I am going to play some Vanilla FE6 Hack to cleanse myself of the Evil Atrocities I have committed as Zephiel. By Killing him as Roy. Plus I have to clear my mind of Roy’s Ugly Mug in this hack by see my old Roy Innocent Face in Vanilla FE6 !

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Er, spoilers? Mind throwing a spoiler tag on that?

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No, that’s not what I meant, put the final boss’s portrait in a spoiler please.

Anyway, glad you liked the hack.

EDIT: All right, thank you.

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I found this if you need to add magical animation with a FE6 translated rom.

That’s beyond my skills but maybe that can help you.

By the way, do you need texts for Brunnya/Murdock supports and for the other vilains ? I’m writing texts for my future hack and you’re playing the bad guys in yours. I also have texts for boss battle conversations like Narcian VS Guinivere.

Maybe that can be helpful for your work. :slight_smile:

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I started playing this recently, cleared up through Ch 12 so far. . I love Mitan so much. She might be overtuned but I love that she is, because I love her look and her personality.

I have a bug where my list of support options in battle preps is extremely short. I have no idea why or if you can even fix it. Both the starting list and the per-character lists are short, and they display a different set of available units.

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Thank you! At this point I think Eckesachs is pretty much done, and I don’t think I’ll ever hack FE6 again in my life, but thank you for the gesture nonetheless.

And I see your own hack is well underway! Keep up the good work.

The support list is an artifact from the translation patch that I couldn’t get rid of. It doesn’t work properly, nor can I fix it with my limited skills. If I was smart, I would’ve used the old version of the translation as the base for this hack, where this thing didn’t exist. But, well, I wasn’t smart.

What I’m getting at is, yeah, I know, that menu is a mess. I suggest ignoring it, there’s not much I can do about it.

Since you’ve finished your hack and will be moving on to other projects, congratulations on your hack.

Almost everyone uses FE8, and I was pleased to see that you were able to rework the FE6 story in your own way, by inverting the points of view.

As for me, story-wise, I’m thinking more of adding lore from FE7 to FE6 and properly completing a few arcs from FE6 via boss battle conversations.

For example, Elffin VS Roartz is a hilarious text, considering that Roartz can kill him in person, thanks to his stats, without going through an intermediary, while ignoring the fact that he’s the Prince of Etruria.

The planned rematch between Zephiel and Cecilia is also quite funny. I admit I like adding little texts like that, to enrich the lore. :slight_smile:

If you ever change your mind and need texts, don’t hesitate to contact me, and thanks again for your Matthew and Oswin. I hope one day to put it to good use !

If you happen to know someone who has or can add new magic animations with the program I’ve told you about, don’t hesitate to let me know.

Personally, I wanted to give Nergal’s tome to Niime, justifying the fact that Canas couldn’t abandon it on the ground. Considering that Canas is dead and that he always enjoyed a good relationship with his grandmother, we can conclude that he gave her this tome for her studies on ancient magic.

Thanks again for your huge work on your version of FE6 for the vilains and good luck with your future projects. :slight_smile:


So good, I am trying to patch it on an FE6 USE rom, and it doesn’t work though, any clues on what exactly might be the issue? would appreciate the help! Cheers.

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What exactly do you mean by USE? FE6 only has a JP rom, there’s only unofficial fan patches for English.

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Like Knabepicer has said, there is no FE6 USA rom. You must be trying to patch this over a rom with the fan translation - that isn’t going to work. You need to get a vanilla JP rom and patch that. Don’t worry, the hack comes in English.

Hey Guys! Its been a long time but I’m back to continue my iron man of this hack so come join me live in about 10 min!

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Its time for the finale stream. Can I make it with only 8 characters?

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