Fire Emblem: Dark Stone - FE8, but you play as the bad guys! [Overhaul with a new story]

We will finally be able to play with the great warrior: O’Neil. Anyway, I’ve always wanted to play a FE8 boss swap, I’m glad I have the chance now.


Well if you saw any of the stream O’Neil is there for sure


O’Neil is one of my MVPs, funny enough


Alright, some more in-depth feedback now that I’ve fully completed the hack:

Chapter comments

Ch2: This one actually took me a couple tries due to Valter being dumb and awful luck trying to rush the end.

Ch5: Tiffani’s recruitment scene is a little odd if you happen to have rescued her off her point, which seems like the logical way to approach recruiting her while one waits for the Killing Edge to show up. Speaking of, the conditional there is quite annoying to do, and I don’t regret cheating it with save-states since Joshua actually got the low% crit on me once…

Ch5x: Really liked this one.

Ch10 (eirika route port): It looks like you fixed it but the whole having stealables on reinforcements only burned me hard here, since I didn’t field Bone on account of there being nothing to steal…until there was.

Ch11: I chose to ignore the secret passage and focused all of my troops on the main gate, which led to one of the short spear cavs (iirc?) deciding to murder the spy as he stood by the wall. Kinda weird.

Ch12: I feel like there should be text somewhere acknowledging how there’s a million bandits on this map looking to pillage Carcino, that are on the same side as Carcino’s troops. Not exclusive to this map I guess, but I remember them being really annoying here.

Ch13: Was this chapter nerfed? It might be due to having Lyon in the middle of everything but I remember it being a lot harder to push forward here in vanilla…I guess not having to recruit Cormag helps with that. And having a bunch of really good units on this side helped too.

Ch15: I really like the detail of Lyon’s battle music changing here.

Ch16: I really liked this chapter, though I can 100% see why other people would have trouble with it. The turn 1 sucker punch is mean, but I got through on first try so I can’t complain too much. I did have to hustle for the right chest though, since I didn’t even realize it was there until nearly the final turn, what with the general obscuring it.

Ch17: I really have to ask if the ending cutscene changes based on if you go for the psychopath boss kill here or not.

Ch19: This chapter was a nightmare to get the villages in. Valter as only flier on this side, on top of main lord not being able to cross rivers, means trying to push center is extremely awkward; and not really something I could force due to how powerful the enemies are. Splitting the party is awkward because there’s two stealables that are prone to running in opposite directions. There was the two thief option, but with Selena pushing herself onto the team (underleveled b/c lousy early levels) and Valter (also untrained) being critical to saving the right village, I didn’t feel comfortable benching a real combat unit for Rennac. And then in the end, when I got Selena to visit the villages, she got spat at in the face in one, and got an item that was useless to me from the other.

Also Valter died getting straight-up doubled by Purge after rescue-dropping but he sucked and will not be mourned. Probably took the most restarts here.

Ch21: Thank you so much for taking one of the Berserk staffs out of this stupid map.

Ch23 (Renais): Made the mistake of killing the Purge guy with a phantom and destroying the tome forever. Don’t suppose there’s any chance summons can send non-primary items to the convoy when they die? The friends I streamed this to want me to tell you Seth is underpowered (and also that he should be the final boss).

Ch25: Medusa’s spawn can be very awkward if the Shadowshot eye has been aggro’d already here. Granted this assumes an extreme hustle (I am willing to burn warp+rescue to kill eggs faster) but she made things trickier for me here more than she really helped…

Oh, and the ending cutscene for this chapter is one of the funniest things in the hack on a meta level. Thank you so much for leaning into Eirika route here.

Ch26: Probably my favorite chapter of the hack. It looks stupidly scary at first and gets worse, but the turn limit is extremely reachable. For some reason the center opened up without me having to hit the eastern switch though; it didn’t matter much since I was in position to hit it the very next turn, but I don’t feel like that’s intended?

Ch27: The dracozombie in front of Myrrh has – displayed move but is still perfectly capable of moving towards you once the map goes into kill mode.

Ch28: When I made my earlier post I had gotten to turn 12 of this map. It’s a hard one, and I feel like it could do with more variety in the reinforcements, but having the turns visible in specifically the status screen would be good.

Ch29: This is just a victory lap, really. The Fomortiis version has both of its bosses switching abruptly from – to 6 move, which feels unnecessary given the map is, well, a victory lap.

Lagdou: I feel like most of the actual maps here were just spawn tables adjustments, so I don’t really feel guilty about lowmanning and abusing the ridiculous Duessel lance. It was funny though, and I really like the last floor. Notably I had to use Hammerne on the Eclipse tome of all things to actually beat the final boss.

Oh, and the game crashes if you look at status on the world map after Fomortiis route. It’s pretty easy to not do that though, and it probably fixes itself once you get a Lyon back.


The axe economy for this party was, uh, interesting.

Don’t let the Tirado fool you, he was awful on his Str growth. He got like 4 of those points post-Rausten. He’s still an insanely useful unit but I had to put up with him being the diet version.

Trainees: I used all three. I don’t regret using Tiffani or Lieselott at all, though the latter is very high-effort to level (I may have boxed Neimi for her). Melani was just a second O’Neill, which is still very good.

Pablo was a complete waste of resources post-merge, although he might have amounted to more if Tiffani didn’t have dibs on Excalibur.

Aias mostly went the distance because all the other cavs felt bad. His class change was an extremely pleasant surprise.

Morva’s insane. Finished the game with 26 uses left on Wretched Air and 38 in the dragonstone. He’s obviously cumbersome since he can’t rescue/be rescued, but 30+ attack never-miss Luna is worth it.

Medusa’s also really strong if she survives joining.

Carlyle wasn’t useless, but I put off building his sword rank for Audhulma too late so he didn’t actually accomplish much. He was very easy to justify adding to the team at first since he beat Caellach in just about every way when he showed up, and the sword mercs got horrible levels while they were force-deployed.

Other units used heavily pre-split were Spider, Wyatt, Riev, Orson, and insta-promoted Novala.

Oh, and I did get the second boots off 28 (I was loitering on the border of the shadowshot kill zone…), I just promptly forgot to actually use them on anyone.

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Hoho, nice! Let me have some detailed responses in a spoiler box of my own.

Feedback answers (very spoilerific)

That is a very good point, I did not consider someone rescuing her, though I really should’ve. There is a patch that allows me to make certain units unrescuable, but it’s global, it doesn’t seem like I can make it chapter dependent. Maybe I’ll just raise her con until she’s recruited. We’ll see.

Yes! Yessssss!

In a recent patch I did throw a red gem on a starting guy to encourage bringing Bone.

lmao hadn’t forseen that. I might just swap his weapon for a lancereaver.

The bandits there aren’t set to go after any villages. Neither are they in vanilla, actually. They just go after you.

For the record, I did place the knights and mercs on either side to signify where the planks will be, but I’ll admit that’s not made clear.

The general chest has been described as a problem before, but I’m not quite sure yet how I could go about solving it without just changing the dude’s class, which I kinda would rather not do there.

There’s an extended bit at the end if Melina fights the boss at all, but it doesn’t matter if they get the kill or not.

For what it’s worth, there is another flier on Grado’s side, but she’s very easy to miss, since she’s recruited by going to the Tower of Valni. You just need to enter it, that’s it, you can leave immediately after, but if you are the kind who doesn’t grind and you miss the clue in one of chapter 12’s convos it’s very likely you won’t even go there at all.

Unfortunately, there’s only a command that lets me send all items to the stockpile. I don’t think I could sort by non-weapons with my ASM skills (read, none), so it’ll have to be a thing to live with.

As for Seth, you can tell your friends that I may be the world’s biggest Seth hater, so there was never a chance of him playing any relevant role. He bores me to tears and I didn’t want to write him more lines. Statwise, Seth actually used to be even less powerful, but a tester convinced me to raise him to his level 20 average stats. Which are more or less those. So yeah.

They may have gone with a different approach in Eph route but I’ve always believed he would’ve 100% fallen for the funny as well. He spends the entire time in his route repeating the words “Lyon is my friend”, even after Lyon tells him he hates him and enjoyed murdering his father.

If you’re in an older version, I know there was a time when the enemies standing on the switches could activate them if you let them act. I’m guessing you got attacked on EP by one of them and they activated it before you could. Not a super big deal and I’m fairly certain it’s already fixed anyway.

Oh yeah, that’s a mistake. Thanks for letting me know.

There’s severe space issues with the status screen’s objective display, but I’ll see if I can fit the turns there.

I mostly just did that so the boss doesn’t zerk you from a mile away, but I’ll admit it is clunky.

Yeah, I didn’t put too much thought into the gameplay in Lagdou, other than the last floor being an elaborate Fates reference. It’s mostly just funny enemy formations and funky bosses to serve as a vehicle for the gags. When I tested it I just solo’d the entire thing with a statboosted Fomortiis lol

Might update the OP and readme with that bug, since I doubt I’ll be able to fix it. The postgame world map is super weird, I don’t think it’s even editable with FEBuilder lmao. Fortunately, as you said, it’s easy to avoid.

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v1.17 released!

  • Made it impossible to rescue Tiffani in chapter 5 and the spy in chapter 11. Even with unpromoted Saaga.
  • Swapped the chapter 11 spy’s weapon to a lancereaver.
  • Fixed the stationary dracozombie becoming able to move without displayed movement in chapter 27.
  • Added number of turns until the boss spawns to chapters 16 and 28.
  • Added hints to the dialogue of chapter 16 to make the points where the enemy will board from more clear. Also made the rightmost chest visible at the start.

Just finished the game including post game and I really enjoyed it. Just like the Fe 6 adaptation its just fun to play with the villains and it makes me excited for a Fe 7 one (hope you make it if not though it cool.

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hello it is I

So far managed to clear Scorched Sand (aka up to the route merge) on v1.15 patch, will be taking a bit of a break for now since the remaining chapters are all incredibly long and I will be a bit busy for the next week or so, so I’ve decided to share a bit of thoughts so far on this.

As an aside, this is not true 0% but rather min growths (so all growth rates below 100 are 0 and all growth rates between 100 and 199 are 100). Other self-imposed rules were promoting at level 10 if the unit is intended to promote and have a 100% growth in something, as well as banning Juna Fruit usage (just to make Formotiis route harder when I do it lol). This was also meant to be a meme run to see when will I get softlocked, so far I have identified two potential lategame maps that can screw me over (should be fairly obvious which two), though I believe I have a decent enough gameplan for every other map in the game.

Promotion route, monster choices etc

Chapter 5 seal - Mage Knight Saaga (Ch6, high priority)
Notes: Mounted mage is mounted mage. Effectively takes over jagen duties from Duessel and also relegates Selena to secondary mage. I arena abused in chapter 5 to get her to level 10, without AA it’s probably still possible to get her to promote in chapter 6, just promote Bazba first instead probably? Saaga also gets 1 magic + 1 speed from a talk convo in chapter 7 which encourages rushing her promotion asap.

Chapter 6 seal from Melina - Berserker Bazba (Ch6, high priority)
Notes: Incredibly OP unit that stays relevant as bosskiller due to good strength (15) and crit bonus. Also ensures I have a competent thief for Grado until Rennac joins (after which i have 2 competent thieves!!)

Chapter 5x seal from Kyle - Paladin Orson (Ch8)
Notes: mostly to make life easier when he rejoins on Chapter 8. Orson is the main combat carry alongside Bazba for early Eph split until other units like Jude and Rennac joins so there’s no real reason to not promote him.

Chapter 8 seal from Forde - Summoner Novala (Ch9, top priority)
Notes: reusable disposable meatshields are very broken especially when they can spawn with garm lol. I don’t rig for those, but it is very funny when it happens. Novala also has very good speed (16) which allows him to contribute to combat throughout Eph split.

Chapter 9 seal - Assassin Zabba (Ch10, high priority)
Notes: Bone is dogshit so Zabba becomes the main thief for Eir split. Bone basically never sees the light of day after his join map since his damage is terrible (6 strength lol), Caellach exists earlygame for anytime we need someone fast.

Chapter 10 seal - Sniper Hayden (Ch10)
Notes: 18 speed makes Hayden the fastest unit we have available for pretty much most of Eir split. Killer Bow pierce means he will likely have long term utility and is probably going to be an endgame unit.

Chapter 11 seal - Mage Knight Pablo (Ch12, high priority)
Notes: Saaga 2.0, trading in some speed for a lot more survivability and damage. Pablo actually ends up being better if the Elfire is used since he doesn’t lose AS from it while Saaga loses 2 AS which happens to be her speed advantage over Pablo.

Chapter 12 seal from Klimt - Bishop McGregor (Ch13)
Notes: McGregor doesn’t actually need to promote for this map, but having an extra combat unit kinda helps and Bishop is very good to have for both Taizel and Grado Keep which is full of monsters McGregor can OHKO. Promoted McGregor also trivialises the Gheb recruitment which is very funny.

Chapter 14 seal - Swordmaster Carlyle (Ch15)
Notes: The original plan was to use the Klimt seal to promote Carlyle, but after some consideration I figured I could make do with unpromoted Carlyle for ch14. Carlyle is basically an extra combat unit with good speed/strength and crit bonus. I went SM instead of Assassin for the extra crit chance since I figured I didn’t need more than one thief for Eir split.

Chapter 15 seal - Sniper Beran (Ch16, mid-ish priority)
Notes: I had no idea who to promote with this seal originally, so I decided to just promote Beran for the heck of it because I needed someone who could longbow on the boat (and he was the only one who had the bow rank for it). Killer Bow Beran proceeded to carry in chapter 21 by rigging Killer Bow pierce crits for 63 damage a pop. Very funny unit. Is mostly worse Hayden/Binks though so basically hopeless in terms of usage after merge.

Chapter 16 seal from Cormag - Berserker Nate (Ch18, low priority?)
Notes: Hamill Canyon sucks ass and Nate was promoted pretty much just for this map. While he also had 3 speed over Bazba, this stops being a thing because Bazba gets a +3 speed convo just before the merge, so Nate just ends up staring at a 2 strength deficit instead. Also no steal.

Chapter 17 seal from Amelia - Great Knight Aias (Ch… whatever, extremely low priority)
Notes: Unless something drastic happens this is the final master seal usage for the run. Aias doesn’t actually need to do anything by this point and this promotion is mostly so he can get extra stats before his reclass into Falcoknight later.

Monster choices ended up being the skeleton > the spider > the dog > the horse. Erkki isn’t recruited yet so I won’t cover him, just that he doesn’t actually do anything interesting enough imo to warrant being picked early versus the other 3. It’s entirely possible for Penelope to be better off as the final monster pick though, but first two should be the optimal choices for this run’s context.

Lyon + Duessel details

Probably the worst Lyon you will ever see. Lyon is a force deploy on every chapter (except for one lategame map later on) so investing into him is fairly crucial. This is especially so as Bethroen (Gheb map) has Lyon start in a corner where he kinda has to survive on his own for a while. It is probably possible to do this with pure base stats Lyon but I couldn’t be assed to figure out how so I just fed him every statbooster before that map. Mostly OHKOes mages early on with Segell (the reaver effect is very annoying though) to feed exp.

Forgot to take an image for Duessel but he just kinda existed until he left. Pretty standard. Did things.

Jehanna/Carcino split characters

Bone is not relevant.

The flier for the Eirika split. Glen does flier things early on but his 6 speed is pretty fucking garbage and if it wasn’t for flying he’d be benched already. He did eventually get benched after Carcino proper. Glen does not get promoted due to the eventual betrayal on Lyon route, and even if he did get promoted his low speed is probably not going to let him see much use.

Insane earlygame damage due to 12 strength (Bazba-level) along with access to Iron/Steel Blade. He can basically do the Joshua kill all by himself and is one of the decent combat carries in Carcino. Like Glen and the mages, Caellach also misses out on promotion due to his eventual betrayal down the line, but unlike the other 3 this is where missing out on promotion is genuinely annoying to deal with because Caellach does have the combat stats to make a promotion work.

le funny T3 promo. In truth Aias was used near-exclusively as cavalier and his promotion to GK came after his benching. The promotion might not be necessary (it’s mostly so I have an extra flier for volcano) but we’ll see.

i memed by poking neimi with a slim lance repeatedly until she reached level 10.
this was mostly because i wanted her as PK for caer pelyn and desert - she doesn’t actually do anything otherwise.

Tiffani was not used at all, for obvious reasons.

Mounted mage very good very fast pew pew. That’s about all you can sum her up as. Good speed, solid chip on everything, excellent staff utility. Probably a bench post-split though.

bony boi is our first monster pick and he impresses from the get go. Killer Bow one shots all the wyverns on chapter 6, claybone lets him pick up kills on just about everything in chapter 7, and his exp gain is fast enough that he promotes to wight by chapter 8. He’s kind of filler combat afterwards though having what amounts to a swiss army knife is useful to occasionally pull out.

the main thief for Eirika split because why bother using Bone when you can use this sexy 17 AS god, who actually does things outside of stealing and can actually fend for herself. Also contributes to annoying rig sessions with silencer :frowning:

filler combat. unlike Zabba there was no real reason to rush exp into him for promo and by the time we can reasonably consider promoting Zonta, Carlyle and Nate already exist as better priority picks. Man just unfortunately suffers from having very high competition for a limited resource. That said, it is probably on paper possible to delay Carlyle promotion for Zonta (this means Carlyle gets the Amelia seal instead), though his speed is likely already suspect by this point so I’m not 100% sure if it’s worth it. Maybe ranger zonta might have been interesting to have for caer pelyn? IDK honestly.

Another unit I didn’t intend on promoting, but bit the bullet after canyon proved trickier than expected. Promotion gave Nate access to peakwalking which helped alleviate a lot of positioning issues (and lets him dodgetank). Mostly a filler combat unit though.

spidey boi is our second monster pick. while he doesn’t actually do anything special, recruiting him before the split allows me to get fell talon for breguet for his maps which makes him very very scary. as a level 5 armor knight with terrible bases. the horror. Also peakwalking in caer pelyn and hamill canyon kinda clutch

Saaga 2.0, which is about the best you can say for him. 16 magic with elfire kinda nice though

Pretty much fills the same role as TPL Innes imo (ironically enough), a sniper with good stats that I will likely have to bring out just because of Killer bow pierce crit rigging. Early Nidhogg is very nice to have, though Hayden doesn’t actually have a monopoly over it because of…

King Binks right fucking here saving the run with what the fuck? 17 strength?? Brave Bow?? A rank bows at base??? as a warrior??? We kneel for this man. An auto-deploy throughout Eirika split up until merge, and shares Nidhogg with Hayden later on. I have no idea if I can fit him in post-merge but an archer with high strength is almost always welcome.

99% of his kills (probably) came from decimating the population of caer pelyn. actual war criminal.

she got the body ring so that flux doesnt kill her AS. 19 speed is fairly solid though and likely a unit I will consider for endgame usage. Too bad she doesn’t summon in this game.

filler combat: the unit. kinda funny how he is more or less replaced by the unit he gets a one-sided support from.

Grado split characters

these two were never deployed after the split lmao. Did mage things early on though. Neither are promoted because of their eventual betrayal on Formotiis ending (and their promotions are not really worth getting anyway with their low stats).

Unlike the mage generals, Valter was actually used a decent amount, but mostly because he has a monopoly on flight for the entire split. I used him more for utility and didn’t really invest much into him. Surely he won’t end up in a plot-related death and come back with a free promotion and doubled stats right? Right???

i actually did not intend on using this guy but decided to promote him because Gheb was too fucking shit to even use steel bows in his join map. Proceeded to carry in Grado Keep because of pierce criticals rigging. Surprisingly based unit.

putting these three together because they were mostly used together whenever deployed for the funny TA. like Beran i hadn’t intended on using them but turns out they were surprisingly solid with the ability to go 5 mov early on. Breguet was used as an early tank but was replaced by Saar between chapters 6 to 8. Breguet himself got a surprising amount of utility due to a high STR base and the sheer MT of Fell Talon (did you know this thing has higher MT than the silver sword???) but the other two were no slouches.

O’Neill was great on the first couple of maps but mostly became irrelevant after chapter 3. This is because we get a God.

Bazba joins as an upgrade over O’Neill offensively, with +3 strength and +1 con in addition to C axes. 12 strength at base actually makes him the highest damage user of the silver axe, so chapter 3 and 4 was basically spent rigging devil axe kills for him for that sweet sweet +16 wexp.

no lengths are extreme enough

Melina was ditched immediately upon recruitment, Murray was also not used for the entirety of Eph split.
Deni did refresher things which isn’t much to talk about, other than that making him an auto-deploy every map.

Combat carry, could do with more bulk though. Orson’s fraility is actually really annoying to deal with and he accounted for about 30% of the rigging I had to do to get him to survive some things (only Saaga beats him in this aspect). Also does need to rush lance rank fast for access to stuff like Killer, dragonspear, short spear etc.

Orson’s personal support bot. Nothing much to add about her, she is otherwise not really a good unit since all her weapons weigh her down. Used when I could afford the extra filler but otherwise kinda meh.

Pretty much a big upgrade over Riev, has pretty solid stats overall + staves. Likely a long-term unit as a result, especially going into Bishop because I probably need the help killing monsters late on.

this loser is still at e bows. only interesting thing he did was getting the amelia bosskill for irony and memes.

Orson 2.0, has better bulk and a lot better survivability (has innate +12 avoid over Orson in addition to the HP and defense improvement). Used alongside Orson for the remainder of Eph split as a combat unit. Has A lances which gives him convenient Reginleif access.

funny unit. Is basically a good alternative thief to Bazba though and has a Assassin reclass-promotion that keeps him relevant later (he does lose Pick though)

Agrippina’s recruitment was intentionally delayed so she would join as Wyvern Knight, saving me a seal usage and also netting me a free Killer Bow (and B bows). I believe she also ends up with better stats anyway this way compared to recruiting as PK and then promoting her manually. Unfortunately this means she isn’t available until Grado Keep, which I forgot to recruit her for so she effectively joined at the merge. Pretty much the best flier in the game… for now. Because somebody is totally not going to get himself killed later right???

Post-merge characters

Vigarde ate a robe, ring and talisman so he could solo most of the south part of the map by himself. If I had leftover speedwings I would have probably given it to him too, but it means taking away from Lyon so that’s a bummer. Has big enough stats that he will likely be brought around everywhere.

literally Carlyle but better. 23 AS makes her our fastest unit by a huge margin though so probably she will see regular usage for lategame.

doggy girl ends up being our 3rd monster. I lied when I said Ismaire was our fastest unit by a huge margin, though Penelope does have way lower damage in general. Will likely still see use since she has alright base bulk and good speed anyway.

Some funny chapter details I noticed that I think could probably help people:


Chapter 6 - It is very possible to kill Garcia if Bazba got 3 strength growths and berserker promotion: he can do it with a devil axe crit. Unfortunately since this is 0% Bazba doesn’t have enough damage and Garcia literally obliterates anyone he touches. That said you can sacrifice things to do enough damage to Garcia lol.

Chapter 7 - Berserker Bazba with a hand axe can sit on a peak here and watch things suicide into him. Helps in clearing out enemies early on and also positions you well for the wyvern reinforcements that appear later.

Chapter 10 - Nate with a hatchet basically soloes the 4 pirates to the south on his own with very good hit rates to boot. He does face some death chance but it’s a rather easy way to deal with those pirates so they won’t destroy the houses, and you can give him concoctions to help his HP. In this run I made sure to max out Nate’s inventory so he can convoy warp the master seal so that Hayden can withdraw it on turn 2 to promote.
If you have enough time, he can also manhandle the archers near the port area - just do it at your own risk because killer bows are very bad.

The pirate on the left can be handled by either sticking a 2 range unit in the red square or using Axereaver Glen. The latter does require you to specifically raise Glen’s weapon rank early on, but doing so also means Glen can bait the bottom pirate before he ever reaches shore (as well as handle the fighters chasing Pablo)

Also Assassin Zabba can be used as a thief instead of Bone.

Chapter 11 - you can smuggle more than 1 unit through the corridor if the unit going through the corridor is rescuing another unit. I used Orson + Monica for this since he’s just about the only reasonable choice to go through that corridor anyway on 0%. The promoted reinforcements have huge stats but can be blocked.

Chapter 13 - promoted McGregor brings Gheb down to 10 HP exactly with the lightning tome. very risk free and reliable, provided he doesn’t decide to troll you with a 2% crit.

Chapter 16 - Lyon OHKOes the Sleep staff Bishop with Segell assuming he can get his ass there safely (he requires the WTA on 0% though so be careful if you use the silence staff). On the other hand, Novala 1v1s the wind sword general with Fenrir pretty easily. Abuse the dragon axe and dragonspear. Hard.

Will probably update with a later post when I actually finish the run. Or if I get softlocked. LOL


Do you get anything from defeating Garcia in chapter 6? I wanted to try it on a future run with the mines from 5x. (Get a char with the mines killed, so they get send to the convoy and then use them the next chapter)

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It is with great pleasure that I announce having achieved both endings !

Only thing left to ask is 2 itsy bitsy questions to the big man Rubeinio:

  • Do the Dark stone exclusive characters exist in the princess’ lament continuity (And Vice Versa. I know they don’t appear, but it would be funny) ?

  • Which one of the endings would you like to consider “canon” the most ?

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About Chapter 6

Defeating Garcia in Chapter 6 yields nothing besides EXP. He will just retreat and reappear in the cutscene at the end of the chapter normally.


I’m surprised that Erkki wasn’t your second monster pick; he does really good work as a high str, 8 mov shortbow user (they’re buyable from Port Kiris on the world map), and I assume he does more than pick2!djieien. Is djieien’s (low mov) bulk unironically needed in this context?

EDIT: Oh, right, the monsters probably don’t scale up from their lv. 3 bases if they have 0% growths. RIP.

EDIT 2: Actually, even his lv. 3/1 stats look pretty decent in the context of being an 8 mov unit who doesn’t require a master seal that you can get online by ch. 9.

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Glad you enjoyed the hacks! Any favorites among the baddies?

Congratulations on your victory! As for your questions:

  • I guess there’s no reason they could not, but I don’t think they’d meet happy fates. Elaine and Harriett were initially in Zonta’s gang, which is implied to be wiped out by Ephraim and co. The Frelians probably all died in the various skirmishes between Frelia and Grado. Genderbent Derrick too, if she still deserted Murray and joined Frelia. If we assume Harold was a member of Bazba’s Bandits (the only bandit gang in Renais) he probably got killed by the knights who took over the fort.
    The only ones who might’ve made it are Salvador (under Pablo and Grado’s thumb), Na’amah’s group (still wandering the world and being wacky), and the bald man’s mercenary group (just doing their thing somewhere out there).
Neither, but...

Personally I probably prefer Lyon ending. Straightforward destruction is fun but Lyon finishing his character arc to become a coldhearted tyrant is more satisfying.

Alrighty folks its time to see where this iron man will go starting in 15 min!

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Just completed the first few chapters, this hack is awesome! Takes me back to playing Sacred Stones for the first time as a kid. The overhauls to the gameplay and story plus the incredible amount of charm and effort put in really recapture the magic. Funnily enough, I had a similar idea back then, but much less refined: I imagined O’Neill would be the protagonist. I’m sure I’ll be be playing this through multiple times over to make use of different characters and strategies!


v1.18 released!

  • Golden Blade now only works as a hoplon guard for Orson, as intended. Big thanks to ATHATH once more for providing the code needed to make this possible! Also tweaked the sword’s stats a bit.
  • Added the golden blade to one of the secret shops of the postgame, since I neglected to do it before.
  • Triangle Attack now properly only works when all three knights are either knights or generals. No more initiating a janky TA with great knights. Thanks to ATHATH for this fix as well.
  • Added a battle convo in chapter 18.

Thank you for your kind words! Any favorites thus far?


Bone has been my designated favoritism recipient for most of the game. He is definitely my favorite, his jittering caught me off guard and made me laugh and an early game brigand that can double, tank magic and accurately 2-range is very unique. I like his calm and amicable personality too. I have been terrified of Lieselott ever since she got two 2% crits and 6 +Str level ups on the same map. I fed her all the archers outside of Fort Renvall and gave her my Energy Ring to appease her. Her promotion and death quotes are hilarious and I’m looking forward to reading her supports. Insane megalomaniacs are at their best when the delivery is completely straight faced like that.

Stats as of Chapter 8

Notably, Dussel got killed in one of the first chapters by a combination of a mage and a pegasus knight with a Heavy Spear and I didn’t reset since I assumed he would automatically leave soon a la Orson. I now realize I was definitely supposed to have him for these chapters and not even having him as a contingency has forced me to make some of my most tactical plays ever. I’ve had to put some serious thought into my player phase offense and unit movement and I often win out by a razor thin margin. I assume the blonde girl in the village that I missed as a result of this was my cleric too.

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That’s your axe trainee actually, though you can promote her to archer lmao


Having just completed the first two chapters after your army splits up, I’ve been continually impressed with how the gameplay has kept me on my feet. The fact that almost every chapter has some objective propelling you forward to disincentivize turtling is really important. The unit balance and enemy stats work out well, even my MVPs will consistently die if I send them into a crowd of enemies without thinking and I’ve had to be strategic with my advance. I’ve made more tactical use of Light Runes, reaver weapons, longbows, rescuing, refreshing and other mechanics in individual chapters here than I probably ever did in vanilla FE8.

Additional recap and stats

I experienced an absolutely gut wrenching moment where I saved Pablo with Lieselotte, fed him kills throughout the map and gave him the speedwings I stole, only for him to get killed by the Killer Bow archer at the end who did exactly enough damage with a crit. Since the map didn’t end I decided I would just take the opportunity to see the dialogue if he dies this time around and use him on another run. She critted Aias too when I sent him to bait her out and he had exactly enough Def and HP to not die.

This nearly gave me a heart attack, I killed the Druid that was in the northeast corner but there was apparently a Shaman “under” him due to some oddity with reinforcements spawning who was now able to kill Tirado. Saar was thankfully in range and able to save his life by placing a Light Rune.

Monica got this absolutely blessed level after I gave her Metis’s tome. I was surprised that she caps at Level 10, though. Is there a way for her to promote or get more levels? Her support with Orson has actually made her pretty useful. On that note, it’s quite sad how even in this state, she still has Light affinity (in contrast to Orson’s Dark). It makes you think of what their relationship was like when she was alive.

Orson himself has become a rising star of my team. I was planning to promote him this chapter, but the Master Seal thief got away. I ignored the Spy outside the fort since I wasn’t sure what the play was there or who to send in but I think I get the gist of it now that I know the thief’s escape route.

Selena has been my consistent MVP from the start of the game, mounted mage is always good. Beran had been putting in work too but he specifically became a beast in the past couple chapters after his O’Neill +Spd conversation followed by me giving him a speedwings and promoting him. Being able to 3-range with the longbow and double has been an enormously worthwhile investment.

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Strange… I believe this has been reported before but I don’t know why it happens. On the editor the guy is properly set to appear beside the druid. Perhaps since there’s a decent amount of reinforcements that show up there, that enemy gets crushed under them if they aren’t killed.

Either way, good job managing to save it!

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