FIRE EMBLEM - Code of the Black Knights: Decisive Edition (30 chapters)

Maria’s always got strength screwed in my run as well. I always bench her.

Maria is just a plain bad unit, so don’t feel bad to bench her in favor of William or another possible hero anyways

I was looking on FEBuilder at what skills certain classes get when I saw that Dragonheart had the Wyvern Lord skills listed. Is this something I should consider when promoting Lowell?

for the love of god. can someone give me at least a general idea of how to recurit jager. i know surive 22 but what else?

Just completed Route A and felt like posting my best units.


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Noir felt too frail to do anything early-game and was mostly a Cecil support mid-game but managed to really hold her own in the late-game, especially with Avalon.
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Schwarze was consistently one of my worst performing units throughout most of the run, but once he got Knell he was pretty good paired with Noir.
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Poor Maria got incredibly strength-screwed, and her one saving grace mid-game was her A-Support with Cecil, at that point my best unit. The Genji Gloves helped in the strength department and she had exclusive use of the Goddess Axe, but she never really performed that well.
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Oliver was easily the best support unit in the entire run. High magic priest early-game, and he got one of my first promotions to Bishop which was such a good call. Late-game Powerstaff combined with his high magic helped me warpskip almost all of Route A, even Chapter 28 with some convoluted plan involving 4 fliers I had never used before.
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And it’s the guy Oliver commonly warped next to the boss. Zero destroys everything. Around mid to late game had destroyed any boss with his Hazel and Oliver support and late-game wrecked bosses with Critical Blow and the Giantsfeller.
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Hazel was always consistently useful for thief utility and had great combat as a bonus. She never really fell off but felt like she got outclassed, probably because my endgame strategy involved 4 units.
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The other staffbot. Always kept her around but she was always getting doubled and really close to dying. If she didn’t have staff utility she would’ve been benched long ago.
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My main magic damage dealer. Sally was always useful for one rounding many enemies with the help of a Speedwing and assisted in my one-turn of the Endgame with Diraigeki.
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While he fell off near endgame, Cecil was king of the mid-game. Took near no damage, and crit everything with his support partners beside him.
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Rose. I really wanted her to be good but she just never was that good. She was always serviceable and Killing Machine combined with unbreakable 1-2 range sword made an okay unit, but not crazy good.
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Lowell, on the other hand, was very good. I did not have him for a long time, but while I did have him, nobody could rival him.
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Bard. Not much else to say. Angel probably could’ve performed better, but she died late into Chapter 18 and I like green anyways so I didn’t bother to reset and just took Liam.


Yeah…Rose is a sad unit. She gets horribly outclassed by Jin due to the fact that he can just kinda oneround a lot of things at base level, and only barely pulls ahead lategame.

Can Android play

Yes, as with pretty much any other romhack, Android users can play.
I suggest using Retroarch and downloading the mGBA core to play with.
While the libretro devs are… questionable, that’s the only decent free GBA emulator on Android, imo. I have yet to encounter a gamebreaking bug on the libretro mGBA core.

I’m so glad someone posted this, my S-Rank playthrough is completely ruined because of this goddamn chapter :confused:

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I’m sorry that you experienced this :frowning:

For what it’s worth, I hope you’ll stick with the game if you haven’t already 'cause broken S-rank aside it’s an amazing gameplay experience with a great branching story and an insane replay value.

It’d be a shame to skip it for this.

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Yup, i’m just a bit frustrating & disappointed BUT the story, gameplay and everything is very well-done to miss out of. I just wish the creator would update another patch fixing these annoying bugs, so those haven’t play this hack won’t experience this. Still definitely going to finish this hack and enjoy every bit of it :smiley:

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The multiple paths looked really interesting so I decided to try blind ironmanning this. I’m only done with the first chapter so far, but there are some problems.

The first half of the chapter was fun, the skills (especially the sword lord’s attack speed) and unit placement is well thought out with it being a reasonable challenge without being tedious. The music and animations are also really good.

The one issue is I was punished for visiting a village with the wrong character.

There’s no way to predict a village will give the player 2 items, and while no convoy can make the game more challenging in a fun way, having to throw something away after visiting 1 village with inventory the character had on joining feels bad.

So after this I played the rest of the chapter obsessed with conserving healing since I know I’m down and there’s no way of knowing how limited it will be going forward. I managed progress with near perfect efficiency and finished the boss off on 1 health.

Instead of the chapter ending and getting rewarded for minimizing time spent and item use, I’m greeted with this:

Three of my units and randomly in trouble now with it being very hard to keep them alive. I end up having to rescue the 2 at the bottom with the jaigen and superjaigen and then justhope the sword lord survives. I find out a turn later that maybe the green units are attacked first and I would’ve been fine not rescuing, but that’s still unclear to me. Ultimately, this unfair ambush directly resulted in me losing my superjaigen.

Yeah, I sure underestimated getting ambushed by promoted units after defeating the boss on chapter 1… Also, if the green units provoke enemy attacks first, why was my superjaigen focused when green units were clearly in range? Does the lack of ability to attack back at 1 range with the bow trump green unit provocation? I wouldn’t feel confident leaving my units in range on a 2nd playthrough after experiencing this.
Even after recovering positioning, winning wasn’t guaranteed. The green units all had to hit their attacks then my Noir still had a 1.2% chance of game overing.

I ended up getting a B on the chapter (ranking system is really cool) with the ability to move forward, but the game suddenly became very tedious since the precedent is I’ll have to be at full health with as much of my team as possible not having moved yet whenever I defeat a boss or risk losing. And I assume missing out on a lvl 10 superjaigen warrior is going to be pretty costly since it seems pretty difficult to get that damage output back.

I’ll consider continuing the run but I’m having trouble seeing how this is going to be doable as blind ironman anymore.

None of the units that show up for the second part of that chapter are intended to be in your party proper. The game is perfectly possible to do as a blind ironman, the one place you can soft lock without trying you are advised to make an extra save slot. Anything that looks “unfair” actually won’t matter in the long run.

That said, you might not be used to skill system if the end intimidated you - I believe nearly all of the green units have Provoke and enemy AI in GBAFE tends to be weighted in favor of attacking green units anyway. The intended clear path is to take William to the ballista and hit Velka with it, at which point the temporary super items from the lords allow them to oneshot her. The fact that you still managed to clear despite losing William is impressive actually.

It’s generally safe to assume that unless you’re playing a Ragefest hack you don’t actually need even half of the resources the game gives you. Please don’t sweat losing out on one vulnerary and a bonus unit that leaves immediately anyway

Ok, that makes me feel better that William isn’t a longterm unit. I’ll continue playing and see how far I get. Velka definitely did just go for him over the green units after he had picked someone up. I didn’t check green units for abilities before it was mentioned on the 2nd turn so that was a misplay on my part. It was definitely a memorable first chapter which is good.

Edit: Lost in chapter 3 because the 1 wide door opened into a 2 wide hole that I couldn’t plug because I didn’t have any characters in range and noir got killed. The reason I had no extra units in range was I spent the previous turn rescuing a character off a tile after they said “something doesn’t seem right” because I was afraid it was a trap or something.
I’ve seen doors before in hacks open wider holes than the door indicates. Is there any reliable way to tell if this is going to happen or is it pretty case specific?
I don’t think its really good for blind iron mans which doesn’t mean its bad, just not really possible to know things like that are going to happen without a paranoid level of caution unless its a specific model of door or something. Even then, I’m not sure how I’d know the extra hole was going to be above or below the door. I’ll come back to it for a normal playthrough sometime.

The door tile that you can open is labeled door, but most hacks have a visual cue indicating multiple tiles will open up.
Also, iirc the bomb warning is either just for a mine (doesn’t hurt that bad) or you just straight up get a Game Over event trigger, which imo shouldn’t count for ending an ironman. The layout of the map discourages the player from ever triggering this, anyway. You kinda got stuck in the bad territory between “very paranoid to the point where it works” and “not too worried.”
I will say that the first 4-5 chapters are pretty painful if you’re trying to do a blind ironman tho, especially before you get your second pseudojagen

That makes sense. I do notice the visual indication now, though I think I would’ve been fooled by it anyway since its labelled “wall”. Maybe if the door frame went down the whole tile instead of just halfway I would’ve been able to figure it out. That’s definitely just on whoever made that texture and not hack specific. Bad luck the lord was the one lost to it.

I count anything as a game over if I can’t progress, I lost another hack because I didn’t field my units correctly in battle preparations and couldn’t reach an objective tile even though I can always go back in and spend more turns with nothing happening.

Just read your comments about this hack. Having played it from start to finish myself, I’d strongly recommend against doing an ironman run on this hack. It’s definitely doable (and if that’s what you want, then do what makes you happy), but this hack can get really punishing at times and throws a lot of curveballs at the player.

There are way more twists/ambushes than the one you encounter in the prologue, so take that into consideration.

All that being said, this is still one of my absolute favorite hacks, from quality of writing, soundtrack, visuals, etc…

Just don’t let the difficulty get to you, and you’ll enjoy yourself.


honestly yeah I thought about it again and like, ironmanning isn’t a big deal… IF you know what’s coming. lmao :sob:
I’ve played every route like four times so I was unable to view it from a fresh player’s perspective

I’ve only played through route B, but on my current playthrough Iike 22 or 23 chapters in, aiming for route A or C…

Probably will create a separate file for route D so I don’t have to do a whole 'nother playthrough for that one

But yeah, some moments had me pulling my hair out, and I’m not even doing an ironman run

So on chapter 12 somehow Cecil as he reach level 15 recieve drive atk skill. Since Cecil skill become full i decide to reload and i no longer get the drive atk skill.

So what’s with the random drive atk skill? And are there any secret in chapter 12 i should have known?