FIRE EMBLEM - Code of the Black Knights: Decisive Edition (30 chapters)

Just got done playing chapter 7 (after refusing to follow orders)… are you supposed to be able to receive infinite money and elysian whips from Schwarze’s dad?

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No, that’s a glitch and a pretty bad one at that XD.

It’s already fixed in the upcoming version, but it’ll take me a while to release it.

@AetherYouTube Also, I’m watching the video and you can trigger the door by stopping in the stairs, but you actually have to place a unit in those stairs :v
The other stairs, the ones that are right at the left of the spawn point, can warp you to the other side of the courtyard.

Also, there is an augury function that you can access from the menu by pressing the A button without selecting any units, it’s pretty useful if you have any doubts with a chapter.


Will this new version have gameplay tweaks for Chapters 16 and 17?

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It’s minor, but I reduced the amout of promos in the initial wave of CH17 and the amount of mounted units that pursue you in the chase sequence of CH16. Enemy speed is also nerfed across the board. Thanks for the feedback btw.

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You’re welcome!

ETA on when the new update will drop?

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~January 10 maybe? Not sure XD.

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I couldn’t. I tried and the feuniverse only let me send you images and gifs via message

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Also I tried the same path on chapter 25 in the holy knights route and I had the same issue. I think the problem is realy with the boss or with the level

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The boss of endgame D keeps despawning on enemy phase. I think it’s because he has too much hp and it causes an overflow. pretty sad I can’t complete the game after beating chapter ex2 without even cheating or knowing it was gonna happen

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I think I found the cause.

Autoleveling seems to be the problem here. His stats are already high enough, so autoleveling may be the thing that’s throwing his HP over the limit. I’ll test right away.

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The problem was related to the Baron class’s HP cap combined with the final boss’s level. All of that, combined with autolevel, is a recipe for causing an overflow D:…

Fortunately, the problem was solved. A patch with updated maps, tweaked mechanics and fixed glitches will be uploaded ASAP!
The new characters will be added later in the future.

Happy new year FEU!


new characters :> aw :> can not wait to see :>


If you promote a unit before level 15, can they still get their lvl 15 skill?

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No, the skill will be lost…

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Fire Emblem - Code of the Black Knights V1.01 December 1.emulator_01
Hi! A new version has been uploaded:

Many bugs have been fixed, the most notorious being the one that makes Endgame D impossible. Other bugs fixed include:

  • Infinite money duplication in either route. Schwarze’s dad is no longer a millionaire.
  • Mercer being guaranteed to live until he no longer does. (Fresh save only)
  • Dead people appearing in interludes.
  • Player dual wielding Mithras
  • Weird master seal shenanigans

And more! Still some bugs remain. Please refer to the first post to see still-living bugs.

The infamous swordmaster boss of chapter 11 was severely nerfed (-8HP, -1MAG, -4 Luck).

Chapters 1, 14 and 21 have been completely reworked! RandomWizard has been added to the credits for his huge help with these maps.

Changes in a nutshell:

CH1 is the one featured in the picture. The main attraction is that the ballista is now operated by a green unit. Dialogue has also been slightly altered and the intro cutscene is also a little different.

CH14 has a new scenario in case you want to go nuts and pull a genocide run. The map itself was also shrinked a bit and cleaned up.

All changes to CH1 have carried over to CH21A. Also, those bandits are now hostile green units. Feel free to destroy them.

An embarrasing amount of tyops, such as “Scwharze (x5)”, “Each ofther” and “We can’t let happen” has been fixed.

Download link so that you don’t have to scroll!

5 new units are now in development.
The new units will most likely debut in the next version along with the ranking system and the fix to most remaining glitches. Here’s the WIP splice for Lewis’ elder sister, Crescent! Once she comes out, she will be recruitable in CH4.
Crescent Usenti

Happy new year FEU!


Hostile Green Units

(Flashbacks to Thracia 776)

Chapter 14

What happens when I try to Genocide Run it?

CH14 Spoilers

Once there are about 6 enemy troops left, Noir begins to lose control of her power and kills a balista operator, bringing Blaise to say that Noir is dead to him. (Obvioulsy locking you out of the talk conversation).
After some emotional distress, Noir gets temporarily possessed and a ridiculously overpowered +10 buff to everything. The chapter objective text changes to imply a rout mission, though the objective is still technically just to defeat Blaise.

TLDR: Noir goes batshit insane to the point that Mithra practically has to do a potentially-lethal exorcism just to revert her back.

Endgame spoilers regarding CH14

If you cross-reference the objective text, you’ll find out that it is the exact same as in the “Lost Chapter”. Implying that Layton is the one posessing her.

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Heh… time to replay…

Though the main problem with the ch11 boss is the fact that you have to rely either on crits or chip damage to defeat them due to Vantage and Runesword. The stats aren’t a problem imo, and more hp actually is good for controlling when Vantage activates. That said, being able to kill them BEFORE Vantage is nice, but at that point it’s just a damage check and you might as well remove Vantage and have the boss self destruct after a certain point.

Edit: I was also thinking about how this would have made a pretty neat entry as an actual official modern fire emblem game with a bunch of reworking a lot of stuff and Zero being a customizable MU. :eyes: Maybe pitch the idea to IntSys LOL

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Haha, if I tried pitching this to intsys they’d probably just put a C&D on me :laughing:

What I tried to do with the boss on CH11 was a boss that was kind of unconventional. The new stats she has means that she is still very hard to defeat by brute force, but you can one-shot her with the killer lance you get in the same chapter, since she has zero luck and, much like the unit she’s copying, low health. Using 3-range attacks to chip her also works.

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I encountered what I can only assume was an underflow glitch. Noir went from taking no damage one turn to taking 250 the next

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