FIRE EMBLEM - Code of the Black Knights: Decisive Edition (30 chapters)

Thanks for the review guys. Sory I couldn’t respond, I didn’t answer because I had no internet since yesterday u.u.

Some spoilers :,v

Generally, aside from prepromotes like Artemisa or lategame units like Hall and Mithra, Player unit bases are extremely low with growths that I think are intended to make up for it, but a few units like Maria and Josephine lack those growths from what I recall.

Actually Maria’s growths are sliiightly lower than usual to balance the fact that she gets axefaire. Josephine’s growths and Schwarze’s bases probably do need an adjustment xd. Gawain IS a pref, but it doesn’t say it because I messed up somewhere.

I don’t remember doing anything to the iron sword, but I probably touched something I shouldn’t have lol.

The mechanic of Leadership Stars on generics, even if they’re named something like “Commander” or “Chief,” rubbed many of us the wrong way, since despite the fact that we have Leadership Stars of our own, our perception of it tended to skew towards how much free Avoid the enemies were getting despite the Hit we’d get from our own.

Actually the hit rate bonus is much more significant than the avoid one, so it’s kinda meant to allow enemies to hit you even when you have 6+ stars. As for Zero having lead stars, It was supposed to be because he was the leader of chapter 2x, but now that I think about it it’s kinda weird XD.

Forts lowering your Hit by 10

wait wat

It was generally agreed upon in the stream group that the Mercenary/Fort being where the gate would normally be and thus locking your unit in to wait for Anna to ferry them out was not a great decision.

Full disclosure, confession time. I never tested the door XD. I’m going to try and change the village so it’s a regular one instead :v.

One chest in particular, the rightmost of the southern pair, seems to contain infinite Green Gems


Several magic users throughout the game, particularly a Mage or two in Chapter 3 have ridiculous magic.

The wind mage miniboss (I just call him Gandalf) is mostly there to discourage going straight to the door, which is where the mine is hidden. There are probably still some ways around it if you want to low-turn clear. For example, he’s completely defenseless against melee attacks, so if you rescue chain well then he’s screwed :3. The shaman commander can (And maybe should) also be avoided entirely.

Oliver’s talk makes the boss stop attacking or moving forever, but since he still counters and the other units don’t stop it doesn’t help much. (Noir did warn you tho).

I changed a bit the stairs during a problem I had where the stairs patch was incompatible with the skilsystems patch. Now that the problem’s fixed I should redo that part. Also, given that the hall is pretty tight, there is little to no way to get in before killing the boss anyway.

I think the replicating items issue got fixed in the latest patch. I think. The west door is not a really good option though. Guess I’m going to rework the patrol a little. The time limit seems kind of okay to me, usually in my runs I can get to the village and then to the exit before I even get the turn 10 warning. (Then again I did make the map, so it definitely counts as cheating :v). Also, keep in mind that stealth is recommended but optional.

About chapter 8, Sorry about the forced level ups, but I have to put them in to keep EXP levels balanced with the other route (Penalizing players for being stealthy would be pretty stupid. LOOKING AT YOU, REVELATIONS. DON’T LOOK AWAY EITHER, MANSTER ARC.). The northwest ballista in the fort is mostly there for symmetry. Though the center actually blocking player units rather than helping is kinda worrying. Also yes Lazarus does move. The map is actually set up so that he can always attack without geting out of cover. Also I’m shocked that the green rider actually did something good, my RNG always has him miss epically against ballista users or something :v.

A quick tip is to use Taurus to eliminate the low-right ballista user. Elizabeth gains spur speed and that really helps kill them, since they have 0 attack speed.

Also, the freeze in preparations bug seems to be caused by selecting an unit with the steel daggers. Sadly I haven’t fixed that one yet D:.

I think that’s all. Again, thanks a lot for the feedback. I recommend you try Act 2 part 1 ASAP, since it doesn’t conflict with save files (I think, anyway.)

More spoilers uwu

Actually I didn’t give it too much thought. I was like “The number zero is synonymous with null factor, let’s just put it there”. Zero isn’t even his actual name, he actually makes it up in the fly XD. The whole theme was more based on the butterfly effect (How a small thing, like some random dude showing up in a village literally saved both the vllages and Oliver.). If he hadn’t been there, then our swordmaster would have been unable to save all the villages by himself, so Maria and Josephine would have to intervene and therefore Oliver gets rekt.

But you had a really cool interpretation XD.

(One last thing, in chapter 2, if you take WAY too long -about seven turns- a ridiculously overpowered border patrol group spawns and, if they happen to kill the boss, the gaiden chapter is denied. At least they get a badass quote. So yeah, you should avoid taking too long in chapters)

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And the using supply in menu with hazel inventory will crash the game
and I gave artemisa a few swords to trade with hazel also crashed it
and what’s the difference b2n the path choices?
Great lighting up an area wont get u caught nice logics
Btw i coulnt get past the guards… The mage and the archers attack range just covered up nearly every tile
Huhh? Just get to nearly the end and suddenly spotted without getting engaged? Theres a buggy character?

So how do i get the supply stash?
And after the warning the annoying archer in mountains vanishes after moving and reappears
I shouldnt have brought maria (btw i think the nerf are worth 4 extra strengths lol)
But it was a clutch… Jaeger is now 5 tiles next to the escape point lol
Noir animation seems glitched?

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The supply bug is related to selecting a character who has the steel daggers in their inventory from the menu. I’m not sure what causes it, but I’m hoping to fix that soon.
Depending on what you do about

Spoilers for ch6

Vert betraying you

, the next map changes (Stealth mission vs more standard rout the enemy, which unit you get, etc.) and it will also change another map later on. Also, depending on what you did over the course of the story, units appear in chapter in chapter 8 to aid you or attack you.

The units in the stealth mission don’t know you’re there and will never follow you unless you move directly in their range, with the exception of the mountain archer who doesn’t move at all. However I’m considering reducing the amout of guards. Also, if you take over 15 turns, you’re automatically spotted and the AI changes.

Noir grabs the supply stash at the end of the chapter if you weren’t detected. It has an energy ring IIRC.

Also, thanks for catching that commander bug, it would have ended up on a later patch in promoted Schwarze attacking you. That would be a pretty bad thing D:

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No, I haven’t made a discord server just yet :confused:

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Hey guys, a new patch dropped (Technically) yesterday!
I was going to announce it earlier, but, to no one’s surprise, my internet cut off while I was writing the patch notes. Aaanyway.
It has no new chapters, but instead it features several bugfixes, improvements and polishments, most of them based on feedback.
Obviously, spoiler alert for the chapter-specific improvements.

  • Fixed a bug where selecting a character with steel daggers from battle preparations would freeze the game (Or crash the whole emulator, if you played in MyBoy!). This will only take effect on a fresh save.
  • Fixed a small typo in the Glossary, as well as a bug where it updated earlier than expected.
  • Schwarze’s promotions are implemented! Though the animations probably still need polishment and are unusable outside of the “Ridiculously unbalanced Sacred Stones” mode. Shoutout to Nuramon for the Marshall base sprite.
  • Forts still reduce your hitrate by 10. This is unintentional, but the source of the bug is not known, so I can’t do much about it. The fort avoid bonus was boosted by +5 to compensate.
  • Angelic robes were nerfed, they now grant 6 health instead of 7.
  • Josephine’s growths were slightly rebalanced. She also starts now at level 4, with accordingly improved stats.
  • Spellsnipers’s personal skill has been changed. They no longer have tome range+1 due to a bug where the game froze when attacking at max range.
  • Between the release of A1P2 and A2P1, Schwarze had been given +1 def and +1 res. This isn’t actually new, it just wasn’t mentioned before. Also, it won’t take effect in an A1P2 savefile.
Chapter 2
  • A line was added that subtly warns about troops leaving.
  • As mentioned earlier, Josephine was slightly buffed.
Chapter 2x
  • The gate works now as intended.
  • Cut, like, three lines or so of dialogue. It’s all I could do without negatively impacting the story.
Chapter 3
  • The chest now stays empty and no longer gives infinite gems.
  • Some graphical improvements.
  • Tested the mine, and it works. It also hurts. A lot.
    A quick tip, if you’re having trouble with the spooky shaman, try having Artemisa brave-lance him.
Chapter 4
  • Slightly buffed the interaction between Oliver and his father. Now he not only stops attacking, he also drops his weapon for a turn.
  • Slightly reduced the cavalry reinforcements when you break through the barricade. The cavalry units pursuing from behind were left intact, but there are less on the front.

If you thought this map was hard, the very first draft before I first released the chapter had such a ridiculous amount of units swarming you at once from all directions that it could very well have qualified as a ragefest submission.

Chapter 5
  • Stairs should now work as intended.
Chapter 6
  • Removed boss flag from a certain foreshadowing cameo that was supposed to blend with the environment!
Chapter 7A
  • Reworked the patrols. The yard soldiers are now closer to each other, which after a few turns grants a good opening to go for the gate. The mountain archer is now surrounded by mountain tiles and can’t move, but has a longbow.

  • You can now visit the village from downwards, giving a little more incentive to go for the left gate.

  • The dummied thief miniboss that guards the exit if you fail at stealth was replaced by a knight lord miniboss, fitting with Kalm’s ideology of elite knights.
    Creo que esta arreglado e.e.PATCH.20200214140627.emulator_21

  • Vert now realizes that you left at turn 19, up from turn 15. He still starts suspecting at turn 10.

Chapter 7B
  • Spellsnipers were changed, as mentioned above.
Chapter 8
  • Added another exit to the left from the main fort. The right wall is still blocked to avoid enemy cavaliers from breaking through.
  • Buffed the spellsniper that aids you if you chose 7B. She’s now a promoted sage who has Blizzard instead of Bolting. This means she can snipe the south ballistician.
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The mountain guy dont move at all???
I nearly think u could only go flying control room lol
7B is the Lazarus bosd chap right? (Second option)
Are you kidding? Shamanz that (Ichor) have 24+ damage on ur units (yeah about 5 res) and with like 96 hit
With a lot of ppl swarming u around (hard to have units not dying) and u have to rush for boss (its ok cuz we have some magic nuke
Thats not all, theres hidden fire trap and surprise (ofc not good) at turn 6 gg

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7B is the chapter that takes place if you choose to do what Vert asks you and fight the scouts to protect the people,

despite knowing that he might be involved in the attack on Zoyla.

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Good news! Schwarze’s animations for both promotions are completed (Not final though), and Noir’s are halfway done!

Credits to Nuramon for the Marshall base sprite.

Credits to Mrnight and DerTheVaporeon for the High Magus - Grandmaster animation.


Only played two chapters so far but I like the custom animations for Noir and Schwarze and the Gawain spell.

The mage in the Prologue deals a bit too much damage, luckily his hit rate was terrible.

Maybe consider changing giving a different skill instead of both movement skills (Reposition and Swap), one unit having both seems redundant.

There is an issue with the face of the guy on the right. This scene is between the Prologue and Chapter 2.

Maybe give a heads up before the thief with the Red Gem leaves in Chapter 2. He left just as I was going to attack him.


Thanks for the review! It seems the mage mercenary deals just a liiittle more damage than intended.
Jokes aside, that’s a very severe bug. It’s new and I don’t know what causes it, but I’ll fix that ASAP. Thanks for catching it.
The point of Artemisa is that even if her growths aren’t the best she can be an utility unit that can move allies around.
Vert’s portrait is kind of a work in progress XD.
The newest version does have a line of dialogue after a few turns that hints that troops might start leaving if the battle draws out any longer.
Again, thanks for reviewing!

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Creo que esta arreglado e.e.PATCH.20200214140627.emulator_25 Creo que esta arreglado e.e.PATCH.20200214140627.emulator_24 Creo que esta arreglado e.e.PATCH.20200214140627.emulator_23
Well, this is weird. I just tested and the mage deals completely regular damage (If anything, it’s too low). I really don’t know what caused the glitch.

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Ch.3 was interesting but frustrating. The hidden mine caused me to restart :frowning:

Ch.4 has some errors

Vulnerary amount is too much on Enemy Archer to the left of the map

Information for Dead Cavalier is still shown if you scroll through the enemy units. Backing out on that Cavalier’s card places your marker on the spot where it died.

Enemy mercenary randomly teleports to a different spot at the end of the enemies turn.

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Another error in Chapter 4 is that the game automatically ends your turn if the monk is the last unit who has not moved. If I move the monk before that, it doesn’t automatically end the turn.

At the start of the video, the monk and the lord are not greyed out but after the lord finishes his move, your turn ends and forgets about the monk.

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Thanks for the reports! I had never seen the vulnerary issue before; theoretically it shouldn’t even be possible to give an item with different-than-max durability :p.
The dead event cavalier is very weird. I overkilled the poor guy (He dies in the event, then I placed another event that the guy at X21 Y6 dies instantly just in case), so he shouldn’t even exist anymore. Very strange.
The idea with the mercenary was for him to spawn, warp from off-screen and into the battle. However, looking closely, he’s just one of the mercenaries that was right there. I’ll try and fix that.
Finally, I believe the bug with Elizabeth (The monk) is related to her not rejoining the party properly. I thought I had fixed that bug ages ago, but here we are .-.

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Chapter 4: maybe change the layout because there is no incentive for the player to clear out the room in the bottom left since you can reach the boss by breaking the wall at the top right.
Another error is that only one part of breakable wall to the bottom left can be broken.

Chapter 5:I like the use of the magic seal/fog but the long-range magicians are outside of the range so it is more harmful to you than the enemy because the long-range spells can still hit you but you can’t heal. The sigil on the bottom left does nothing when I interact with it.

When I restarted this chapter, the speed debuff from the mercenary close to the bridge carried over for some reason.

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For chapter 5, there are two incentives to clear the room:

  1. You gain more exp and a pathway to one of the chests, which contains a longbow.
  2. By clearing the room, plus some of the chiefs in the way there, you reduce the boss’s hitrate by ~25-30%. This is very important considering that he has a killer axe and a high crit rate.

For chapter 7B, the sigil at the bottom left is supposed to deploy a magic seal that blocks the blizzard caster. However, I made the mistake of giving her the ability to move, and as a result she can block the spawn point. Whoops :v. The rest of them were made so that deploying the sigils doesn’t result in an instant win, and you have to think carefully before using them.

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ok. makes sense.

I spotted some other errors on Chapter 5. one of the wyvern reinforcements is stuck and can’t move.

The boss death quotes work until he starts talking then it duplicates his face on both sides of the screen. The scene still works so it is a minor issue.

Also for the Supply Whs, maybe make it a passive held item that you don’t have to equip to use. My main reason is because I used it and forgot to switch to a different tome and could not counter attack when an enemy attacked me.
I like the general idea because you can trade it to any unit to access the supply.

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For the wyvern rider, I made the mistake of using the wall tile as if it was a peak tile. I had forgotten that not even fliers can move past those.
I don’t see anything wrong with Celt, he clearly learned Kagebushin No Jutsu during his training. This is caused because I didn’t erase Schwarze’s portrait before showing Celt’s portrait and quote, and battle quotes can only show one portrait at a time.
As for the supply whistle, it’s more of a workaround than anything. The basic supply function isn’t working for some reason. I don’t know if I can passively give a skill to the holder of an item. I could give Schwarze and Noir the Supply skill, but I’m afraid of what might happen if I give any of the lords more than 6 skills, and none of my patches that change the vanilla supply user seem to be working D:.
To avoid all of these problems, I made the whistle. It’s a little inconvenient, but it’s better than nothing :v
Anyway, thanks for catching the bugs.

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kk, I didn’t know there was an issue with the supply thing.

I restarted Chapter 8 and the debuff carried over again.

The enemy units that died in the scene clip at the start also respawned on the map.

The two cavaliers on land close to my healer died in the scene clip but resurrected themselves when I restarted.

The cavalier close to my cavalier died in the scene clip but was alive when I restarted.

I skipped through the scene clip when I restarted so that maybe causing the issue. Not 100% sure.