Fire Emblem Awakening PME

This is a Fire Emblem Awakening PME where you can submit Units. I’ve never done this sort of thing before, so let me know if I’m doing anything wrong.

  • Name:
  • Gender:
  • Class:
  • Character Recruitment To Replace:
  • Boon:
  • Bane:
  • Inventory: (I’m not setting any formal rules here with a point buy system, I trust you to be reasonable)
  • Portrait:
  • Character Description: (The line that appears when clicking your character’s name)
  • Death Quote:
  • Personal Skill (MUST be ONE existing Skill within Fire Emblem Awakening, no DLC/Enemy-Only Skills.):
  • Credits for Portrait:


No real-life political figures.
Only Prepromotes can replace Prepromotes, and only non-Prepromotes can replace non-Prepromotes.
No adult content, Awakening is a family game.
No custom classes or weapons.
If multiple people want to replace the same character, I’ll decide who gets that slot and who gets a slot near that slot.
Your Bane cannot be Strength if your character is a purely Magical class and vice reversa.
You must submit a character portrait.
There will be no cutscene text edits to fit the new characters, this is solely a gameplay experience.

Your portrait must work for this method: (If they are too large/small I can resize/crop them)


Gender: M
Class: Solider
Character Recruitment To Replace: Donnel
Boon: Str
Bane: Mag(check extra for more)
Inventory: (I’m not setting any formal rules here with a point buy system, I trust you to be reasonable)
Log(for joke sake)
Ephraim’s lance
Screenshot_20240627_170751_My Boy! Free
If this works :])
Character Description: (The line that appears when clicking your character’s name)
A solider who works for a Mercenary group has bad luck in meeting people who dont only care for money
Death Quote:That hit flesh didn’t it. Sorry folks these wounds I cant retreat with…
Personal Skill (MUST be ONE existing Skill within Fire Emblem Awakening, no DLC/Enemy-Only Skills.):Apt just like donnel
Credits for Portrait:My pal celest made this for me and big thanks to her :3

Extra:if you dont want us doing this fair but ill ask for his reclass options to be thief and dark mage(if im not allowed to this, make his bane luck)


Wait what sort of portrait are we allow to uses? Are we allowed any Fire Emblem related portraits or any kind of portraits just as long it transparent?

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I’m interested in knowing as well.

Never been in an Awakening PME before, so I would love to know what kind of portraits would you need, like for example if you just need any portrait with a transparent background.

Oh, another important question! Is Chrom and Robin’s replacements able to have other classes, or should they still keep their vanilla Lord and Tactician classes just to be safe?


I’m using this method for the Custom Characters. It’s fine for portraits to be too big, I can crop/resize them. But if they are too small they will look bad when stretched to fit the proper size.

Chrom and Robin can be replaced just like any other unit. But whoever replaces Robin will get his/her complete class set so I call dibs on Robin.


So we cant change their second seal choices?

Name: Yumiko
Gender: Female
Class: Mercenary
Character Recruitment To Replace: Sully
Boon: Def
Bane: Skl
Personal Skill: Zeal

  • Iron Sword (D Rank Swords)
  • Concoction
  • Talisman

Character Description:
A cheerful woman of Far Eastern descent.
Traveling the world to hone her skills.

Death Quote:
Nngh-! Damn… they’re stronger than I can handle…
Apologies, but I’m at my limit… I have to retreat…


Credits for Portrait:
The artist is know as Ryusei Hashida or ‘Florida chan’.
It’s an Au Ra from FFXIV! So glad I found this fanart.

If it’s possible to increase unit’s weapon ranks, then you can have Yumiko start with D Rank Swords and an Iron Sword, otherwise keep a Bronze Sword in place.

Also I can make the portrait have transparent background myself if you need it np.


Name: Erina
Gender: Female
Class: Berserker (use an anim ID from f!wyvern lord/griffon rider)
Reclass: Dark Mage/Sorcerer, Wyvern Rider/Lord

Replaces: Frederick

Boon: Str
Bane: Res

Superior Axe
Short Axe

Description: A Shepherd and a battle-hardened warrior.

Death Quote:
Blast it all…
I’ve come this far… just to fall like this…

Rally Strength


Can we replace bosses as well? Or just playable units for now?

I do this same joke pretty much every time but here we go.
Name: Skull King
Gender: Male
Class: Thief
Character Recruitment To Replace: Kellam
Boon: Str
Bane: Def
Inventory: Killing Edge (make sure he has C swords to use it), Iron Sword, Vulnerary.

Character Description: Gains 1000 attack for each card named "Skull Servant" in graveyard.
Death Quote: I didn't draw Uni-Zombie turn one, this game sucks.
Personal Skill: Rightful King
Credits for Portrait: The Yugipedia main page

If possible make his reclass options Merc and Cavalier.

  • Name: Douglas

  • Gender: Male

  • Class: Knight

  • Character To Replace: Garrick (Boss Prologue: The Verge of History)

  • Boon: Str

  • Bane: Lck

  • Inventory: Blessed Lance. Vulnerary

  • Portrait:

  • Character Description: Leader of a Ylissean rebellion against the Exalt.

  • Battle Quote: Weaklings! Ylisse demands new leadership! You either accept my rule, or die!

  • Death Quote: It not over… it will never… be over…

  • Personal Skill (MUST be ONE existing Skill within Fire Emblem Awakening, no DLC/Enemy-Only Skills.): None

  • Credits for Portrait: Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem.


welp, it’s something different, may as well poke at it.

Name: Ynyra
Gender: Female
Class: Lord (Lucina)
Character Recruitment To Replace: Lon’qu
Boon: STR
Bane: RES

Steel Sword
Noble Rapier


Character Description: A wanderer with an interest in training, her face lights up in excitement in battle, though, she herself hasn’t noticed it.
Death Quote: Khh!! That’s… not really how I expected this to go…
Personal Skill: Lancefaire
Credits for Portrait: AI generated.

Are uh… are special, non-DLC classes fair game? If not this concept sorta goes out the window, welp. I chose Lucina Lord for unmounted lance use that actually exists because aside from Bride, Great Lord is the only promoted class that does so.
If it’s possible to do different reclasses, uh… Pegasus Knight and Cavalier? Got to keep that ‘actually a lance user’ theme going!


Are we locked to only one addition or can we add one daily so this doesnt go to a snail’s pace?

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I’ve decided everyone can add one more unit to this per day, but when the time comes to add units to this game I’ll prefer to use units from as many people as possible.

Bosses can also be overwritten. And any other named characters including named Green Units with unique portraits.


Oh ya and what about children units will they be made but the growth and boon calculations will be stayed or will someone make their growths?

  • Name: Rickson

  • Gender: Male

  • Class: Cavalier

  • Character Replace: Risen Chief (Chapter 2 Shepherds)

  • Boon: Def

  • Bane: Spd

  • Inventory: Armorslayer. Javelin. Killer Lance. Vulnerary

  • Portrait:

  • Character Description: A mercenary commander leading a force of Risen.

  • Battle Quote: I knew those pathetic creatures couldn’t win against the likes of you!

  • Death Quote: So this is… a mercenary death… huh…

  • Personal Skill (MUST be ONE existing Skill within Fire Emblem Awakening, no DLC/Enemy-Only Skills.): None

  • Credits for Portrait: Fire Emblem: Shadows of Valentia.


Class:Barbarian(if not possible Wyvern rider)
Character Recruitment To Replace:Cherche
Inventory: (I’m not setting any formal rules here with a point buy system, I trust you to be reasonable)
Hector’s axe
Hand axe
Second seal
(If we are allowing it)Second seal choices:
Character Description: (The line that appears when clicking your character’s name)A sea loving girl who has known a few Soliders wants to meet someone she had a crush on
Death Quote:Sorry shad, I know you warned me but I did not listen…
Personal Skill (MUST be ONE existing Skill within Fire Emblem Awakening, no DLC/Enemy-Only Skills.):Galeforce(im taking it before anything is said against it)
Credits for Portrait:Celest again thanks :3(also tried to make it bigger for you but cant on mobile)

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Alright since the submissions are slow, here’s another one from me.

  • Name: I M Meen

  • Gender: Male

  • Class: Mage

  • Character Recruitment To Replace: Gaius

  • Boon: Mag

  • Bane: Skill

  • Inventory: Noesferatu, Elthunder

  • Portrait:

  • Character Description: Lost? Frightened? Confused? GOOD! HAHAHAHAHA!

  • Death Quote: You may have outsmarted me this time, bookworm! But I’ll be back! I. M. Meen never quits! You’ll see!

  • Personal Skill: Shadowgift

Reclass options if possible: Myrm, Knight.

  • Name:lady citzen

  • Gender:female

  • Class: mercenary

  • Character Recruitment To Replace:Lissa

  • Boon:str

  • Bane:def

  • Inventory: a silver sword

  • Portrait:

  • Character Description: a self-centered civilian who somehow wants to fight

  • Death Quote: I knew I would die someday just didn’t expect today

  • Personal Skill (MUST be ONE existing Skill within Fire Emblem Awakening, no DLC/Enemy-Only Skills.):Luna

  • Credits for Portrait:fe6 randomizer
    Reclass if possible: a thief, assassin

  • Name: Log.

  • Gender: Male.

  • Class: Cavalier.

  • Character Recruitment To Replace: Gregor.

  • Boon: Defence.

  • Bane: Luck.

  • Inventory: 1x Tree Branch, 1x Log, 1x Concoction.

  • Portrait:

  • Character Description:
    “A living tree log… at least he can serve as a
    decoy, or as dry wood for a bonfire.”

  • Death Quote:
    Log breaking apart noises

  • Personal Skill: Sol.

  • Credits for Portrait: Dunno, got it out from searching log images on google.

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