Fire Emblem 6 - Boss Recruitment

Not Wanting to die is a good reason to change sides. If roy’s guys made it to you, you are most likely doomed anyway


new update like 8 years later nothing odd or weird about it at all

  • fixed minor bugs/palette issues
  • buffed scollan’s strength skill and speed growths
  • theres nothing else i swear no other secret please trust me when have i lied to you

We’ll see

Just curious
What are everyone’s(the bosses) growths?

Generally, their base stats reflect their growths, but i genuinely dont rememver what i set for a lot of them

So generally, beginning bosses have great growths and the greatness goes down the further ahead? Except for ein, his seems even worse than marcus, and Scollan seems like pure left stat side on the level up

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Usually bosses with better bases have worse growths

Ein’s growths are bad because firestone bonuses are genuinely insane for him

I’ve had an idea, this hack but on project ember