FEE3 2024 Help Thread

This thread is meant for creators to connect with people who want to help showcase their work, and for volunteers who want to help creators to advertise their services. Please do not clog the thread with discussion, any follow-up discussion can be had in DMs.

Please keep in mind that volunteers are not officially associated with FEE3’s organization, and they are free to choose which projects they would like to help with.

Current Volunteer List:
BigMood - LP
ditto - LP
dancer_A - LP
TheAtlas - LP Cohost
TrikkiNikki - Trailer
XPGamesNL - LP
Epholo8 - LP

The full list of video submission guidelines can be found here, but to summarize a few key points, videos can be no longer than one hour or shorter than one minute and must have a minimum resolution of 360p. However, shorter videos are strongly encouraged, as not only do these result in better viewer engagement, but they also make things easier for volunteers who review your submissions. Disabling battle animations is an easy way to cut down on video length. Similarly, resolutions of at least 480p make for a much better viewing experience, 360p is the bare minimum but if you can record higher resolutions please do so. Also, checking audio balancing beforehand is important; it has been an issue in prior years. Knowing what you want to cover in the video ahead of time is also important, doing a dry run before the final recording will help with this.

Submission Link:
FEE3 2024 Submission Form

Submission Details

Here is an example from a past year of a video thumbnail. For the main image, an aspect ratio of around 9:5 is recommended, as anything else is likely to be cropped, though you can submit an emulator screenshot or 3:2 image if you wish. The side image is completely optional and can be whatever you desire; it is often a portrait or animation frame.
The title of your video will be “FEE3 2024: <Project Title> by <Username>, and the video description will be what you submit in the form. If you would like your project thread to be linked in the description, please include the link in the submitted description. For the sake of readability, it is recommended that you omit “Fire Emblem” from the submitted project title, but ultimately it is up to you. Videos will air every six hours, starting at midnight EST. You may submit one or more time slots that you prefer your video to go up at. While we cannot guarantee that everyone gets their desired time slot, desired timeslots are a high priority when creating the schedule.


As usual, I’d like to volunteer to help create videos for people who want their hacks shown but cannot/cannot be arsed to do so themselves.


I’d like to volunteer to help make any video demos and whatnot!

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I volunteer to help as a let’s player as well.


If anyone’s interested, I can volunteer to proofread for grammar and spelling.

I’m free to help either co-host a demo or give feedback on videos as well as help organize it! :slight_smile:


I want to volunteer as a let’s player as well! Last year was amazing!


Relic, do you need help running or organizing the event? I’d be happy to offer my services. Thanks


Y’know, maybe I can’t submit my meme hack, but I can be a Let’s Player!

I dunno how much help this would be but I am free to edit videos if ever. Its actually my line of work to do vid editing so I can assist on that front.

Even storyboarding trailers, I can collab and help.

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