FEE3 2024 Announcement Thread

Hype to see FEE3 back once again!

As usual, I’m willing to record gameplay showcases with commentary up to your specifications! Whether you’d like to cohost with me, want me to focus on specific details of your game, or just play a chapter, I’d be thrilled to do so. I’ll also provide a thumbnail in my style and/or to your specifications if desired :sparkling_heart:

Feel free to shoot a message on here, but the best bet will always be Discord (@Epholo8)! Let’s make it another killer year :smile:


Note to self - If I can’t find any sources for what I say, then it’s probably not true

Amazing, then! I’ll see if I can come up with something for this year. Maybe a longer video to showcase more of my hack, if I have the time for it.


Haven’t participated in an event like this before, so this’ll be interesting. My hack is not much compared to the rest but maybe I’ll be able to craft up a video for it.


Guess I should probably get some work done on soa then huh


It’s been a year already? Wow… I’m excited to see what you all cook up!


Ok if I lock-in for the next two months I can have my submission ready.

Jokes aside, super excited!

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Plz pin this topic.

Also looking forward to FEE3

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Are there any guidelines regarding what kind of music and sounds can be used in a video submission? Since these are going on Youtube, and many submissions will not be from content creators, it may be helpful to have some guidance on what can be done to avoid channel strikes and demonetization (if these are a concern at all).


I wouldn’t say I’m qualified to write a post on it, but a good starting point for music might be this guy, Kevin MacLeod, who makes a metric shitload of royalty-free music of a wide variety of tones. He’s an honest-to-God legend and avid video essay listeners have all probably listened to dozens of his tracks without knowing. Just be sure to credit appropriately; he leaves the proper formatting in the FAQ there.

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Is it possible to send 2 different videos? One for trailer and one for gameplay if that’s okay?

I speak with no authority, but I’d suggest just combining the two videos for the showcase. Starting with the shorter trailer and then have it lead into the gameplay. As long as it’s under an hour it should be fine.


Noted. Thanks so much Rammerrush!

It would be awesome if i could make a video for my hack, but i doubt it since i’m still writing my script lol

If ya need any writers for like video scripts, I can lend a hand if ever :grin:

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Writing a script for a showcase?
What a novel idea lol. Here I am always winging it XD


Oh wait, oh no i didn’t meant it for the showcase, i kinda meant the script for my hack lol, probably shoulf have added that detail lmao, i’ve only written the prologue for now, so i doubt i would be able to have a semi product by august lol, even if i have mugs gallore

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That makes more sense XD
Well if you ever need help with the writing, we’ve got lots of talent here.
I’m not going to shill myself on the FEE3 Thread, but just know if you’re worried about that, you shouldn’t be lol
Every year my main worry is recording the video haha

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Honestly writing might not be a problem for me, only eye and mouth frames bc i don’t want to put too much on the blind archer

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Plenty of people to commission for mug work here too. We all want to see you succeed <3

Looking forward for this year FEE3 ! I can’t wait to see what everyone cooked this years :star_struck: