FEE3 2023 Schedule Announcement!

I recognize the sprite used in 2:30 for Felice… but I don’t remember where I saw it first, someone knows from where it came from? o.o

I think it’s in the repo. It should be classified as a Hector Lord Variant


Cool trailer and project. I liked the 7743 quote “why do you need so many branches?”


Transcending Darkness trailer’s is very solid ! I really like the aesthetic of the pixel art ! Also it’s quite ambitious to follow two very different groups, who really seems to give two quite different experiences to the players :smile:

Eternal Winter have a really charming and unique atmosphere, notably the very beautiful portraits helps a lot to enter in this world ! There is also a lot of works on the skills it seems ! :star_struck:

Hetja’s Quest has a very interesting trailer, I didn’t knew much about it before watching the trailer, asides that it was a roguelike. But now I’m very intrigued by the project, how it works in gameplay and how it tells it’s narration ! :open_mouth:


Phew, fell a bit behind there, but I’m all caught up!

Transcending Darkness! I thought this trailer was pretty good; it highlighted a nice balance of narrative concerns and gameplay features. Admittedly my exposure to the previous entry, The Grand Uprising, is pretty limited, but what I said about J&P Book 2 Remake applies here as well; it’s cool to see a fully featured sequel to a well known community hackrom! Great work Memestaralbert!

Eternal Winter! Of course devisio snuck an among us into the thumbnail. :fire_extinguisher:
Eternal Winter looks just as cool and just as polished in the features and graphics departments as it did last year! I’m always looking forward to seeing what kinds of creative, monstrous, 3+ line with narrowfont skills devvy can come up with. And the commentary duo of Bpat and Pikmin1211 reprising their roles from last year’s showcase was awesome to see! Great stuff Devisio!

FE Roguelike - Hetja’s Quest! I was really impressed and pleasantly suprised by RPG Club’s showcase last year, so as soon as I saw them on the schedule, I suspected I would have something to look forward to. And I was happy to be correct! Awesome, creative concept for a project, paired with an awesome, moody trailer and fantastic artwork! The testimonials rendered with in engine text boxs were also a fantastic addition; wonderful work as always RPG Club!

Also, as an aside, shoutouts to @ElPinguinot for seemingly joining me on this journey this year and watching/leaving comments and impressions on every showcase so far! I’m all for more positivity in the community. :relieved:


Ahah I was inspired by seing your dedication every years ! Positivity and congrats for all the amazing works of peoples in the community is important ! :smile:



That’s the first upload, it’s already been posted.

Wow between Hetja’s Quest and now Embrace of the fog (or should I say Tweed Emblem? :laughing: ), roguelike mechanics seems to be very popular this year ! It’s interesting to see different iterations on the idea of a roguelite Fire Emblem
And I really like the design philosophy of Tweed project, there seems to be so much crazy and genius ideas thanks to the contributions ! :laughing:



Embrace of the Fog! I was expecting to see one Roguelike FE project this year, imagine my surprise to immediately learn there is another! Neat to see however that Embrace of the Fog is in LT, and also features a strong community collaboration component! I dig games that have gatcha mechanics but are entirely self contained within the game itself, so that’s cool to see; means each player will have even more of a unique experience. I also think it’s great how the fundamental mechanics changes you’ve made to FE are all informed by your design goals and the needs of the roguelike genre! Great work Lord Tweed and everyone else involved!

Fire Emblem: Three Legacies! A Fodlan hack! Well, it’s in GBA, but the spirit is still there. I’m not a Fodlan Lore Expert:tm:, but the attention to detail here is obvious in the trailer! The custom animations are also cool to see, and there’s a lot of interesting gameplay features and designs as well, like the summonable cursor! Great work so far UltraxBlade!


Oh! I should give a check to this hack, I’m intrigued with what it’s whole deal :smiley:

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Three Legacies trailer was very surprising ! Not only it is unique to see a Fodlan settings in a hack, but the works on the portraits and units seems to be enormous ! :open_mouth:

It wasn’t posted here, but Server 72 “trailer” was quite an experience to say the least, congrats SigmaRaven for going that far ! Only the more attentive will see the full extend of this masterpiece !
Asides from that, Server 72 seems very ambitious in offering a radically different experience from classic FE, I will be sure to give it a try ! And of course, Happy Friday :laughing:

Host of the Dark is a solid romhack and you can see it in this chapter, I’m very happy for GhostCreator and all of the works they put into their project ! :smile:


Oh, I didn’t realize. Here it is:


Already day 4 of FEE3 2023! Time sure flies.

Server 72! This is an easy candidate for one of the most unique projects we’ve seen so far, and almost certainly the most unique showcase! A diegetic mechanics introduction, an honest to god live action sketch, and a trailer? Incredible. I dig the many different weapons and weapon abilities on display, and the process of buying stats is super interesting! And all implemented in LT from the looks of it; great work Sigmaraven!

Host of the Dark! In a year with so many (awesome) trailers, it’s refreshing regardless to have a few more classic style showcases. There’s lots to see here, from excellent use of community custom animations to unique weapons and weapon icons. I particularly liked the stone sword, the alternative seals, and the use of various dragon animations to create various manakete types, fe3 style! Very cool TheGhostCreator!


This was a great trailer - I loved the voice acting


I really like the music of this one… it gives the game a unique, strange, dark yet warm tone.

I never played a Rouge like actually now that I think about it.


It’s the Swan by Saint-Saens if you’re interested in the source, btw.