FEE3 2021 Recruitment

I know this is too late to be changed and it’s FeE3 Tradition. But isn’t October kind of a bad date for many? Wouldn’t September or even August be better since that’s when most people would have the most amount of free time. Why October Exactly? Just asking that is all.

As you say, FEE3 is traditionally held later in the year, and so doing so once again allows for ample time to have passed since the last show to allow for creators to have made substantial progress on projects.

As for when people typically have more free time, I think that this may vary wildly depending on the individual. Additionally, one could also make the argument that we should be preparing for the show (readying our submissions, recording videos) during the months when we are less busy, as this is big a time sink, as opposed to holding the show when we are less busy.

So the reality is that, with the event ever-growing in size and scope, there is probably no ideal time to hold it where everyone’s desires are met. Everyone will have a different preference. Thus, we’ll stick with tradition.


For viewership? Yes, you are right.

But as an incentive for people to make their hacks? August 1st is a great deadline, and those who miss it or want more time can choose to make their own video by Sept 15th instead.

I’d personally be fine with releasing the videos in December instead when some people have more time free during the holidays. But I don’t think most people want a december release.

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Viewership would be very nice for hack creators. Doesn’t matter how good a hack may be if no one plays it due to lower visibility which is kinda sad as that’s what happens to some great projects.

If you’re referring to summer holidays, don’t you think it’s rather egotistic to assume that that’s when people have the most free time? It’s only summer in one hemisphere of the world.

More than 800 million humans live in the Southern Hemisphere , representing around 10–12% of the total global human population of 7.3 billion.

It’s summer for ~88% of the population, though. I don’t think it’s egotistic either way :sweat_smile:

I mean personally I think viewer fatigue is a big issue and the fee3 format is flawed, but it’s not up to me personally. In discord discussions most users have not wanted to change the dates so far. If enough people are bothered by it, I would recommend we poll it. But I don’t think the scheduling will work to make things happen any earlier this year. We would’ve had to start this thread in March or earlier, imo.

In terms of promoting your hack, you should have a look at this thread:

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Is this event only for hacks that don’t yet have a full release? The term, E3, makes me think of showcasing upcoming games. I’ll submit Deity Device if it qualifies.

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Both in-progress and finished projects are eligible. Typically finished projects have been presented at the first FEE3 after their completion (which I’m pretty sure is the case for Deity Device).

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Sounds good. I’ll be looking forward to submitting.


Does the video we submit to volunteer to LP need to show our narration skills? Or just prove we can record and have a decent mic?

Largely just video and audio quality. If you’re willing to give an honest effort to showcase projects, we’re likely happy to have you regardless of your experience in recording LPs.


Can I make my video in chinese?

Most of the viewing audience is English speaking, so I’m unsure how it would perform, but I personally have no issue with a Chinese showcase. I want the event to be as inclusive as possible.

We don’t have any rules about which language the showcase is presented in, so feel free to record in Chinese if you’re most comfortable. However, if you’re more concerned about majority of viewers, you may want to consider having an English speaking volunteer record instead on your behalf. I’ve done this for a Japanese hack (The Nameless Heroes) in the past.

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Heck yeah, love to see the prep for this year starting nice and early.
Just making it clear that I’m likely to be available to LP again this year, I had a great time recording last year and I think I could make even better videos this one.


But the northern hemisphere is where most of the population resides. Like Vesly said.

Yeah i understand. And changing it now would be a bad idea and would lead to rushing stuff.

Are we allowed to submit games that aren’t strictly hacks, such as games made with Lex Talionis, as in my case?

I’d definitely like to submit Mark of the Dragon, if that is the case!

Yes - plenty of LT, SRPG studio projects, FEXNA, and custom engine works were submitted. Feel free to get involved.

I’m excited for this! I applied to help in the background; I had just joined and was hoping for a jumpstart in the community. Glad to see we have a lot of excited people! I’m looking forward to helping, or if I don’t get chosen, seeing the end result!

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Thanks to everyone who has applied so far - please continue to submit your applications if you’re able to support the event’s operations.