FE9 and FE10 Event Script doc/notes

See also:

Tellius event scripts doc/notes

As usual, I decided to not do the other things I was working and do something else again. This time, I felt like checking out the Tellius games. They’re very different but also strangely similar to GBAFE (as expected… ?), and also different but similar to each other. They have procs too, but they’re different (and improved) from GBAFE procs. It also has vtables and other C++ shenanigans that GBAFE doesn’t have at all. Units are kind of a mess and also great. PowerPC more like PainPC, ARM was so much easier to read (altho perhaps I am just used to one and not the other)… but I digress. Here we’re about them event scripts.

Both games use the exact same format for event scripts. The only difference is that FE10 adds some instructions and changes the behavior of another but otherwise they’re mostly the same (to the point that FE9 scripts would probably work fine under the FE10 script engine).

CMB files

They’re all the CMB files inside the Scripts folder, somewhat unsurprisingly. As far as I’m aware, there’s no other CMB files around.

It seems that startup.cmb is always loaded (it contains a number of callable utility scenes).

file format / ScriptInfo struct layout

CMB files and ScriptInfo structs have effectively the same layout, but the way values are encoded differs (CMB files are little-endian with file offsets as pointers, ScriptInfo structs are big-endian (because PowerPC) with mapped addresses as pointers).

The function that loads CMB into memory is located at FE9U:80013E24/FE10E:800A891C (also callable via event script function CmLoadScript). It is also responsible for converting it from little-endian to big-endian, and converting file offsets to real addresses.

+00 | char[4] | "cmb\0"?
+04 | char[4] | "Cxx\0"?
+08 | char[4] | "cmb\0"?
+20 | short   | offset in some memory? (overwritten post-load)
+22 | short   | size of some memory? (maybe globals)
+24 | word    | offset/address of string pool
+28 | word    | offset/address of SceneInfo address array

The rest of the file is reserved for the data that’s referenced by +24 and +28. Typically the string pool is located before the scene info address array, but technically they can be in any order.

The string pool

The string pool is just that: a pool of (null-terminated) strings. It doesn’t have any meaning on its own, but many instructions will refer to within it via offsets.

For example, here’s the string pool in (FE9U’s) startup.cmb (at +2C):

00000000  4e 6f 72 6d 61 6c 4f 6e  6c 79 00 44 69 73 70 6f  |NormalOnly.Dispo|
00000010  73 00 48 61 72 64 00 49  6e 73 74 61 6e 74 44 69  |s.Hard.InstantDi|
00000020  73 70 6f 73 00 44 69 73  70 6f 73 46 69 72 73 74  |spos.DisposFirst|
00000030  00 49 6e 73 74 61 6e 74  44 69 73 70 6f 73 46 69  |.InstantDisposFi|
00000040  72 73 74 00 44 69 73 70  6f 73 43 6f 6e 74 69 6e  |rst.DisposContin|
00000050  ...

An instruction could refer to the string Hard (which is the name of a function called via instruction 0x38) via string pool offset 0x12.

Strings here use Shift-JIS encoding. (Actual Shift-JIS, which is mostly compatible with ASCII. That is why the above string dump looks like it’s ASCII).


First note: the data pointed to by ScriptInfo+28 is an array of addresses (or offsets) to SceneInfo, not to SceneInfo directly. That array is also null-terminated.

+00 | word     | address of a identifier string (may be 0)
+04 | word     | address of script (function for Event functions)
+08 | word     | address of parent ScriptInfo (0 for Event functions)
+0C | byte     | kind
+0D | byte     | argument count (for callable scenes)
+0E | byte     | parameter count (for game events)
+10 | short    | index (used for iteration)
+12 | short    | variable count (including arguments!)
+14 | short[?] | parameters

(Note: this same struct is also used for registering functions callable through events internally, which is what the Event function bits refer to).

The +10 field (index) needs to be the same as the index of this SceneInfo in the array. This is used by the game to lookup the next SceneInfo from the current one.

Event kinds: (I haven’t done much research into those yet)

0 - Callable?
3 start turn, end turn, phase Turn?
6 start turn, end turn, phase Also Turn?

Scene scripts

Tellius scripts are nothing like GBAFE events. (In fact, they’re much more reminiscent to the scripting from the one other set of GBA games I looked a bit at (Harvert Moon: (More) Friends of Mineral Town) (see my notes for that if you’re curious, as well as my tentative decompiler for those)).

Scripts are simply a sequence of bytes. It reads them as follows: the first byte is the instruction id, and then it reads a fixed(*) number of bytes depending on instruction to form the operand. If the operand is more than one byte large, they represent the operand as a big-endian encoded number (as opposed to the ScriptInfo and SceneInfo fields in the CMB that are little-endian).

(*): In FE10, instruction 37 (aka call.loc) has a variable-sized operand length. See below for details.

The script VM is stack-based, which means that almost all operations are done via pushing or popping from the stack. This is very powerful as it allows to easily chain any number of operations much more naturally than when using a register-based VM.

There is only one instruction that can be used to interface with the game state in a meaningful way, and that is instruction 0x38 (call.ext, see below).

Speaking of instruction 0x38/call.ext, this is also the only instruction to take two operands (the first 2 bytes refer to the name string while the last byte is the fallback paremeter count).

Operands may always be signed, or it may depend on instructions (they are at least signed for branches).

Core instruction list

Core interpretation function at FE9U:80011EDC/FE10E:801B7CF0. It is a basic loop containing a huge jump table (with one case for each instruction besides nop).

00 nop 0 does nothing
01 val.8 1 pushes variable value (operand is variable number)
02 val.16 2 ^
03 valx.8 1 pushes value from array (operand is array variable number, pops for index)
04 valx.16 2 ^
05 valy.8 1 pushes value from array (operand is variable of array pointer, pops for index)
06 valy.16 2 ^
07 ref.8 1 pushes variable address (operand is variable number)
08 ref.16 2 ^
09 refx.8 1 pushes indexed array address (operand is array variable number, pops for index)
0A refx.16 2 ^
0B refy.8 1 pushes indexed array address (operand is variable of array pointer, pops for index)
0C refy.16 2 ^
0D gval.8 1 same as val.8 but for globals
0E gval.16 2 same as val.16 but for globals
0F gvalx.8 1 same as valx.8 but for globals
10 gvalx.16 2 same as valx.16 but for globals
11 gvaly.8 1 same as valy.8 but for globals
12 gvaly.16 2 same as valy.16 but for globals
13 gref.8 1 same as ref.8 but for globals
14 gref.16 2 same as ref.16 but for globals
15 grefx.8 1 same as refx.8 but for globals
16 grefx.16 2 same as refx.16 but for globals
17 grefy.8 1 same as refy.8 but for globals
18 grefy.16 2 same as refy.16 but for globals
19 number.8 1 pushes operand
1A number.16 2 ^
1B number.32 4 ^
1C string.8 1 pushes address of string (stringpool + operand)
1D string.16 2 ^
1E string.32 4 ^
1F deref 0 pushes value pointed to address at top of stack, without popping
20 disc 0 naked pop (discards top of stack)
21 store 0 pops value, then address, stores value at address, pushes value
22 add 0 pops 2 values, pushes their sum
23 sub 0 pops 2 values, pushes their difference
24 mul 0 pops 2 values, pushes their product
25 div 0 pops 2 values, pushes their quotient
26 mod 0 pops 2 values, pushes their remainder
27 neg 0 pops 1 value, pushes its negative
28 mvn 0 pops 1 value, pushes its bitwise negation (aka flips bits)
29 not 0 pops 1 value, pushes its logical negation (zero becomes 1, non-zero becomes 0)
2A orr 0 pops 2 values, pushes A | B (bitwise or)
2B and 0 pops 2 values, pushes A & B (bitwise and)
2C xor 0 pops 2 values, pushes A ^ B (bitwise exclusive or)
2D lsl 0 pops 2 values, pushes A << B (bitwise left shift)
2E lsr 0 pops 2 values, pushes A >> B (bitwise right shift)
2F eq 0 pops 2 values, pushes 1 if A == B else 0
30 ne 0 pops 2 values, pushes 1 if A != B else 0
31 lt 0 pops 2 values, pushes 1 if A < B else 0 (unsure)
32 le 0 pops 2 values, pushes 1 if A <= B else 0
33 gt 0 pops 2 values, pushes 1 if A > B else 0 (unsure)
34 ge 0 pops 2 values, pushes 1 if A >= B else 0 (unsure)
35 eqstr 0 pops 2 string addresses, pushes 1 if strings are equal else 0
36 nestr 0 pops 2 string addresses, pushes 1 if strings are not equal else 0
37 call.loc 1 or 2 (*) calls scene from the same script (operand is id)
38 call.ext 2+1 calls scene or function by name (first 2 byte operand refers to string (stringpool + operand), last byte is number of arguments
39 ret 0 returns from scene/ends scene (for callable scenes: topmost stack value is return value)
3A b 2 branches to (pc + 1 + operand)
3B by 2 pops value, branches to (pc + 1 + operand) if value is non-zero (“branch if yes”)
3C bky 2 pops value, pushes 1 and branches to (pc + 1 + operand) if value is non-zero (“branch and keep if yes”)
3D bn 2 pops value, branches to (pc + 1 + operand) if value is zero (“branch if no”)
3E bkn 2 pops value, pushes 0 and branches to (pc + 1 + operand) if value is zero (“branch and keep if no”)
3F yield 0 holds scene without ending it, giving control back to engine
40 <unknown> 4 does nothing (possibly dummied debug instruction)
41 printf 1 pops operand of values and calls printf with those as arguments (which is also dummied)
42 inc 0 (FE10 only) pops address and increments (adds 1) value at that address
43 dec 0 (FE10 only) pops address and decrements (subtracts 1) value at that address
44 dup 0 (FE10 only) pushes a duplicate of the value at the top of the stack
45 retn 0 (FE10 only) return no, equivalent to number 0; ret
46 rety 0 (FE10 only) return yes, equivalent to number 1; ret
47 assign 0 (FE10 only) equivalent to store; disc

(*): In FE10 only, if call.loc's byte-operand has its top bit set, then it will load a second byte, clear the top byte of the first one, and interpret the pair as a big-endian 2byte value.

All the mnemonics are just me making things up. If you are going to write a script dumper/editor feel free to change some (or all) of them if you feel like it is needed. (That being said, my own tools are probably going to be using those).

One could assume that all of the mnem.xyz opcodes are just generated differently by the script assembler depending on the operand. For this reason, I will omit the .xyz in examples later.

Note: when a binary operation is done on multiple popped value, the top value (last value to be pushed) is the right operand. For example:

  number 5
  number 3

Will push the result of 5 - 3 (which is 2), not 3 - 5. I don’t think there’s any exceptions to this.


Calling scenes and functions via the call instructions is done as follows:

  1. Arguments are pushed onto the stack by the caller
  2. Call
  3. The return value is implicitly pushed onto the stack

When calling another scene: The arguments are popped from the stack and stored (from bottom to top) to the start of callee’s local memory.

When calling a function: The arguments are popped from the stack and then passed (from bottom to top) to the function.

The function responsible for calling an external (named) scene/function is at FE9U:80011D20. It is inlined in the script interpreter in FE10.

Scene scripts common patterns

Assignment of a variable

From C00.cmb:

  ref 0                # push address of variable #0
  string "PID_WAYU"    # push string "PID_WAYU" (callable argument)
  call UnitGetByPID, 1 # call UnitGetByPID
  store                # store result in variable #0 and keep result

Note that it is not uncommon for the game to do the above, which is to forget to consume/discard the remaining value caused by the store instruction. It is unknown whether this was a bug or intentional.

In FE10, those store opcodes are much less common as assign seems to be preferred, which do not have the issue of leaving a value on the stack.

Short-circuiting logical and/or

This is what the bky/bkn instructions seem to be used for.

Logical and, from startup.cmb:

  val 2
  val 3
  le    # push ([2] <= [3])
  bkn L005E

  val 2
  val 4
  le    # push ([2] <= [4])
  bkn L0066
  val 2
  val 5
  le    # push ([2] <= [5])
  bn later

This was probably generated by a if ([2] <= [3] && [2] <= [4] && [2] <= [5])-like statement.

Logical or, from startup.cmb:

  string "PID_JANAFF"
  call UnitCheckLiveByPID
  bky L0062

  string "PID_VULCI"
  call UnitCheckLiveByPID

  bn later

Again, this was likely from a if (UnitCheckLiveByPID("PID_JANAFF") || UnitCheckLiveByPID("PID_VULCI")) statement.

FE9 Event functions

Here’s a big dump of all functions that are at some point registered as being callable via event scripts, with their mapped address, argument count and callable name.

Event Functions
Address  a Name
=======  = ====
800BAD9C 2 Focus
800BAE4C 2 InstantFocus
800BAB64 1 UnitFocus
800BACCC 0 FocusWait
800BABFC 0 FocusHardWait
800BAAD4 0 DefaultEscapeTalk
800BA9BC 0 DefaultDieTalk
800BA8F8 2 UnitEscape
800BA784 0 AllUnitEscape
800BA75C 3 SetTerrain
800BA638 1 MindGetMoney
800BA69C 2 _gi
800BB0B4 1 global
800BB080 1 regist
800BB04C 1 get
800BB018 1 set
800BAFE4 1 clr
800BAEAC 0 TalkExist
800BAF1C 1 TalkEvent
800BAEF8 0 TalkResume
800BAF80 1 TalkEventDirect
800BA5AC 1 RectBuild
800BA528 1 RectLeave
800BA4A8 1 RectKill
800BA138 3 RectSetPos
800B9B58 2 RectFadeIn
800B9A9C 2 RectFadeOut
800B9A34 2 RectFadeOutDelete
800B9C14 5 RectMoveOffset
800B9C38 6 RectMove
800B99B8 2 GMapPenDraw1Seq
800B98B8 1 GMapPenDrawWait
800B983C 2 GMapPenReset
800B97B8 2 GMapPenDispOnOff
800B9724 3 GMapPenDarkOnOff
800B9630 6 GMapPointOn
800B95B4 2 GMapPointOff
800B9548 1 GMapPointOffAll
800B94CC 2 GMapRegionOn
800B9450 2 GMapRegionOnSkipFlash
800B93D4 2 GMapRegionOff
800B9368 1 GMapRegionOffAll
800B92EC 2 GMapRegionFlashOnce
800B9258 3 GMapRegionFlashOnOff
800B91AC 5 GMapFlagMarkOn
800B9130 2 GMapFlagMarkOff
800B90C4 1 GMapFlagMarkOffAll
800BA438 2 RectGet
800BA38C 3 RectSet
800BA298 6 RectSetCurve
80108FA8 1 RectPreLoad
800BA230 2 RectAdjustBoundary
8005BB2C 0 _pldone
800B6E8C 5 intplGetValue
800B9060 1 DialogDirect
800B8FFC 1 Dialog
8006F014 0 DialogResult
8006F00C 1 DialogSetDefault
800B8E5C 2 Dialog2Items
800B8DE4 3 Dialog3Items
800B8D54 4 Dialog4Items
800B8D34 0 DialogGetRes
800B8F98 1 DialogTutorial
800B8ED0 1 td
800B8EBC 0 tde
800B8CB0 6 TimeiShow
800B8C34 5 TimeiShowHold
800B8BA8 7 TimeiShowGMap
800B8B24 6 TimeiShowHoldGMap
800B8AFC 2 TimeiShowHoldOff
800B8AD8 1 TimeiShowHoldOffAll
800B8A5C 5 TutShowKari
800B8A28 2 Fade
800B8A04 0 isFading
800B8974 5 Flash
800B88E8 0 FlashWait
800B88C4 0 isFlash
800B8894 1 WipeOut
800B8864 1 WipeIn
800B8840 0 WipeEnd
800B87B4 0 WipeWait
800B8790 0 isWipe
800B874C 1 ProcKill
800B870C 1 ProcExists
800B861C 1 PadSetMask
800B85EC 1 PadResetMask
800B8534 0 NetuzoInit
800B850C 3 NetuzoSet
800B841C 3 NetuzoBattle
800B8070 2 BGMPlay
800B7FD8 3 BGMPlayVol
800B7F98 3 BGMSetVol
800B7EF8 1 BGMStop
800B7E60 3 BGMFadeIn
800B7DB4 2 BGMFadeOut
800B7D08 2 BGMMute
800B7C4C 2 BGMCont
800B7C28 1 BGMQuietOn
800B7C04 1 BGMQuietOff
800B7A80 0 BGMResume
800B7A2C 1 SFXPlay
800B7A08 0 ENVQuietOn
800B79E4 0 ENVQuietOff
800B79B4 1 ENVSilentOn
800B7990 0 ENVSilentOff
800B796C 0 ENVNoisyOn
800B7948 0 ENVNoisyOff
800B7828 1 WaitF
800B7790 1 WaitM
800B83A4 6 AddTT
800B8340 3 SetFragile
800B82D8 4 SetShooter
800B8298 2 SetPit
800B8250 4 SetRock
800B7938 0 GetRank
800B790C 0 Normal
800B78F0 0 Hard
800B78D4 0 Maniac
800B81C0 0 JyokyoMapCapture
800B8198 0 JyokyoMapShow
800B812C 0 JyokyoMapHide
800B8174 0 JyokyoMapPlayerOn
800B8150 0 JyokyoMapEnemyOn
800B8108 0 JyokyoMapDelete
800B76D0 1 MoviePlay
800B7658 1 ChapterMoviePlay
80089524 0 SetWhiteBackdrop
800894F8 0 RemoveBackdrop
800B7580 0 UnitsPush
800B74AC 0 UnitsPush_Uninitialize
800B7410 0 UnitsPop
800B7378 0 UnitsPopWithoutMap
800B7210 0 UnitsInitialize
80110094 0 TTPMInit
80110048 1 TTPMEntry
800B72CC 0 AllPush
800B727C 0 AllPop
800C4384 0 ArenaDump
800C0AF4 0 Comeback
800C0AE0 0 DisableSkip
800C0ACC 0 EnableSkip
800B7200 0 Check
800B719C 1 CheckAttackable
800B7140 1 Join
800B70EC 1 DispPreLoadWholeForce
800B7098 1 DispLoadWholeForce
800B7044 1 DispFreeWholeForce
800B6DF0 0 SallyGetSurplus
800B6DB8 2 SallySetByPos
800B6D88 1 SallySetByGroup
800B6D50 2 SallyAddByPos
800B6D20 1 SallyAddByGroup
800B6FE4 1 SelectAuxiliary
800B6CD8 1 report
800B6C6C 1 StaffRoll
800B6C00 1 WarRecord
800B6B94 1 IndividualWarRecord
800B6B20 0 WaitPressAnyKey
80016538 0 dump
800B7250 0 UnitDispReload
80023DC0 0 MapUpdate
8014C6E0 0 _mf1
8014C6B8 0 _mf2
800B6F10 0 _intr
800EB774 0 MCResult
800C0750 0 SuspendEvent
800C068C 0 ResumeEvent
801E4540 0 TutorialResume
800B6E00 1 Complete18
800B6A70 0 BeginFinale
800B6A38 0 EndFinale
800B6A30 0 IsE3Version

800BD610 1 ForceGetFirst
800BD5E0 1 ForceGetCount
800BD704 2 UnitGet
800BD638 3 UnitSet
800BD470 1 UnitGetNext
800BD424 1 UnitGetForce
800BD5AC 1 UnitGetByPID
800BD4C0 2 UnitGetByPos
800BD0CC 1 UnitGetX
800BD08C 1 UnitGetY
800BD034 1 UnitGetMaxHP
800BCFF4 1 UnitGetHP
800BCC88 1 UnitGetRace
800BD3DC 1 UnitGetStatus
800BD388 2 UnitClrStatus
800BD334 2 UnitSetStatus
800BCF9C 2 UnitSetHP
800BCF44 2 UnitSetEXP
800BCDF0 1 UnitForcedSally
800BCD7C 1 UnitDontMoveSally
800BCD58 0 MindGetMe
800BCD34 0 MindGetTarget
800BCD24 0 MindGetMind
800BCC44 1 PIDisAlive
800BCED4 2 UnitQueryPID
800BCE64 2 UnitQueryJID
800BCA38 2 UnitTransferToForce
800BD284 1 UnitBreakup
800BD1A4 2 UnitPairup
800BD10C 1 UnitClassChange
800BC9D4 2 UnitSetCpAttackSeq
800BC970 2 UnitSetCpMoveSeq
800BC90C 2 UnitSetCpHealSeq
800BC8A8 2 UnitSetCpMTypeID
800BC82C 2 UnitSearchItem
800BC7C8 2 UnitAddItem
800BC760 2 UnitDelItem
800BC6E8 3 UnitReplaceItem
800BC684 1 UnitGetWeaponCount
800BC5FC 1 UnitGetItemCount
800BC588 2 UnitQueryEquip
800BC458 2 UnitSetEquip
800BC4FC 2 UnitCanUseIt
800BC3F4 1 UnitGetEquipWepI
800BC380 1 UnitGetEquipAccI
800BC29C 1 UnitSetWeaponAway
800BC204 1 UnitSetAccAway
800BC11C 2 UnitItemSetDrop
800BC0A4 2 UnitItemGetValuation
800BBFD0 1 UnitPutToWarehouse
800BBFD0 1 UnitItemSendtoWarehouseAll
800BBF04 2 UnitItemSendtoWarehouse
800BCC34 1 BMSetTurn
800BCC14 1 BMSetPhase
800BCBBC 4 BMSetTanto
800BCB80 1 BMSetMoney
800BCB38 2 BMSetTerm
800BCB0C 2 BMSetValue
800BCAFC 0 BMGetChapter
800BCC24 0 BMGetTurn
800BCC04 0 BMGetPhase
800BCB24 1 BMGetValue
800BCB70 0 BMGetMoney
800BCAEC 0 EventGetX
800BCADC 0 EventGetY
800BBD68 1 ItemGetIndex
800BBE9C 2 UnitAddSkill
800BBE1C 2 UnitTstSkill
800BBD9C 2 UnitClrSkill
8000CEE4 1 GetRnd
800BBD44 2 MapGetUnit
800BBD20 2 MapGetTerrain
800BBCFC 2 MapGetSight
800BBC58 2 UnitGetMoveCost
800BBC50 0 GCST
800BBC40 0 GetBattleType
800BBC14 0 SysGetRound
800BBB58 2 PersonGetYellLevel
800BBA38 3 PersonSetYellLevel
800BB9E8 1 CpClrNoMoveFlag
800BB9E0 0 GetLanguage

80127918 0 GameBind
801278EC 0 GameUnbind
80127BA8 1 TutorialCall
80127B50 1 QueryLesson
80127054 0 BeginMapHoldCursor
80127028 0 EndMapHoldCursor
801275BC 1 _pa
80126FA0 1 _tt
80126F7C 0 _tr
80126944 0 Config_Tutorial
8012690C 1 Config_TutSet_unitInfo
801268D4 1 Config_TutSet_terInfo
8012689C 1 Config_TutSet_otheridoshowing
8012688C 1 Config_TutSet_XinfoPage
8012687C 0 Config_TutGet_sfx_vol
8012684C 1 Config_TutSet_sfx_vol
80126830 0 GetTutorial
80013E24 1 CmLoadScript
80013D4C 0 CmFreeScript
80013C78 1 CmSleepScript
80013BD4 0 CmWakeupScripts
80127A00 0 _seqini
801279D4 0 _bmsini
80126F58 1 ArcLoad
80126F34 1 ArcFree
80126EB0 2 _cmb_mess_load
80126A60 0 TutorialInitialize
80126D0C 0 TutorialSallyCreate
80126CE8 0 TutorialSallyDelete
80126CB4 0 TutorialBasesCreate
80126C90 0 TutorialBasesDelete
80126DE8 1 TutorialUnlock
80126DB0 1 TutorialLock
80126D78 1 TutorialLearn
80126D40 1 TutorialForget
80126E80 0 taikitk
80126E50 0 turntk
80126E20 0 turnatk
80127000 1 TutShow
8008F400 4 CreateNoticeFrame
8008D9B8 7 CreateNoticeLFrame
8008D988 0 DeleteNoticeFrame
8012835C 3 Tut3SArrowUAnim
801282E8 3 Tut3SArrowDAnim
80128268 3 Tut3SArrowABAnim
801281E4 3 Tut3SArrowBCAnim
80128160 3 Tut3SArrowCAAnim

8019D9BC 5 EventArrowAppend
8019D958 2 EventArrowStart
8019D8CC 2 EventArrowFocus
8019D850 5 EventArrowColor
8019D930 1 EventArrowFadeOut
8019D7A8 0 EventArrowWait
8019D90C 0 EventArrowDelete

801A23D0 0 UnitFocusOff
801A233C 0 UnitFocusOn
801A21C0 0 UnitFadeIn
801A212C 0 UnitFadeOut
801A2098 0 UnitFadeOff
801A1DB8 1 UnitWalkDir
801A1D04 1 UnitWalkSlow
801A1198 2 UnitMoveDir
801A0F68 3 UnitMovePos
801A0E84 3 UnitSetPos
801A0D64 3 UnitRotate
801A2464 0 UnitMoveWait
801A0A10 2 UnitAnim
801A0B20 3 UnitAnimF
801A094C 1 UnitDead
801A087C 1 UnitWarpOut
801A06EC 3 UnitTackle
801A0434 2 UnitTransform
801A05F4 2 InstantUnitTransform
801A147C 3 DisposGetGroupCenter
801A19D8 1 Dispos
801A1960 1 DisposAsynchronous
801A1934 1 InstantDispos
801A1884 1 InstantDisposRank
801A17CC 1 DisposFirst
801A17A0 1 InstantDisposFirst
801A16E8 1 DisposContinue
801A16BC 1 InstantDisposContinue
801A1604 1 DisposWarp
801A14D8 1 DisposAuxiliary
801A0400 1 MapLoad
801A0374 0 MapReload
8019F7CC 2 InstantDoorOpen
8019F688 2 InstantDoorClose
8019F4A8 2 DoorOpen
8019F2D0 2 DoorClose
8019F13C 2 InstantRoofOpen
8019F04C 2 InstantRoofClose
8019EEE0 2 RoofOpen
8019ED7C 2 RoofClose
8019F230 2 TBoxOpen
8019ED74 3 VisitIn
8019ECB4 3 VisitOut
8019EAF4 2 BuildDestruction
801A0298 1 SetOutLink
801A0258 2 SetSight
801A01D8 1 SetWeather
801A016C 3 SetAmbient
801A0100 3 SetDiffuse
801A0208 6 SetFog
801A1BF4 1 SetGrid
801A1B58 1 SetCircle
801A1A90 1 SetSepia
801A25FC 1 SetEventBattle
801A0060 3 SetMapCamera
8019FFBC 3 InstantSetMapCamera
8019FF68 0 CopyMapCamera
8019FEB8 0 PastMapCamera
8019FE54 0 InstantPastMapCamera
8019FE2C 0 CreateEventCamera
8019FD40 4 SetEventCameraAt
8019FCD0 4 SetEventCameraRot
8019FCAC 1 StartEventCamera
8019FC88 0 DeleteEventCamera
8019FC08 0 EventCameraWait
801A2004 1 SetEventCameraPrec
8019EA74 2 ShowMapCursor
8019EA48 0 HideMapCursor
8019E818 3 EffectPlay
8019E764 0 EffectWait
8019E6D8 3 EventQuake
8019E6B4 0 EventQuakeStop
8019F9B4 2 BuildInstShow
8019F914 2 BuildInstHide
8019FA50 3 BuildInstAnim
8019EC0C 3 SetRoofEnable
801A1F38 2 GetMapHeightBase
801A1E6C 2 GetMapHeight
8019E690 1 SetPullCursor
8019E668 1 SetCamSuspend
8019E640 1 SetOnBtFocus
8019E5D4 2 UnitSetFixed
801A2254 1 UnitSetHold
8019E564 1 HidePrim2D
8019E528 0 GetFukiPosX
8019E4EC 0 GetFukiPosY

801B7818 2 AchieveSet
801B7638 0 PlayerDeadCheck
801B75F4 0 EnemyDeadCheck
801B7564 1 EnemyUnitCheckByPID
801B7488 0 EnemyMonkCheck
801B73DC 0 EnemySelfDefenceCheck
801B7330 0 EnemyTigerCheck
801B7260 0 PlayerEscapeCheck
801B7188 0 PlayerEscapeCount
801B70C8 0 ShooterBulletCheck
801B7094 0 GetDiedPlayerCount

TODO: add more references to code so that one can trace back and verify what I say.
TODO: add FE10 event function list.


Stan please

Seriously though. Damn!


I’ve taken a look through your stuff, there are some interesting things there. Under “Units.txt” you have a FE9 Unit Struct, where did you find that? It doesn’t look like anything i’ve found.

Since you have been looking into this stuff, do you have an idea for where i should look for why giving units more skills and items in system.cmp and dispos.cmp than they start with doesn’t work, even though changing those that are there does work?

The unit struct documented in my doc repo is the one that lie in RAM, not any unit data from any of the data files (I’ve been looking at a disassembly of the dol instead of trying to make sense off the data files, so RAM stuff usually comes out first).

I’ve yet to find anything that relates to loading units from files (I think) so I have no idea (my guess would be that the amount of skills/items to load is also set somewhere, but idk much about the format of those files to be sure). I’ll try to look into it